Load Balancer
Load Balancer is an element of the K2 architecture that can be used to distribute the load among multiple application servers. The K2 API thus has the ability to connect to multiple application servers simultaneously. When sending a request, the least busy server is evaluated first and it receives the request for processing.
Picture: Load Balancer and K2 API
Example of using Load Balancer and K2 API:
The K2 API receives the request for processing. Load Balancer is addressed for the fastest request processing. The Load Balancer sends a request to all ASs and finds out their current load. It evaluates the least busy server and passes this information to the K2 API. The K2 API thus sends the request directly via the selected application server to the Load Balancer.
LoadBalancer can also be used for web K2, which when the user logs on, finds the most suitable application server and connects the user to it.
Picture: Load Balancer and Web K2
Example of using Load Balancer and Web K2:
Web K2 accepts the user's login request. The web K2 Load Balancer will contact the request to process the request as quickly as possible. The Load Balancer sends a request to all AS and finds out their current load. Web K2 passes the information on the least busy server. Web K2 will use the best evaluated server and thus the fastest processing of the user's login request will take place. Every other request of a given user is already processed by a specific selected AS.
Each K2 API and K2 web installation has its own Load Balancer. In the installation, you can set a specific list of application servers and the configuration of the Load Balancer, which can affect the algorithm for selecting a suitable application server.
Load Balancer evaluates the most suitable application server for request processing in two modes:
- Loading and evaluating the best AS before each connection request (preLoadingEnabled = false)
- Before each request to create a connection, the application servers are bypassed with a request for their statistics, which are processed and evaluated. The most appropriate AS is then used for the given request.
- Load and evaluate the best AS continuously (preLoadingEnabled = true)
- Statistics are read in the specified time interval and the best AS is evaluated. Each connection request is evaluated based on the calculated result of the statistics.
Load Balancer parameters
- requestTimeout:(default 1s) Each connection request is evaluated based on the calculated result of the statistics. If a connection fails with the AS by this time, or the AS does not respond by this time, the AS will be dropped for this particular evaluation. Upon the next request, it will be added to the list of possible application servers again.
- validTimeout: (default 0 u preLoadingEnabled = false, 1000- preLoadingEnabled = true) - the time for which the detected statistics and thus the best AS are valid.
- maxHistoryCount:(default 0) - number of records in history. If the number is 0, the history is not recorded. It is used only for debugging the optimal setting of parameters, when we can look into the history of the distribution of requests and adjust the parameters accordingly.
- preLoadingEnabled:(default false) - enable / disable mode with continuous loading of statistics. If set to true, then validTimeout means the time interval in which the statistics are updated.
- The appServers section defines the application servers that will be used by the Load Balancer. The default is the one used in the K2 API / K2 Web configuration
- Ex. for K2 API (Web K2 is similar only, configuration is done in JSON) "<add server =". "pipe =" ScriptService "/>”
- server: IP or PC name
- pipe: pipe AS name
- the multiplier section is used to set the weight of individual statistics and thus to influence the calculation algorithm
- Ex. for K2 API (Web K2 is similar only, configuration is done in JSON) <add uid="bscSystemCPUAvg" value="1"/>"
- uid: statistic identifier
bscSystemCPUAvg - average CPU usage over time
bscSystemFreeMemory - currently free operation memory
bscAppPoolSpandAvg - average waiting time for the K2 AS request before it is serviced
bscAppNCLSessions - number of connected web K2 users
bscAppAnonymousSessions - number of anonymous threads for K2 API
bscAppSchedulerSessions - number of running scheduled tasks
- value: the value by which the received statistic value will be multiplied by AS. This makes it possible to influence the weight of a given parameter.
A value of 0 disables the evaluation of this parameter during the calculation.
If in any mode the Load Balancer does not connect with the AS in the required time interval, or the AS does not supply statistics in the specified time, it is excluded from the evaluation for the given AS pass. In the next pass, the Load Balancer will try to connect to the AS again.
News in version
News in K2 alba.06
Travel Orders - New Posted field in Company Currency
On travel orders, we have added the Posted field in Company Currency to the right panel.
Amounts posted on a travel order in a foreign currency will be recalculated to the company currency at the exchange rate on the date the business trip begins (or the exchange rate on the date the advance is provided, if earlier).
Checking the date of items when saving a travel order
When saving a travel order, from versions K2 alba.06 and K2 vega.02, it is checked whether the date on the document items falls within the interval between the start and end of the business trip from the document header. If it does not, an error message is displayed and the document cannot be saved.
Items in the Advances section may have a date lower than the start of the business trip.
Travel orders – copy with new start and check period when saving a new document
In travel orders, we have created the Copy with new start function. After starting the function, an input form will be displayed in which we enter New start. After approval, the current document will be copied and all dates in the header and items will be shifted by the appropriate number of days in the new document.
When saving a new document, a period check will be performed. If the Trip Start Date does not fall within the set Period, the question will be displayed: "The trip start date is outside the period range. Do you wish to save?"
Bulk billing of travel orders
In travel orders, we have created a bulk action Billing. After starting the action, a form will be displayed in which we enter the Billing Date and choose whether to bill all travel orders in one specific currency or in the currencies specified on the travel orders.
Agreement code - display of information from the contract
The number of the last contract, on which the code appears, and the contractual partner are now displayed in the Agreement Code list. The last contract means the document with the highest date Valid from.
Modification of fields informing about advances on invoices and contracts/ orders issued in case of unconfirmed advance
On invoices and contracta/orders issued, the fields informing about advances in case of unconfirmed advance have been changed. For unconfirmed advance payments, the field Rest payment is not calculated and the unconfirmed advance payment is displayed with a red exclamation mark icon.
The icon with a red exclamation mark informs about the existence of an unconfirmed or unpaid advance payment. The field [i]Rest payment[/i] is not calculated for these advances, because these advances cannot be drawn.
The icon with yellow coins informs about the existence of advances to be drawn. The field [i]Rest payment[/i] is calculated for these advances.
The VAT posting check also checks unposted internal documents related to VAT applied in another month
When checking VAT posting, in the case of internal documents, internal documents for reposting VAT applied in another month from the book that is set in the VAT posting settings function are also checked. If these internal documents are not posted, the VAT posting check displays the message: Difference in amounts on the primary and accounting document.
Unposted book – display of results via the Show unposted documents action
Now, after starting the Unposted book, the book form will be displayed empty. First, you make the settings – select the document types and set the period. Then, in the ribbon, run the Show unposted documents action.
General ledger - Movements - Reference numbers in columns
You can now add the [i]Reference number[/i] (ReferenceNumberCalc) field to the columns on the Movements tab in the General Ledger.
Report General Ledger - Turnover - Display of Profit Before Tax and Without Tax-Non-Tax Accounts
In the reports General Ledger - Turnover (UCT_OBZ.AM and UCT_OBZ_X.AM) with the parameters IncomeStatement = "Yes" (only profit and loss accounts are displayed) and IgnoreTaxUndeductAccounts = "No" (also tax-non-taxable accounts are displayed), under the total Profit and Loss, the Profit Before Tax and Profit Without Tax-Non-Taxable Accounts are also displayed.
We have added the parameter IncomeTaxesAccountAbbr - Abbreviation of Income Tax Accounts to these reports. The accounts specified in this parameter are not included in the Profit and Loss Before Tax. The default value of the parameter is "59".
Inventory list of assets – new reports
We have created new Asset Inventory List (Asset Inventory List.AM) and Asset Inventory List in landscape format (AssetInventoryList_X.AM) reports. The reports run above asset cards.
The NCLDURATIONTOLOG parameter sets the time in ms after which messages will be logged when the web client communicates with the application server.
By default, this parameter is set to 750ms.
News in K2 alba.05
Basic Function
Clear entry access right
We have created the separate function to remove the entry access right from the records in K2 modules. The Clear entry access right function sets the right number = 0 to the record.
Import of received invoices - ISDOC (new parameter SaveToAttachment)
A SaveToAttachment parameter has been added to the ISODC invoice import script (Fap_ImportXML.PAS). Enter the type of document with which the ISDOC file will be saved in the imported invoice. If it is not entered, then the ISDOC is not saved as an attachment to the document.
News in Recycling Contributions (K2 iris.09, K2 alba.05)
As of versions K2 iris.09, K2 Alba.05, subsequent modifications were made to the Recycling contributions function:
1) In accordance with the legislation, we changed the name of the Eleketroodpad tab to Recycling contributions
2) We have added a Unit field in the Groups code list (for recording recycling contributions), which offers the values "pcs" and "kg". In principle, the point is that there are groups that should be registered in kg (e.g. group 2-1-1 (Large-screen screens, special screens (e.g. for medical and measuring devices), radar screens, wall displays, sports timers, etc. .), which are cards of goods that are usually not sold and not registered in the unit of measure kg, but for the purposes of reporting recycling contributions, the weight of the item is now calculated in the report Recycling contributions (Electro-waste). invoices issued from the Net Weight field.
