Items of payment documents
Items of payment documents
Items of payment documents represent an itemized view of internal documents, cash vouchers and bank statements. The book serves mainly to view Items of payment documents in order to provide users information about payments made over a certain period, for a certain period and customer etc. Items of payment documents are running from the Tree menu Finance - Items of payment documents - Items of payment documents.
Picture: Book Items of payment documents
The work in this book is based on filters. The system has pre-set selections:
- Unmatched bank statement items - Bank statement items that have the type N (not matched) are displayed;
- Payments of invoices and advances per period - the user enters the date from - to, and the undo cancelled items II, IO, AR, AP for the given period will be displayed;
- Items per company and period - the user enters company and date from - to, the undo cancelled items of selected customer for the given period will be displayed;
- Items per period - the user enters date from - to and only undo cancelled items for the given period will be displayed.
Functions over Items of payment documents
Enter |
Payment document. The second page of the primary document is displayed and the ruler is set to the item from which the function was started. |
Automatic report
Over the items of payment documents you can press automatic reports. It is set automatic report Payments by customer by system, where purchase documents (invoices in and advances received) are displayed with a minus, so it is possible to perform totals per customer.
Picture: Items of payment documents - icon to start automatic report Payments by customer