
This module is used for managing of the sale opportunities leading up to possible closing of business. The way to the business transaction closing is mapping of the market potential and working with the information. In K2 IS all the key events are concentrated to the only well-arranged and predicative agenda - the book of Partners.

The module main objective is the registration of commercial information that influences development and fixing the business and following evaluating, e.g. the date when the business has been fixed and the name of person who is responsible for it. The predicative capability about the current status of commercial cases is user friendly in such a degree (it is available immediately in the book) that it is not necessary to investigate their history on the other pages.

Picture: Tree Module Menu of Marketing - CRM

One from the main advantages of the Marketing module is the automatic data conversion from the pre-contract status to the contract processing instead of the manual insertion of the contract agreed facts. The other module preference is its universal design based on the code lists. By loading data to these code lists it is possible to define different evaluating criteria for every firm. The user's rights for editing of the available code lists can be set for every Marketing module function in the Administrator module.

The method of records in which you make use of more pages with the specific types of information is identical with the other K2 Information System modules. The module integration to the standard system abolishes the boundary between the evaluation in the marketing (evaluation of the facts that might occur and that are being prepared or realized) and in the economic modules (evaluation of the facts that has already happened on the base of the accounting documents).

Bulk Actions in Marketing Module:

It is  possible to execute the bulk changes and confirmation of records in the Marketing module as well as in the other K2 IS modules. Every module (Partners, Contact persons, Activities …) contains its specific table where you can select the fields destined for the bulk change. Bulk actions can be initiated over container or records marked with asterisk and can be launched via module menu Form - Bulk Actions.

Evaluation in Marketing Module:

In the Marketing module there are print reports that can be classified into the following groups:

Module localization

Comments of the Marketing module are localized, that means that the user can set the comments in more various languages (see the User's parameters - language chapter).