3) The optional initialization has been adjusted, which will fill the Group codebook with records according to the REMY tariff, including the new Unit field. If the Groups codebook contains records inserted manually, the value in the Unit field must be completed.
4) The Battery box can now be checked for each recycling contribution record
5) If the Battery field is checked, new fields for recording the Type of batteries, Quantity and Weight and Price with batteries will be made available.
Point 4 and 5 are related to the tariff of recycling contributions, which have a note "b" in the group.
6) The Company field has been added so that different recycling contributions can now be defined for different custom companies.
7) The report Recycling Contributions (Electric Waste) (ElectricWaste_Overview.AM) was modified, which now takes into account tariff groups with batteries, grouped by battery types, quantity and weight, so that the output of the report allows easier transcription into the report application on the REMY website.
Banking API for Komerční banka - new version of API services
Based on the commercial bank API changes, we made modifications in K2 to communicate with the new version. The old version of the API will work until 10/31/2024. For KB banking API to work properly after this date, it is necessary to reinstall to the modified version. No further settings are required.
Banking API for Česká spořitelna - new version of Česká spořitelna's Premium API (Accounts API v3)
According to information from Česká spořitelna, a new version of the Premium API of Česká spořitelna is available from September 1, 2024. The original version should be available until November 30, 2024.
In K2, we added support for premium API Accounts v3 from versions K2 iris.09 and K2 alba.05. A new API version used field has been added for Česká spořitelna in the bank account settings.
After reinstalling to the mentioned versions, you need to:
1) Add support for v3 API in the first developer portal - see. instructions on the page:
https://developers.erstegroup.com/docs/tutorial/migration-to-new-api-version-premium-accounts-psd2-account-info#n-vod-k-p-epnut-na-novou-verzi-pro- u-ivatele-premium-api
2) In K2, in the bank API settings in the bank account book, switch the Used API version field to version v3.
According to the CS description, the difference between v2 and v3 may be in the item identifier, so a different number may appear in K2 in the External reference field in the bank statement item. It follows that on the day of the switch, it will be necessary to check what was imported into the statement, whether there are any items there twice.
If you do not switch to v3 after reinstalling to the specified version, K2's communication with the bank will continue with the original version. However, after the end of the v2 API support by ČS, it will no longer be possible to download bank statements or check the current account balance.
Financial management - new option in the configuration Include Paid in the balance
A new option, Include Paid in Balance, has been added to the Finance Management configuration. If the option is active, the balance will not be calculated for documents for which there will be a bank order. Such documents will be treated as paid.
It can be used, for example, when a bank statement has been imported and the documents in K2 have not yet been matched.
Offset - completion of links to documents and minor adjustments
Links to documents have been added to the Offset module. You can thus add different fields from documents to the columns.
When creating offset proposals for multiple customers, the Offset module is now not automatically set to the Edit mode of saved proposals, but remains in the Draft mode.
When adding up the amount to be set off manually, the amount on the other side is adjusted on the document on which the ruler is set. Until now, the amount was adjusted on a marked document with the latest due date.
On the form, it is possible to change the ratio between the upper and lower half.
Management reports
Pivot table, Report in dashboard
We made this progress in Pivot table and Reports in dashboards:
- when selecting dimension members in the Member selector by checking the box, also the child members are visually selected (checked);
- nodes in the Member selector support three-state display;
- when selecting dimension members in the Member selector users have the possibility to set the selection mode (Include or Exclude).
Creating dashboard with wizard - pivot table
When creating new dashboard using the Create dashboard with wizard function, there is new possibility to create not only "report", but also "pivot table".
In the book for the registration of acquired asset, items of the type included in the entry price are newly added
In the asset book used for recording acquired asset, the entry price is now added up from the items of attached documents with type "C" (classification).
Stock taking on a mobile terminal - loading the asset barcode by mobile
The ability to read barcodes with a mobile phone is added to the function for mobile terminals for Stock taking. A new barcode icon is available on the mobile phone screen. Functionality is available for K2 web.
By holding the mobile phone to the bar code on the asset, data on the actual condition of the asset is read.
Entitlement to food allowance - adjustments
A [i][b]Count for food allowance entitlement[/b][/i] checkbox has been added to the [i]Work Accounts[/i] settings, which now affects whether hours on a work account count towards worked for entitlement to food allowance.
For the reinstallation, the checkmark will be set for the work accounts [i]Worked in a work shift [/i] and [i]Homeoffice[/i], i.e. the behavior after the reinstallation will be the same as before (until now only these two accounts were taken into account and the settings could not be influence).
Attendance system - adjustments
The following adjustments have been made to the attendance module:
1) A new setting has been added to attendance books, which is automatically initialized by reinstalling to new versions:
- [i][b]Record status when processing error[/b][/i] - set to status ZZ - processed - error
- [i][b]Status of records in the event of an error exporting to payroll documents[/b][/i] - set to EE status - exported error
If an error occurs during the processing of the worksheet or when exporting it to payroll documents, then the status of the worksheet will be set according to the values ??selected here.
2) Added option [b][i]Include delete from container/unmark worksheets[/i] to bulk action [i]Worksheet Processing[/i]
3) [i][b]Editing in the chart on the worksheet[/b][/i]
- background segments showing the planned shift of the day were added to the graph, after clicking on the segment, the form of the day opens
- clicking in the graph at the same time setting the cursor on a specific day on the [i]Days[/i] tab of the worksheet
4) The functions [i]Lock to date[/i] and [i]Unlock from date[/i] in the book [i]Worksheets [/i]newly do not prefill the current date, but the date of the day the cursor is on
5) On the individual tabs of the day of the worksheet, the identification of the day and person is now displayed on the top bar
6) The possibility to process individual days of the worksheet has been added - right mouse - [i]Record/mass actions - Process the day/days of the worksheet
7) In the dial [i]Types of passages[/i], in the settings [i] End of interval[/i] options have been added:
[i]- At the end of the current shift - contractual time
- At the end of the current shift - minimum time
- At the end of the current shift - maximum time
- After half the shift[/i]
8) The option [i][b]Maximum - up to the length of the shift[/b] [/i]- do not count when exceeding the length of the shift - the interval is applied up to the maximum time defined on the shift, but only up to the amount of the day's fund
At the same time, the processing of the worksheet was adjusted. If the [i]Calculate absence time[/i] field on the interval is set to [i]Minimum[/i] and the minimum time on the shift type is not used, then the interval will not be processed!!!
[b]Watch out for interval types that have a value set in the field [i]Calculate absence time [/i]to[i] Minimum[/i] (e.g. doctor visit) if minimum times are not defined on shift types. Therefore, if the minimum times are not defined, such intervals need to be reset to [i]Contractual [/i]or [i]Contractual - up to the length of the shift[/i].[/b]
9) The display of the exact absence time in the [i]Planned Absences[/i] book has been adjusted. Newly, trimming is applied to the time according to the settings in the [i]Calculate time of absence[/i] field for the interval type. It is trimmed to minimum, contractual and maximum time.
If there are no maximum times on the [i]Shift Type[/i], then the absence time is not trimmed.
If there are no minimum times on the [i]Shift Type[/i] and the interval is set to count at the minimum time, then it cannot be evaluated and the actual time will therefore not be populated (just as the interval processing on the worksheet is not applied).
New rights to process and export worksheets
Added new rights to process and export worksheets
- Processing worksheets - 2343
- Worksheets - export - 2344
Web and e-shop
Definition of discount coupons in the loyalty program - option "From the net amount"
As part of the [i]Loyalty Program[/i], we have added the option [b]"From the net amount"[/b] in the form [i][b]Definition of Coupons[/b] [/i]. If the box is checked, then the coupon value is defined in the net amount.
Email for tracking the shipment
In email templates, a new sample template has been created for tracking a shipment sent via parcelbot.
The template must have an action set above the Packages data module. This action must then be set in the Website and e-shop settings on the Email action settings tab in the Send package tracking field.
When you save the link for tracking the shipment in the Tracking Address field on the Package, an email with the link for tracking the shipment (TrackingAddress field) is sent to the email address of the contact person.
Termination of Mapy.cz support
Due to the end of support for the Mapy.cz JS SDK library, OpenStreetMap maps are now used on the e-shop.
If you want to continue using Mapy.cz or Google maps, you must enter the API key in the website and e-shop settings/Functions tab (this is a paid service).
If you use special modifications of the website/e-shop, the functionality of the new maps must be tested in advance.
Partial update - restart of IS K2 and application servers
After installing the package from Partial Updates, a message is displayed about the need to restart IS K2 and application servers.
Web K2
Web K2 - mode view/change
For better orientation in web K2, when switching to change mode, an icon with a pencil appears on the open tab.
