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Production methodologies

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By cooperation we mean a situation where another company performs one of the operations of the routing instead of the producer. Cooperation is not when another company produces a certain component for a producer, in this case it is a purchase of material.

The basis of cooperation is the definition of cooperation cards of Articles and definition of the article categories for these cards. The category for cooperation has no special attributes, we only recommend to activate the Preset reservation flags option. The type of Cooperation with the abbreviation "E" is defined in the Demonstration Company. Cooperation article cards should be of stock item type (for monitoring items by using Coverage function) and must have the activated Batch records option (for the correct pricing cooperation in a job card).

The Order of Cooperation script ("Kooperace_Obj.pas") is used in the standard to order cooperation and to change the actual operation to a cooperation operation.

We run the script from the2nd or 4th page of the job card in the Browse mode, while the ruler must be set to a cooperation item. The item of cooperation is given by the Article category, which is specified in the script parameter "DruhZbo_Kooperace". The item of cooperation can be defined already in the product routing (if we always perform specific operations in cooperation), or we can insert it in the job card (if we decide during production that we leave the operation to our cooperant). In this case, we can delete the original items from the operation, preferably by setting the script parameter "SmazatPolVKoop" = "Yes". The script deletes all original operation items (resources, routing items) and leaves only the inserted cooperation item.

Once launched, the Cooperation Order form opens with  the Quantity, Supplier, Date, and Order Book fields pre-filled. The quantity is the required quantity from the job card item, the supplier is loaded from the operation, if it is already entered in the operation, otherwise from the "ImplSupplier" parameter. If the parameter "PreferujImplDodavatele" = Yes, then the default supplier from the parameter will always overwrite the supplier from the operation.

After pressing the OK button, an order is created in the specified order book, a new batch is assigned to an item of a cooperation in job card and to an order item, a note of the type defined by the "PoznVyrobek" parameter is inserted on the order item with  reference to the product of the job card, a cooperant is entered into the job card operation (if necessary), a job card and an order are linked through page9.

Receipt of a cooperation from the supplier is done through standard K2 mechanisms: creation of a receipt card and receipt of a cooperation to in the production warehouse and creation of an invoice with the price of cooperation. The item of cooperation is linked between the job card and the order via a batch, the correct pricing of the cooperation in the job card is ensured by the function Stock recalculation.

Linked Graphics K2_SKRIPT

Picture: The Order of cooperation form