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Reinstalling generational versions

This situation appears when new release versions are issued, i.e. usually once every quarter, when all 3 versions of new releases have not yet been released.

At the moment it is not possible to reinstall from a newer release of one generation version to older releases of newer generation versions. For the transition between generational versions, it is advisable to use the tip, the so-called Rule 4.

It follows that it is always necessary to determine the target version to which you want to reinstall and to use Rule 4 to calculate through which version the reinstallation must be performed.

Calculation using Rule 4:

We want to reinstall to version album.01 and the default version is gaia.12.

In this example we count 01 + 4 is 05, so the lower version I have to go from is iris.05. I keep counting 05 + 4 is 09, so the next version I will go through is ori.09.

The resulting sequence is therefore gaia.12 -> ori.09 -> iris.05 -> alba.01.