Web K2 - mobile display of columns
When starting web K2 on mobile, it is possible to use the icon for mobile display of columns, which can be found in the footer of the table. The data from the columns is thus clearer.
Web K2 - link to the web page
In web K2, you can add a web page to the Main Menu or Favorites.
Web K2 - help through F1 key
In web K2, pressing the F1 key will display IS K2 help.
Web K2 - signing table
To sign documents, it is possible to use signotec signature tables in web K2.
Web K2 - drag and drop
In web K2, it is possible to insert documents into the Attachments tab using the Drag and drop method, i.e. by dragging the mouse.
Web K2 - OpenStreetMap
Mapy.cz was replaced by [url=https://www.openstreetmap.org/about]OpenStreetMap[/url] in web K2.
You can find more information about the end of support at [url=https://developer.mapy.cz/js-api/ukonceni-podpory-js-sdk/]mapy.cz[/url]
News in K2 alba.04
Universal Forms
Possibility of sorting and searching in simple lookups - parameter LABS_SIMPLELOOKUPLOCATOR
A new LABS parameter LABS_SIMPLELOOKUPLOCATOR has been created, which allows to toggle the sort (Alt+Z) or activate the search (Ctrl+Shift+F) in simple lookups.
Meaning of parameter values:
0 ... original behavior - cannot search or switch sorting (Alt+Z)
1 ... in lookups you can change the sorting (Alt+Z) and turn on the search (Ctrl+Shift+F)
2 ... in lookups, you can change the sorting (Alt+Z) and turn on the search (Ctrl+Shift+F), in addition, compact information about the filter is displayed at the moment of active search.
Container saving / loading in new UI
From iris.08 and album.04, the option to [b]save and load container "backups" has been added to the new UI.[/b] The option is available in [i]Menu - Container - "Load / Save Container"[/i ].
All available container operations, including the "Load / Save Container" function, are now also available under the Container option in the menu for switching module status (Book, Filter, Container).
We "create" a backup of the created container with the Ins key and save it. This saves a set of records from the current container under the defined name. The stored container can be deleted with the "Delete" key. The backup can be renamed with the F5 key, the set of saved records will not change.
We can load, add or limit the stored record container using the buttons [i]"Load" / "Add" / "Limit"[/i].
New UI - Cross container in F9
In version album.04, we added a shortcut for Cross Containers to F9 (Scripts and Assemblies). Cross containers can now be run in a Batch.
Book of other receivables - completion of the Bank account field
The Bank account field was added to the books of other receivables.
If the Bank account field is filled in the book of other receivables, the specified bank account will be added to the document when creating a new document. If the bank account field is not filled in the book of other receivables, the bank account entered on the customer's card will be inserted into the documents of other receivables
Internal transfer notes on the stock card
We have changed the displaying rules for internal transfer notes on the article stock card. The Internal transfer notes checkbox remained, but as internal transfer notes are considered not only transfer notes within one warehouse (when physical warehouse is set), but also transfer notes between two warehouses that belong under one summing warehouse (when summing warehouse is set).
Coverage by external batches
We have added the option to monitor the coverage for individual external batches to the Demanded Article Coverage function. This option must be activated using the checkbox. The disposition is then displayed broken down by external batches.
News in travel orders
When editing stages, it is now possible to use the Return journey action in the ribbon. This creates a new stage in which the place of departure and arrival is changed according to the stage on which the ruler is.
When invoicing the travel order by other obligation, the Supplier for invoicing the other obligation, which is filled in on the Referent's card, is inserted into the other obligation. If it is not entered here, the Supplier, set in the Travel Order Book, is inserted into the other commitment.
Travel orders - Links added
To tab Attachements we have added Links inTravel orders documents.
Projects - Count the values of "Scheduled on ......."
In Projects, a new checkbox [i][b]Count values "Scheduled on ......"[/b][/i] has been added to the Record Preview, which is disabled by default. Thus, the [i]"Scheduled on ....." section is not counted on the form[/i]
If the checkbox is checked, the behavior is the same as before.
This function was added to speed up work in projects.
Bank API for Citibank
Since K2 alba.04 and K2 iris.08 versions, it has been incorporated into the K2 banking API for Citibank.
When using the API for Citibank, a file with transactions is generated and loaded via homebanking into K2 with the parameter set for automatic pairing (AutoPairDocuments). By default, downloaded statement files are stored in the K2/Mandant/HomebanCiti directory.
Settings are made on the bank account in the Banking API button. You need to fill in the following fields and use the Test settings button to test the connection with the bank.
You can get the Citi account number, API ClientID and API ClientSecret from your bank. This is the data required to connect K2 and the Citibank API, or specific bank account.
The Citi signing cert and the Citi encryption cert are bank certificates that can be obtained from the Citi developer portal. They are usually valid for 1 year, after the expiration date new certificates need to be uploaded here.
You can get the client certificate for signing (signing cert) and the client certificate for encryption (encryption cert) from a certification authority supported by the bank (e.g. DigiCert, Verisign, Comodo, Thawte) or directly from the bank.
The connection with the bank takes place using encrypted communication with the bank via the client certificate for SSL.
All certificates are stored in the K2 database, so there is no need to keep them available on disk.
Rest payment of the document in the currency of the paid document - extension of the function for other liabilities and other receivables
The function for rest payment of invoices in the currency of the paid document has been extended to include other liabilities and other receivables.
The function is intended for additional payment of other liabilities and other receivables that are paid in a foreign currency (e.g. EUR, PLN...) and are underpaid or overpaid by a penny in the company's own currency. The function is located above other payables and other receivables in universal forms in the ribbon in the Payments tab and also in the Bulk actions tab.
After starting the function, a form will appear for entering the book of internal documents into which the payment will be made. It is necessary to enter the book of internal documents that has a checkmark Exchange documents, because it is an exchange rate difference. In the function form, it is also possible to enter the date on which the internal document will be created. After approval of the form, an internal document will be created. If the function will be triggered from mass actions, the documents must be marked with an asterisk. One internal document will be created, in which the items will include payments for individual other liabilities or other receivables. The function creates an exchange rate internal document in the entered book of internal exchange rate documents, and the documents will be paid in the company's own currency.
Financial Management - General Income/Expense
We added a Company field to the General income/expense form for entering your own company for which general income/expense is entered.
Matching assistant - adding a condition to your own company
A custom company condition has been added to the matching assistant in the function HB - Bank Statement (HB_Statement.pas) , for which the specified matching criteria should be applied.
Check box "Change of RT taxpayer in the month of removal" on the vehicle card
According to information from the Financial Administration, when a taxable vehicle is sold in a given calendar month, the vehicle is subject to tax only for the new taxpayer. (In the tax period of 2022 and 2023, both or all entities were taxpayers in the calendar month of the sale of the vehicle or the registration of the change of operator, if multiple transfers occurred in that month). The changes resulting from the amendments to the law will be applied from 1 January 2024, but will only be reflected in the tax return submitted in January 2025.
For this reason, the checkbox "RT taxpayer change in the month of removal" has been re-added to the vehicle cards in the K2 system. It is checked if the vehicle is removed and at the same time there is a change of road tax payer in the month of removal (when sold during the month).
Possibility to delete the posting key on the confirmed document
In the change of the confirmed document, the Delete posting key action was added to the form. After starting the action, the posting key in the header and in the document items is deleted.
Recalculation of matching symbols
We have created a new function Recalculate matching symbols. The function will recalculate the turnovers and update the Paired field of the matching symbols of all accounts and can be run from the Accounting - Service Functions tree or from the Task Scheduler.
Right to "Use a blocked record" when selecting an invalid axis
Right to "Use a blocked record" is no longer checked when selecting an invalid axis in the General Ledger, Economic Analysis, Chart of Accounts and Correlations. It is thus possible to evaluate invalid axes as well.
Create an internal document script also transfers other analytical axes
Script Creating an internal document from an invoice, OP/OV (INV_CreateInternalDoc.pas ) now also transfers other analytical axes (codes 3-6) to the created internal document.
Adjusting entries to receivables - adjustments related to debtors in insolvency
We have added columns to the Adjusting entries to receivables function form:
• Date of creation - must be filled in if a adjusting entries are created for receivables for debtors in insolvency proceedings (AE according to §8)
• Date of cancellation - must be filled in if the adjusting entries for receivables for debtors in insolvency proceedings is canceled or the type of adjusting entry is changed from/to this type (AE according to §8). In case of cancellation due to payment of the receivables, the date in the form is set automatically.
• I (Insolvency) - records with AE type according to §8 are marked with an icon.
For records with the AE type according to §8, which are marked with an asterisk and do not have a Date of Creation or Date of Cancellation, an icon is displayed in column V (Warning) indicating an unspecified date, creation of adjusting entries cannot be done in such a case.
We modified the creation and cancellation of adjusting entries using a bulk action on issued invoices and other receivables - both creation and cancellation are done with the bulk action Adjusting entries. We have canceled the bulk action Cancellation of a.e.
The plan type on asset tab cannot be edited
The plan type is set in Asset Books and is only displayed on the asset tab. Editing of the Plan Type is no longer allowed on asset tab.
Matching symbol Asset inventory number
In the Asset Movements posting key, an Inventory Number option has been added to the Matching Symbol.
Asset - acquisition account for subsidies
We have added a Subsidy checkbox to the input form of the Technical evaluation and Price change functions. You check the box if you charge subsidies to a separate account for the acquisition of asset. The Subsidy field can also be edited manually on Asset tab in Change on items with the type "Inclusion in use", "Technical evaluation" and "Price change".
We have added the Acquisition Account - Subsidy field to Asset Division, in which we will enter the acquisition account intended for subsidies. The same field is also added to the Type of acquisition accounting items.
If Asset Movement is charged with the Subsidy flag turned on and charged to the "Acquisition Account", the Acquisition Account - Subsidy is loaded from the Asset Division (taking into account the type of acquisition accounting).
Web and e-shop
EshopXMLFeedExport.PAS - new "FieldForID" parameter
We added a new FieldForID parameter to the EshopXMLFeedExport.PAS script. The parameter indicates which field should be filled into the product ID. Possible parameter values ??are Id, Abbr1, Abbr2, EAN. The default value is Id.
If the given field is not filled in on the product card (e.g. EAN), the default field (Id) is inserted into the product ID.
AI functions for generating descriptions and proposing categories for the e-shop
[b]Article[/b] module has been expanded with a new [b]artificial intelligence feature! [/b]
On the Article tab in [i]Change[/i], we have added AI functions[b] Generate description[/b] and [b]Suggest categories[/b] to the ribbon. These features will help automate and increase the quality and efficiency of your daily work.
By using AI functions, data from the Article card will be sent to OpenAI third-party servers. The API processes this data and generates a meaningful and attractive product description for the e-shop, which is ready for immediate use or further customization.
In order to generate a description and propose a category, it is necessary to have credit uploaded to the account. The price of a query depends on the amount of processed tokens - both the query itself (which K2 compiles in the background) and the answer itself.
To activate the artificial intelligence functions, it is necessary to set the [b]OpenAI API[/b] key in [b]Mandant parameters [/b] ([i]Other[/i] tab - [i]Properties[/i] button) ]. The API key is generated on the [url=https://platform.openai.com/]https://platform.openai.com/[/url] platform.
Scripts/reports - blocking and deleting
In the book of Scripts, Reports are new options for blocking and deleting custom scripts and reports.
Block script |
F8 |
Marks the current record or selected records as deleted ( |
Delete script content |
Deletes content of the current record or selected records. The content can be deleted only with blocked records. |
Block and delete content |
Ctrl+F8 |
Marks the current record or selected records as deleted and also deletes the content. |
Delete script |
Deletes the current record or selected records from the database. Removed can be only records, that are blocked and without its content. |
Enable script |
Shift+F8 |
Enables the blocked records again. |
Web K2
Web K2 - floating help
From version album.04 it is possible to view floating help.
After hovering the mouse over a selected action in the user interface, a help for that action is displayed.
News in K2 alba.03
Universal Forms
Possibility of sorting and searching in simple lookups - parameter LABS_SIMPLELOOKUPLOCATOR
A new LABS parameter LABS_SIMPLELOOKUPLOCATOR has been created, which allows to toggle the sort (Alt+Z) or activate the search (Ctrl+Shift+F) in simple lookups.
Meaning of parameter values:
0 ... original behavior - cannot search or switch sorting (Alt+Z)
1 ... in lookups you can change the sorting (Alt+Z) and turn on the search (Ctrl+Shift+F)
2 ... in lookups, you can change the sorting (Alt+Z) and turn on the search (Ctrl+Shift+F), in addition, compact information about the filter is displayed at the moment of active search.
Response on received message
It is now possible to send a data message from the Inbox book using the option in the Reply to a received message ribbon - the data regarding marks, numbers and paragraphs are taken over, the sender and recipient data are exchanged and the prefix 'Re:' is added to the subject text.
Extension of the functionality of the user parameter Copy reference number in sales to other receivables and received advances
The functionality of the parameter Copy reference number in sales has been extended for other receivables and received advances. Until now, the parameter only worked for issued invoices.
Copy reference number in sale:
• On - when creating a new free document with the F6 key, the reference number is copied from the invoice, other receivables or advances received on which we stand with a cursor. If we copy a document that has an attached contract, the reference number from the contract is copied.
• Off - when copying an invoice issued, other receivables or advances received, the reference number is generated according to the preset definition from the sales book or we can add it manually. It works in the same way with a free document.
Retail sale parameters - Article filter field (K2 alba.03)
Article Filter field has been added to the Retail sale Parameters. In this field, you can set an already existing filter that can be run over Article. Items from this filter will then appear in the menu when entering a business case in retail sale.
Setting EKO-KOM packaging according to the other article card (K2 iris.07 and K2 alba.03)
Added a feature to allow starred article cards or container item records to add packaging that another article card already has set in bulk. The function is called EKO-KOM packaging settings and can be launched from the ribbon of article tab from the Bulk actions tab. After running, article card that already has packages set is selected in the form, and these packages are set to article cards being processed after the function is completed.
Disount (%) from customer
If the Apply discount from the customer card field is specified in the Price List Settings, then if the Discount (%) field on the customer card (Sales tab) is filled in, then the price of the item in the sales documents will be reduced by the value from this field. A record of this discount will be displayed in the Progress of price calculations. However, if a discount is also entered in the Definition of price groups section, then this discount from the Definition of price groups takes precedence.
Handling of requirements - nonvisual mode
The functions Handling of requirements - Create purchase orders / transfer notes / internal sales orders support the nonvisual mode. With this mode activated can be these functions used in the Task scheduler for the automatic ordering.
Support fro EAN13
We added support for barcodes in EAN13 format to IS K2. There is now a new option in the barcode definition function to create barcodes in this format. At the same time, we included a new IsEAN13 parameter in the reports for printing labels (BarCodeLabel100x50.am and BarCodeLabel100x50_A4.am), based on which it is possible to print barcodes in the EAN13 format.
Projects - Completed
Display of the [b][i]Completed[/i][/b] (CompletedCalc) field in the [i]Projects[/i] module has been adjusted.
It now displays an orange color when less than 100 percent complete. If [i]Completed[/i] is 100 percent, then the color is green.
New Supplier Contract Number field on purchase contract
We have added the Supplier Contract Number field to the Contract - purchase document.
Creating advance from the contract
We have added Advance check box to the contract item. When creating documents from the contract using the Periodic invoicing and Installment invoicing functions, an advance received / provided is created for the items marked in this way.
Contracts – display of contracts with the same code on the Documents tab
In the Contract - sale and Contract - purchase documents, we have added the Contracts tab to the Documents tab - contracts that have the same Contract Code as the current document (addenda to the contract) will be displayed here.
Transfer of comments, header and footer text from the contract to the created documents
We have added the section Transfer from the contract to the created documents and checkboxes Comments, Header Text and Footer Text to the Books of Contracts for Sale and Cpntracts Books for Purchase.
In the Periodic invoicing and Installment invoicing functions, when creating documents, entered comments, header and footer texts are also transferred from contracts (depending on what is enabled in the contract book settings).
In the event that the contract creates a Contract with invoice / Contract with invoice, comments, header and footer text are transferred from the contract to the issued order / contract, and these data are added to the invoice according to the settings of the user parameters Copy comments and Copy header, footer and item text.
Contracts - planned tasks Periodic invoicing and Installment invoicing
We have created functions Periodic sales invoicing, Periodic purchase invoicing, Sales installment invoicing and Purchase installment invoicing that can be included in the Task Scheduler. Documents can thus be created automatically from contracts. After the action is completed, a notification with a link to the protocol with information about the created documents is sent to the user who is linked to the set contact person.
Automate for creating and sending reminders
A new script for creating and sending reminders (RemindersCreateAndSend.PAS) is available from version K2 alba.03. According to the set parameters, the script creates reminders and sends them by email or to customer mailboxes. The script can be scheduled as a scheduled task that will run automatically at pre-defined intervals.
Termination of the calculation of late payment interest
A new function, End of interest calculation, has been implemented in K2, which will allow you to set and change the end of interest calculation date on unpaid invoices issued, invoices received, other liabilities and other receivables. The function is intended for use on documents issued to a customer who is insolvent. The function is launched from the Ribbon of the Payments tab. After the date is set, the accrual of late payments and the calculation of late payment interest will stop. It is also possible to restart the calculation of late payment interest by entering the date of Resumption of late payment interest calculation.
In this context, new fields were created on the invoice received, invoice issued, other liability and other receivable documents on the Payments tab in the Maturity and late payment interest button:
• Termination of interest calculation
• Restarting the interest calculation
A new right Purchase and sale/General/Change of interest calculation dates for arrears has been added, which will allow the user to enter a date for ending the calculation of arrears even in the blocked period.
Adjustments in the books Open item to date and Open items to date - comparison
From the K2 iris.07 and K2 alba.03 versions, the books Open item to date and Open item to date comparison have been split.
Open item to date
When starting the Open item book to date, the user is prompted to enter the date to which the Open item book should be calculated. Netto and Netto C columns have been added, which the user can sort into columns.
Open item to date - comparison
When starting the Open item to date - comparison, the user is prompted to enter Values as of date and Comparison as of date, and then the data will be calculated according to the entered dates.
Copy reference number option in the Create repeated documents function
The option Copy reference number symbol has been added to the function Creating repeated documents in advances and other receivables/commitments. If the option is active, the reference number is copied from the document on which the ruler is set.
Offset of invoices in the container
We have added a new option Only invoices in the container to the offset configuration. If this option is set, only documents that are in the received and issued invoices container are included in the offset.
Exchange rate on paid advance
The function Change rate on paid advance has been added to the received and provided advance module. To use the function, you need to have the Purchase and Sell/General/Rate Change right set on the paid advance. After changing the exchange rate on the advance, the payments on the bank statement (cash receipt, internal receipt) will be updated and the receipt must be rebilled.
Management reports
Dashboards - Copy including elements
There is new possibility how to create a dashboard - the function Copy including elements. This creates a new dashboard by copying the current one and at the same time it copies also the dashboard elements.
Editing fields on purchase/sale items when subordinate documents are confirmed
Editing of certain fields on purchase/sales items is forbidden if subordinate documents are confirmed. Editing fields is now not allowed:
- Posting key I , Account number and Matching symbol if a confirmed invoice is issued/received
- Posting key of the warehouse document, if the delivery/receipt note is confirmed
- Posting key R, if the reservation sheet is confirmed
New functions in economic analyses
In the Rows of Economic Analysis, we have added the Book of Accounting to the Conditions for Analytical Axis. In this way, data from different accounting books can be loaded into different rows or columns of the analysis.
We have created a bulk action Populate the list of rows. The action will allow you to insert the sum or difference of other analysis columns into the List of rows section on economic analysis rows in bulk.
Control report - cancellation of the item Data box identifier
Due to the information of the Financial Administration regarding the forms for value added tax for the year 2024, we have canceled the filling of the item Identifier of the data box (Id_Dats) in the xml file of the control report.
Assets - for the "Contract Validity until" field, the validity history has been added
The "Validity of the contract until" field, which is on the Basic data of asset card under the Additional data button, has been supplemented with an "alarm clock". When you press the alarm clock icon, the validity history of the field value is displayed.
Deletion of the last annual asset depreciation
The last Annual Depreciation can be deleted on the asset card, if no other items are created on the card for the given year (e.g. monthly depreciation) and the previous year's depreciation is processed.
Attendance - working time model setting- adjustments
In the working time model settings, the settings for early arrival and late departure have been split. Until now it was only possible to set them together, now separate settings are possible for both situations.
Electronic filing - modifications
The [i]Default settings[/i] tab of books for [i]Electronic submission[/i] has been made the following changes regarding communication with the CSSS:
- personal certificate field has been renamed to [i][b]Signing Certificate (Qualified)[/b][/i]
- a new field was added [i][b]Encryption certificate (Commercial)[/b][/i] - this is a commercial certificate that will be used to encrypt the response data of the CSSS. If the [i]Signature certificate (Qualified)[/i] is also encryption, then there is no need to fill in the encryption certificate and a qualified certificate is used for data encryption.
- the Personal certificate download from contact person check box was renamed to [i][b]Signature and encryption certificate download from contact person[/b][/i] and at the same time an encryption certificate (qualified) was also added to the settings on the contact person.
[u]If you have electronic filing books set up and communicate with the CSSA using electronic filings, then there is no need to change anything in the book settings after reinstallation.[/u]
Editing selected reports - employee name
The parameter SuppressName - Hide the employee's name was added to the Wage expenses (MZD_NAKLS), Overview of paid wages (MZD_PREHL) and Payslip (MZD_VYPL.AM) reports. Defaults to NO. When the value is set to YES, the employee's name is not printed on the reports.
Interval type - Priority
A new "Priority" field has been added to the Interval Type dial.
Until now, it was not possible to process a worksheet if an overlay of planned absences was entered. The system warned of an error.
Now, if this happens and absences with different priorities overlap, then the higher priority absence will be used in processing. When two absences with the same priority overlap, the behavior remains the same, the worksheet cannot be processed.
The priority is set by initialization when switching to modified versions, after which it can be modified by the user.
1 = highest priority - the lower the number, the higher the priority.
Web and e-shop
Email Order confirmation with QR code for payment
When creating an order from the e-shop, it is possible to send the customer an order confirmation email including a QR code for payment.
A new icon for generating a QR code has been added to the email body (for a template in K2 format - WYSIWYG).
Payment data is taken according to this logic:
if the method of payment is an advance payment - take over from the advance payment,
if not and there is already an invoice for the order - take over from the invoice,
if not - take VS directly from the order.
Rounding of the stock quantity on the e-shop
In the e-shop, the method of rounding the actual disposition in the warehouse has been changed.
The stock quantity is now rounded down to the whole unit. Previously, the quantity in stock was rounded mathematically.
The display of the number of decimal places for the stock quantity depends on the Web and e-shop settings / Shopping basket - field Number of des. Place the quantity in the shopping cart:
number of decimal places in the basket = 0, then 12.5 => 12
number of decimal places in the basket > 0, then 12.5 => 12.5 Rounding of the stock quantity in the e-shop
Minimum weight for transport method
It is also possible to define the Minimum weight for the given transporter in the Transport method codelist.
If article do not reach the minimum weight specified in transport method codelist in the order, then this carrier will not be offered in the selection of the transport method.
Allowed method of payment / transport - invalidation of record
We have added the option to invalidate a record to the Allowed payment methods and Allowed transport methods lists on the Supplier/Customer tab.
If the record is blocked and at the same time set on the customer, then this restriction is not taken into account and all available payment/shipping methods are displayed.
Display of free documents on the e-shop
The filter conditions for displaying documents/items have been modified on the e-shop.
If we check the options "Display documents by customer" and "Display documents created outside the e-shop" in the Settings of the website and e-shop / Documents section, then free invoices, delivery notes and their items will also be displayed in the account of the logged-in user (with a set partner) .
In the account of the logged-in user (without a partner), only documents related to the order on which he is listed as a contact person will still be displayed.
Task scheduler - Export customizations to file
The Export customizations to file function can be used in the Task scheduler using newly created shortcut for this function.
Management reports - new rights
In the Management reports module, we have created new rights for Management reports - definitions:
Viewing the definition of management statements
Editing of the definition of management reports
New type of alert - license expiration
We have created a new type of alert that will warn about the upcoming license expiration (ID 2000000010).
If there are less than 10 days left until the license expires, an alert will be triggered containing information about how many days are left until it expires. The check of this type of alert cannot be started manually from the Alerts book, but only via the scheduled Diagnostics task.
User parameters - Copy links
Added Copy Links option to User Parameters. If it is set, then when creating a copy of the document, a copy of the links will also be automatically created. If it is disabled, links are not copied when creating a copy of the document.
The parameter defaults to the value of the Copy Items parameter.
Web K2
Own desktop with buttons
We added support for creating a custom desktop with book (module) buttons for web K2. Detailed instructions for preparation are given in the documentation, in the section Web K2, chapter Preparing your own desktop with buttons for books.
Add to favourites
From version K2 alba.03, it is possible to add modules/nodes from the tree menu and the default desktop to your favorites in web K2.
It is also possible to add to the favorites with the right mouse button: a book, a script, a report, a function,...
And you can also use the option to copy and paste from the clipboard.
Keyboard help in K2 web
In web K2, from version K2 alba.03, it is possible to view keyboard help using the Ctrl + F1 shortcut, or the Keyboard Help function in the ribbon.
News in K2 alba.02
Universal Forms
Record Change History function
From version album.02, the History of record changes function is available, which clearly displays all changes made to a given record in a table or graph (only for fields with history).
If the "Record change, new and confirmation actions in the changes" option is checked in the client's parameters, records of changes to the document as such will also be loaded.
The function is included in the System / Others ribbon and is available on all modules that have a field on which history is monitored.
Basic Code Lists and Supporting Modules K2
Bulk action VAT rate change on Article tab - added Legislation
We have added the Legislation field to the VAT rate change bulk action form above the Article tabs. It is now possible to collectively enter a VAT Rate valid from a certain date even for legislation other than the current multi company legislation.
Editing simple code lists
A new right Code lists/General/Edit simple dials has been added. The right allows the user to edit code lists:
- shipping method,
- terms of delivery,
- order form,
- type in personal data.
New parameter Copy values of analysis axes when copying an item in purchase and sales documents
The parameter When copying an item, transfer values from the analytical axes of the copied item has been added to the Sales books and Purchase books settings. If it is checked, when copying an item in the document, the values of the analytical axes will be copied according to the copied item. If unchecked (the default), then the current item copy behavior will be preserved.
Definition of price groups
Adjustments were made to the Definition of price groups function (Customer/Supplier book, Sales tab), when the option to define the validity from-to was added to individual records. Now you can define two records with the same price group and different discount for different periods, or you can set different price groups for customers for different periods.
The decisive period for selecting records from the Definition of price groups is the setting of the Prices by date field in the Price List Settings.
Change of bank account number on confirmed invoices
A new function Change bank account number has been created above invoices received and issued. The function is located in the ribbon in the Functions tab in the Others section. The function will make it possible to change the bank account of the given customer/supplier on confirmed invoices even in blocked periods. It is intended especially for the case when the confirmed credit note needs to be supplemented with the bank connection to which the credit note is to be reimbursed and the document may already be in the closed period.
Purchase and sale/General/Change bank account right on the confirmed invoice is required to use the function.
Check for duplication of the External number on invoices received and advances provided
If, when saving the document of the received invoice or advance payment, the External number field contains a value that is already in these documents for the given supplier, then the program will alert you to this duplication, similar to the way it already does with the Reference number field.
Automatic advance withdrawal for contract/order issued
A new option, Automatically withdraw advance for contract/order, has been added to the sales and purchase books. If the option is active, when a new invoice is saved, advance for contract/order issued will be automatically charged.
Bulk items inserting (Shift + F6)
From version K2 alba.02, the behavior is modified if items are inserted into the document with the function [i]Bulk insertion of items[/i] (Shift + F6). If there is an item on the document and other items are inserted using this function, information from the first item is no longer copied. This unifies the behavior as is the case when an item is inserted with the [i]Ins[/i] key.
Handling of requirements - by batches
The functions Handling of requirements - Create purchase orders / transfer notes / internal sales orders support ordering according to requirements for particular batches.
Worker performance
We have created a new function for monitoring and evaluating the activity of warehouse workers during their shift. This function is based on the entries in the Mobile Terminal Statistics book and, when started, displays a graph (gantt) that compares the activity of warehouse workers within a shift. The form also contains 3 additional sub-graphs for evaluating warehouse performance in terms of time or number of events.
Contracts - total amounts
On the header of the contract - sale and contract - purchase, we have changed the fields with the Net and Gross amounts - the fields cannot now be edited and are calculated as the sum of the contract items.
We have added the total amount of VAT to the contract header.
Creation of documents from the contract - contract
If Create document = "Contract" ("Order") was entered on the contract, when creating documents from the contract, a contract (issued order) with a subordinate invoice was always created until now. Only a new contract (issued order) without a subordinate document will be created.
For creating documents from the contract, we have added new options "Contract with invoice" and "Order with invoice" - when creating a document from the contract, a contract / order issued with a subordinate invoice is created.
When reinstalling to version K2 iris.06 or K2 album.02, the value in the Create document field changes from "Contract" to "Contract with invoice" and from "Order" to "Order from invoice" on the contract documents and in the Type of financial performance of the contract number list - this preserves the existing functionality when creating documents from the contract.
Offset - marking Default configuration
From versions K2 iris.06 and K2 alba.02, there has been a change when starting offset from the button [i]Offset[/i] from the ribbon above Cust./Suppl.
Until now, the "Default" label was not used in the credit configuration, and the credit configuration last started by the user was launched from the Offset button.
The [i]Offset[/i] button will now start Offset configuration, which will be marked as "Default".
Offset to date
We added new functionality to the Offset function from version K2 iris.06 and K2 album.02. After starting the Offset, a form for entering the Offset date will be displayed, and then only documents with an issue date less than or equal to the Offset date will be displayed.
If the Offset date is changed in the Offset form (top left), the documents will be reloaded according to the entered date.
Until now, it was only possible to set the offset date and the documents were displayed for the current day.
Also, a new field Issued/Acquired (IssueDateCalc) was added to the columns in the Offset form, in which the date of issue of the document is displayed. Users can pull it into the offset form.
Offset - the right to Edit Offset Configuration
A new Right Offset Configuration Editing has been added. Without this right, you cannot edit, delete, add or copy a new configuration.
Offset - a check on the payment of documents was added to the editing of the offset proposal
A check to see if the document has not been paid was added to the Editing of offset proposals. If a document has been paid in full, a red exclamation point will be displayed for the customer and the document.
Management reports
OLAP - tree structure of the Officer dimension
There is the support to display the Officer dimension in the OLAP views as a tree structure. To activate the tree structure of the Officer dimension please turn off the new parameter: Referent jako lineární (single-level).
Change in the VAT rate from 1 January 2024
The approved consolidation package 2024 also represents, among other things, changes in VAT rates from 1 January 2024. The basic VAT rate of 21% will continue to apply, but from 1 January 2024 only one reduced rate will be introduced, namely 12%.
Most of the items from the reduced rates will remain at the reduced rate, the new 12%. However, some items of article or services are also moved between reduced and basic rates. The delivery of books will be exempt from VAT from 1 January 2024 and will be reported on line 26 of the tax return.
As a result of these changes, there will also be minor adjustments to the control report form and the VAT tax return. Packages with the necessary modification will be published when the necessary documents are available on the website of the Financial Administration.
Due to legislative changes in VAT rates, the following steps need to be taken in the K2 system:
1. Creation of a new VAT rate (SS 12%) in the codebook with the relevant legislation
2. Change in the VAT rate with effect from 1 January 2024 on the relevant article cards
3. Addition of zero VAT rate and "RN" tax type on article cards - books
4. In the Client Parameters, it is advisable to turn on the Update VAT rate according to the Article tab parameter
5. Adding a new VAT rate to the Settings for the VAT return form in the VAT Book
6. Adding a new VAT rate to the VAT accounting settings
7. Setting the new VAT rate in other code books (Travel Order Cards, Cash Receipt Cards, ...)
8. Change in the VAT rate on contract items
9. Change of the VAT rate in the sales price lists
10. Change of VAT rate in EDI
Invoices with an ac. transac. date from 1 January 2024, on which advances with the old VAT rate were deducted, must be corrected.
A more detailed procedure is given in the attachement.
OSS parameters - Sales books and Tax types can be entered by selecting from the code list
In Multi Company Management, on the OSS Parameters tab, where Sales Books and Tax Types for OSS (One Stop Shop) mode are entered, it is now possible to enter these data by selecting from the given code lists.
Road tax return - rounding when calculating the tax
According to the new [url=https://www.financnisprava.cz/assets/tiskopisy/5408_31.pdf?202401041550]Instructions[/url] for filling out the road tax return for the year 2023, the values of column 21 (Road tax in CZK without application of exemptions and discounts), 24 (Exemption), 25 (Tax discount) and 26 (Partial vehicle tax) are rounded to two decimal places.
In this context, we have made the necessary adjustments to the xml file.
The modification package for versions K2 ori.09, K2 iris.05 and K2 alba.01 is available in Partial Updates (Admin - System - K2 Partial Updates).
New VAT return form from 1 January 2024
On the website [url=https://www.financnisprava.cz/cs/dane/danove-tiskopisy]Finanční zpravá[/url] a new form, model 24, for [i]Value added tax return[/i is published ].
This new sample form will be used for the period from January 2024.
Packages with modified [i]VAT Declaration Form [/i]for versions K2 ori.09, K2 iris.05 and K2 alba.01 are available in [i]Partial Updates[/i] (Admin - System - Partial Updates K2).
Editing the default reduced VAT rate in a column in the List of tax documents report
Due to the change of the reduced VAT rate to 12%, the default value of the reduced rate in the column of the List of tax documents report ( VATD_SEZ01.AM ) for VAT Documents was adjusted from 1.1.2024.
Control report - new parameter for saving xml in the document attachment
We have added the DocumentTypeAbbr - Document type parameter to the Control report - calculation (VATD_KHCZ.PAS) function. The document type abbreviation can be entered in the parameter to save the xml in the attachment of the Inspection report document. By default, the parameter is empty - the xml is not saved in the attachment of the Inspection Report document.
New tab "Accounting items of attached internal documents" in posting
For the initial documents that are charged, we have added another tab to the Accounting tab in the accounting table - Accounting items of attached internal documents.
The posting of the attached internal document is displayed on this tab. Above the table of this tab, it is possible to use the icons to switch to the Initial or Accounting document of the given internal document.
Accounting document - multiple foreign currencies
Items in different foreign currencies can now be booked on one accounting document (until now, only one foreign currency could be on an accounting document).
If several foreign currencies appear on one accounting document, the fields Foreign currency and Amount in foreign currency will not be filled in the header of the accounting document.
Creation of adjustment items for other receivables
We have added the possibility to create correction items for other receivables in the Adjustment items for receivables function.
If we want to use this functionality, in Multi company Management, in the Adjustment items for receivables setting, we check the box Create adjustment items also for other receivables. If correction items are to be created only for documents from certain books, we enter these books in the Other receivables books table.
Other receivables are loaded together with the invoices issued into the Adjustments to receivables form.
Creation and cancellation of adjustment items can also be done using bulk actions on other receivables.
Consolidation package - asset depreciation
1. The possibility to apply extraordinary property depreciation was extended, but only for road motor vehicles that are also emission-free vehicles and are purchased from 1.1.2024 to 31.12.2028.
2. The application of tax write-offs for M1 category vehicles (a vehicle with a maximum of eight seats in addition to the driver's seat) was limited to a maximum of CZK 2,000,000, regardless of the actual entry price.
Reports Statement of assets – parameter for displaying the account balance from the General Ledger
New parameters have been added to the Asset Statement (AssetStatement.AM) and Asset Statement - basic (BasicAssetStatement.AM) reports, which will enable the accounting balance on a given asset/depreciation/amortization account to be displayed on a given date. These are the parameters:
AccBooks – Semi-separated accounting books.
CurrentMulticompanyAccountingBook – Accounting book according to the current multi company.
ShowGenLedgerBalance – Show account balance from General Ledger.
If the report is then run with the parameter GroupBy = 106 (grouping by account), the account balance in the General Ledger is displayed in the report and the Difference is calculated.
Changes to real estate tax from January 2024
Based on the changes in the area of real estate tax from 1 January 2024, resulting from the approved consolidation package, we have made the necessary changes in the K2 system.
More information on legislative changes can be found on the website of the Financial Administration.
In the K2 system, we made adjustments for property cards on the Property Tax tab:
New entries "Q" and "W" have been added to the Land Type codebook, entry "D" has been invalidated and the description for "G" has been modified.
Added new fields "Plot Type" and "Inflation Coefficient".
Furthermore, the script Real estate tax - export (ZAR_DNEM.PAS) was modified for the export of returns and the calculation of real estate tax.
Attendance - scripts
The Employee Portal (PERS_EmployedPersonPortal.PAS), Person Attendance Terminal (ATTT_PersonalTerminal.PAS) and Attendance Terminal (ATTT_Terminal.PAS) scripts, if they have the TerminalAbbr parameter specified, now require the user to have right #2029 - Attendance Terminals - View to run the scripts .
Attendance - worksheets
Adjustments have been made regarding worksheets:
A sub-tab Additional data per worksheet has been added to the Account Totals tab on the worksheet, where Entitlement to food stamps is now displayed
A checkbox has been added to the attendance books Check confirmation of work sheets when exporting to payroll documents - if checked, only payroll files from confirmed work sheets can be exported
Worksheet Day form has been reworked - data on passes, intervals, work accounts, comments and attachments have been placed on separate tabs and an Additional Data tab has been added with information about who changed the given day
Added All Days Confirmed check box to the Record Preview to indicate that the days on the worksheet have been confirmed
Icons for confirming and disconfirming the day of the worksheet have been added to the Worksheet Days tab
Web and e-shop
Language versions for links (images, videos, files, etc.)
Added support for language definition for links (images, videos, files, etc.).
If there is a link for that language (e.g. English), this link will be displayed (e.g. image for banners). If there is no link for that language, the link for the default language will be displayed.
List od scripts and reports
The newly created report F9FormationInfo.AM will display the listed scripts and reports above each module.
Administration of application servers
Starting with version album.02, a new book called Application Server Management was created. The book is included in the tree menu Administrator - System - Administration of application servers.
The book provides information about all running application servers, and part of the functionality over logged-in users, which was previously in License Management, is transfered to it.
News in K2 alba.01
Basic Code Lists and Supporting Modules K2
Division of fields for setting floating maturity separately for purchase and sale
On the Suppl/cust tab in the purchase and sale tabs, the fields for setting the floating maturity have been divided:
• Month shift,
• Number of days since the beginning of the month.
It is now possible to define a variable maturity in the Payment Terms section, one for purchase and another for sale.
Create Activities script
As of version 2024.01, the original scripts that created activities for the parenthetical records in the listed books have been deprecated. These are scripts PartCreateActivity.PAS (Partners), Kont_akt.pas (Person Kont.) and also Act_FromDoc.PAS (purchase and sales documents in general). These scripts have been replaced by the new CreateActivity.pas script.
Canceling the Internal mail client and the "Setting up mail accounts" function
As of K2 album.01, [b]Internal Mail Client[/b] has been cancelled to work in K2, leaving only [b]External Mail Client [/b]to set up mail accounts for the script.
In the tree menu, instead of the original function [i]Mail[/i], the function [i]Mail account settings[/i] is included.
Cancellation of EDI scripts (EDI.pas and EDI_Purchase.pas) - K2 alba.01
As of version K2 alba.01, the scripts for the original EDI were deprecated from the standard. These are EDI.pas and EDI_Purchase.pas scripts.
News in the Pricelists module (K2 alba.01)
1) From version 2024, the old pricing will be cancelled, including user right 312 (Browsing the 5th page – Sales prices).
2) In current Pricelists the option to define External lots has been added to the "Other items of the price list" section. The price then applies only if the value of this external lot is entered in the sales item.
Patterns (cancellation)
Starting with the K2 album version (2024), support for creating records using Patterns (keyboard shortcut Shift + F6) is ended.
News in EDI
An option to define default sales and purchase ledgers for importing EDI messages has been added to the EDI tab on the Customers and suppliers tab. If the field is filled, then the value from this field will take precedence over the value of the parameters of the same name from the EDI configuration.
In the EDI Message Queue book, an option was added to attach an xml file with a message for a given record in the book. The automatic connection occurs after the successful processing of the record in the EDI Message Queue book. The prerequisite for automatic connection of xml files is to have the Connect EDI message parameter set in the EDI configuration in multicompany and to have the type defined in the Document configuration code list in the next parameter Document type for EDI messages (see documentation description).
Cancellation of article ordering scripts
The following scripts for ordering article have been moved to the Archive:
Creating orders for article in demand (GoodsOrder.pas)
Creation of orders for article in demand - Order (GoodsOrder_Order.pas)
Creation of orders for article in demand - plan (GoodsOrder_Plan.pas)
Create orders for article in demand (GoodsOrder_Script.pas)
For ordering article - creation of orders, transfers, internal production orders - the action of the Realization of requirements module is used. Detailed description of individual parts: creation of orders, creation of transfers, creation of internal production orders.
Warehouse locations - new right, enhancement in bulk creation
For working with warehouse locations we made following enhancements:
- Format of location abbreviation: To create, to edit and to delete formats of location abbreviations is allowed only for users with the right Code lists / Locations / Edit formats of location abbreviations.
- Bulk creation of locations: In the step, in which the proposals of location abbreviations are generated, is possible to adjust the items - to delete, to edit or to add new location abbreviation.
New parameters in the Warehouse Recalculation function
Recalculation of warehouses was supplemented with two new options:
Automatic creation of a queue of article for recalculation - after turning on this option, the recalculation will automatically select article that need to be recalculated. These are article that have moved in the given period or that are in stock.
Do not recalculate stock records - if this option is checked, the recalculation of stock records is not corrected. There is no deletion and filling of stock tables.
We have included a new Barcode module in IS K2. This module is a list of all barcodes created across all of K2. At the same time, it is also possible to set a definition for barcodes in which the formatter can be used. Based on this definition, barcodes are then created.
The ability to enter a barcode has also been added to all WMS modules.
Script Start the mobile terminals function
We have created a new Run MTModule function script (RunMTModule.PAS). Based on the specified RID, this script can start a specific function of mobile terminals. This option can also be used within the web K2.
Contracts - Links added
We have added Links to the documents Contract - sale, Contract - purchase and Contract - others on the Attachments tab.
Cancellation of the Internal Bank module
Since the K2 version of the album, support for the Internal Bank modules has been cancelled.
Penalty in the K2 alba version
The original penalty tool (FAV_PEN0M.PAS), which was used to calculate late payment interest for late payment of invoices, has been replaced by a new Penalty function (InvoicePenalty.PAS). The function is triggered on invoices issued and other receivables. In the function, it is possible to filter the documents that we want to penalize according to the specified criteria. The function creates penalty invoices for the selected documents with the calculation of interest for late payment. You can find a description of the function in the attached file.
Management reports
OLAP - Costs and incomes: dimensions Code3 - Code6
The Costs and incomes cube supports creation of dimensions for Code3, Code4, Code5 and Code6.
Cancellation of the report Economic analysis - shortened
The report Economic analysis - shortened (UCT_EKAZ.AM), which displayed only non-zero rows of the current economic analysis, was canceled. Instead of this report, the report Economic Analysis - 4 Columns (UCT_EKAN4S.AM) is available, to which the parameter Show_Null_lines = No can be added.
A new book with a list of control reports
In the Control report - calculation script, after pressing the List of control reports button, a book containing all calculated control reports will be displayed.
The book with the list of Control reports can now also be added to favorites on the desktop.
To view the List of Control Reports, you must have the new right - Control Reports - Viewing (2250).
New law - Control report - Viewing
To display the List of control reports, you must have the right - Control reports - Viewing (2250).
Splitting Account Name into multi company
In the Chart of Accounts, divided into multi companies, different Account Names for individual multi companies can be entered on one account.
Automatic posting of documents function
We have created a new function Automatic posting of documents, which posts selected types of documents for the specified period. The function can be included in the Task Scheduler and run automatically.
Road tax - new button on the vehicle card for tax exemptions and discounts
A new Exemptions and discounts button has been added to the Vehicles tab for the purposes of calculations for the Road Tax Return. Under the button, the Tax Exemption § 3 fields are available - by choosing from the number list, the necessary letter of the paragraph is selected and the Tax Discount Percentage field - the number of percentages is entered.
When moving from a lower version, these fields are filled according to the type of notes for exemption and discount indicated in the lower version.
Script for transferring customs tariffs to other legislations as well
From version K2 iris.04, a script was added to the standard to facilitate the filling of the Customs Tariff field for other legislations on the goods cards. The Customs tariff field is divided into legislations, because each country can have its own legislation regarding the division of goods into customs tariffs, but in practice it is common that the customs tariffs are the same with exceptions.
Therefore, if the article cards have the Customs Tariff field filled and additional legislations are added to the goods card, then this script, after running, will allow the current value of the customs tariff from the legislation, which is set to the current multicompany (own companies), to be transferred to other legislations for the cards as well article. Therefore, the same customs tariff value will be filled for all legislation defined on the product cards (if the customs tariff for another legislation is already filled, then the record will be skipped). At the same time, the given record will also be created in the Customs tariff code for the given legislation, if the record is not found.
The script is executed above a product card filter that the user creates, which will not include those article cards where the customs tariff value will be different.
New Depreciation posting key field on the asset card
On the asset card, we have added a Depreciation posting key field to the Basic data tab (under the Additional data button).
When creating an asset card, the Depreciation posting key field is not filled in automatically – posting key is added to the depreciation from the Asset book settings.
If we enter the Depreciation posting key on asset card, when creating or recalculating depreciation, this posting key will be entered into the "Depreciation" and "Depreciation of partial removal" movement.
Stocktaking processing – when codes are changed, the description field is filled in for asset movements
During stocktaking processing, the description: Stocktaking processing + number of Stocktaking Document is now added to the created asset movements of the "Code change" type.
Addition of texts to asset stocktaking reports
Lines with texts were added to the Asset stocktaking (AssetStocktaking.AM, AssetStocktaking_X.AM) and Asset Stocktaking List (AssetStocktakingList.AM, AssetStocktakingList_X.AM) reports on the last page of the reports:
Asset stocktaking + Stocktaking number / Stocktaking sheet + Stocktaking sheet number, Initiation of stocktaking, End of stocktaking, Method of ascertaining the actual conditions, Signature of the person responsible for ascertaining the fact, Signature of the person responsible for carrying out the stocktaking.
Cancellation of old asset
In the K2 Alba version, the old asset is canceled. In this context, the following were removed from the tree menu and from the menu of print reports and functions:
- Books of old asset
- Node for Old asset
- Old asset scripts, reports and filters
When reinstalling on K2 Alba from a lower version, Use new assets must be checked in the Client Parameters. You can no longer convert to new assets in K2 Alba.
Canceling scripts for Payroll, Human Resources and Payroll standard extensions
As of the K2 ALBA release, the following scripts and their related reports above the payroll module have been deprecated:
- [i]Collective employer notification[/i] (MZD_HOZ.PAS)
- [i]Notice of employment[/i] (MZD_ONZ.PAS)
- [i]Attachment to the application for benefit[/i] (MZD_NEM.PAS)
- [i]Pension insurance record sheet [/i](MZD_ELDP.PAS)
- [i]Notification by employer upon termination of incapacity for work[/i] (MZD_HZUPN.PAS)
- [i]Notification of intention to apply discount on insurance premium[/i] (PREMP_OZUSPOJ.PAS)
- [i]ISPV9[/i] (MZD_ISPV9.PAS)
All these scripts are fully replaced by new books that will be available from the tree menu after installing the standard extension for [i]Personnel and Payroll[/i].
[b]If the [i]Payroll and Human Resources[/i] module is used, the following steps must be performed after reinstalling the K2 ALBA version:[/b]
- Installation of the standard extension for [i]Personnel and Payroll[/i]
- Running an optional version initialization - [i]Initialize data for K2HR[/i] - this action will populate the newly created books with data, i.e. transfer the data from the original scripts to the standard extension tables so that all the records stored in them are also available within this new functionality. This initialization must be run before new ledger entries are created.
Web and e-shop
Flag "Paid" x "Unpaid" - change in logic for confirmed contracts
On the e-shop, in the [b]List of contracts[/b] section, the logic of the flag [b]"Paid" x "Unpaid"[/b] has changed.
For confirmed orders, only whether all invoices or advances, paid. It is no longer resolved whether there are invoices for all items.
If there is no invoice or advance for the confirmed contract, the "Unpaid" flag will be displayed.
For unconfirmed contracts, the logic remains unchanged.
License management - obtaining AS callstacks
In [i]License management[/i], tab [i]Logged in users[/i], buttons were added above the record for AS for the possibility to remotely [b]obtain the callstack [/b]of the application server, or [b]a series of callstacks [/b]of the application server.
The result of the operation will be stored in the user directory of the user who started the action.
New K2.ini parameters - switching surfaces
New parameters have been added to K2.ini to hide the option to switch surfaces and environment settings (visual styles, display size and universal forms preferences):
DISABLELAYOUTMENU=1 ... Menu [i]Settings \ Desktops [/i] is disabled - cannot switch desktops or manipulate them
DISABLEUIMENU=1 ... Menu [i]Settings \ Environment Settings[/i] is disabled - cannot switch visual styles, display size and preferences of universal forms
DISABLEVCXMENU=1 ... Menu [i]Settings \ Environment Settings \ Visual Styles[/i] is disabled - cannot switch visual styles
Administration of Scheduled Tasks - adding checks to the "Administration of Scheduled Tasks" right
Starting with versions ori.09, iris.05 and alba.01, we modified the options for working with [b]scheduled tasks[/b]. For the [i]Administration of Scheduled Tasks[/i] right, we have added controls for other actions.
A user without this right cannot now:
- run scheduled tasks
- delete records from history
- terminate running tasks
- create and edit scheduled tasks.
Administration of Scheduled Tasks - Setting of scheduled background actions
In the Task Scheduler, there is a new option to enable [u]separate threads that will quickly process one-off immediate tasks[/u].
In [i]Administration of Scheduled Tasks[/i], we can turn this feature on using the [b][i]"Setting Scheduled Tasks in Background" button[/i][/b]. We will set the maximum number of threads to be created, the user under which jobs will be processed and the number of days after which jobs will be automatically deleted.
In basic scheduler mode, threads for processing one-time immediate jobs are processed only on the default server.
In Balancer mode, threads for processing one-time immediate jobs are processed on all K2_AS with a scheduler.
Scheduled Tasks administration - New occurrence of "Once with multiple attempts on error"
We have added a new occurrence type [b]"Once with multiple attempts on error"[/b] to the [i]Scheduled Tasks[/i] settings.
After selecting this occurrence, 2 new parameters will be displayed:
- How many times to try to run the task again
- Delay between individual attempts
If the task does not end with the status "OK", "OK with a warning" or "OK with an error", the system will try to start the task again after a set delay, and this will do so a maximum of as many times as specified in the parameter "How many times to try to start the task again".
Elasticsearch search
In IS K2, you can use the Elasticsearch tool, which is used for fast and efficient searches within the e-shop and IS K2.
Web K2
Marking records in web K2
In web K2, records can now be marked with the mouse using the keyboard shortcut:
Ctrl + mouse click, or
Shift + mouse click.
Selection of calendar color in web K2
In web K2, it is possible to define your own color for individual calendars.
New style of web K2
In the new Web style in web K2, the user can customize the appearance according to his preferences (color, transparency,...).