News in version

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News K2 gaia.12

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My Office

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Notifications - new action: Confirmation of job card operation

We have added new action to notification system: Confirmation of job card operation.

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Sounds of standard mobile terminals

The basic mobile terminal sounds are now part of the IS K2 installation and do not need to be recorded additionally. There is a Sound folder in the IS K2 root directory and then in the Conf directory. Basic terminal sounds are stored here.

There is also a Special folder available here. This is used for special reader sounds. These must be named just like the standard sounds. The function will then prioritize them. They will not be deleted after reinstallation.

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Bulk payment configuration - ability to specify conditions for filtering breakdown items using regular expressions

In the configuration of bulk payments in the function HB - bank statement (HB_Statement.pas), the possibility to specify conditions for filtering breakdown items using regular expressions has been added.

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Update of internal OSS document for domestic VAT return

Newly, the already created internal One Stop Shop (OSS) document for the domestic VAT return can be updated. It is not necessary to cancel the original document and create a new one.

If an internal document already exists for the given month for the domestic tax return, by running the OSS script - creating an int. document for VAT return (OSS_CreateInternalDocument.PAS), the internal document is updated.

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Web and e-shop

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Do not enter the product name - the item description value from the document is loaded for the EshopArticleNameCalc field

If the option "Do not enter the name of the product" is checked on the Article tab, then the item description value from the document is loaded into the EshopArticleNameCalc field (in the Order Confirmation email, in the List of orders, invoices, parcels and the List of ordered items in the e-shop).

If the description on the document is not filled in, the product name for the e-shop will be displayed by default.

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Shopping cart analysis - renaming the parameter and changing the default value

In the DataMining_Parameters.pas script, the parameter "Minimum number of occurrences of recommended goods" has been renamed to "Minimum absolute support (number of occurrences of goods)". The functionality of the parameter remains the same.

Furthermore, the default value of the "Minimum support" parameter was reduced from 1% to 0.01%.

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News K2 gaia.11

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Basic Code Lists and Supporting Modules K2

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Bank account - prefilling the recipient's address

There was an adjustment when pre-filling the company name and data from the company address on the foreign bank account on the Suppl./Cust. Card. So far, the company name and data from the company address have been overfilled in the event that Suppl./Cust. state differed from the company's own state. Newly, these data will be pre-filled after marking the foreign bank account with the Foreign check mark.

There was also a change in behavior in Wage deductions.

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EKOKOM - input of invoices according to the date of the accounting case/Date of confirmation

In the EKO-KOM packaging production calculation form, the fields Take into account the date of the accounting case of the invoice issued and When calculating the date of the accounting case of the received invoice have been added. If it is checked, then the documents that have the date of the case in the interval for calculating the EKO-KOM will be sent to EKO-KOM. If it is not checked, then the EKO-KOM calculation behaves as before... i.e. the documents will be sent to EKO-KOM according to the invoice confirmation date.

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New options in Bulk payment configuration in the HB function - bank statement

Fields have been added to the Bulk Payments Configuration in the HB - Bank Statement function (HB_Statement.pas):

- Deviation from the loaded amount - deviation from the amount that is taken into account during filtering to find documents in the defined range. (There is sometimes a difference of several hundredths between the amount of the document and the amount of the statement.)

- option Use amount for - option how to handle the loaded amount. Either it is also used for filtering or it is only inserted into the document. Filtering will then only take place based on the variable symbol or other selected field.

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Setting the current exchange rate in the exchange rate sheet

From the versions K2 gaia.11, K2 ori.07 and K2 iris.03 there was a change in setting the current rate. In the exchange rate sheet, the current exchange rate is written into the header of the exchange rate sheet only if your own company is not selected on the exchange rates (CompanyId = 0).

The function Creating a bank order in the open item book and financial management worked with the current exchange rate from the header of the exchange rate sheet. Both functions now take the current exchange rate from the exchange rate sheet item according to the respective own company.

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Creating a bank order in the Open item book

There has been a change in the Create bank order function in the Open item book since versions K2 gaia.11, K2 ori.07 and K2 iris.03:

- the current exchange rate is set from the items of the relevant exchange rate sheet (so far it was set from the header of the exchange rate sheet),

- only documents that have the same company name as the company name of the bank account to which the bank order is created are loaded into the function.

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Creating a bank order in the Financial Management book

The Create bank order function in the Financial Management book has changed since versions K2 gaia.11, K2 ori.07 and K2 iris.03:

- the current exchange rate is set from the items of the relevant exchange rate sheet (so far it was set from the header of the exchange rate sheet),

- only documents that have the same company name as the company name of the bank account to which the bank order is created are loaded into the function.

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Viewing the selling price for asset retirement

A Sales Price field can now be added to asset card list. The sales price entered when the asset was retired will be displayed.

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Web and e-shop

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Support for SEO when indexing images on the website/e-shop

In order to improve support for SEO when indexing images on the website/e-shop, the format for editing the file/image name when connecting it to the Links module and uploading it to the repository (FTP, SFTP) has been changed.

Newly, the titles do not use underscores to separate words, and the text is converted to lowercase letters.

Existing attached images and files are not affected by this modification, they will only be applied to newly attached ones.

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New data module Progress of license usage over time

In the tree menu in the administration section a new data module Progress of license usage over time was created. This data module replaces the report.

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News K2 gaia.10

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Basic Function

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Changing the behavior of the F5 key in line editing

As of versions 2021.10, 2022.06 and 2023.02 there has been a [b]change in the behavior of the F5 key [/b](Change) on the Grid with [b]line editing enabled[/b].

When line editing is enabled, pressing the [i]F5[/i] (change) key now behaves the same as the [i]Change [/i] button in the ribbon and in the help bar. That is goes to the full change, e.g. to the Basic data tab.

If the line editing mode is set on the grid without the possibility to switch it (InlineMode set to gilmAlways), then the F5 key will not go into the change.

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My Office

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Sort comments in the Own pending steps book

The action "Sort comments from the most recent" was added to the list of comments in the Own pending steps book.

After activating the action, the list will be reloaded and sorted from the most recently added to the oldest comments.

The state of the action is stored in the user parameter.

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Bulk insertion of attachments in the book Own pending steps

It is now possible to add attachments in bulk in Own pending steps book. After centering to the book from which the attachments are added, just mark requested records with an asterisk and press the enter key. All stared records will be placed in the attachments.

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New bulk action Update contract attribute set

We've created an Update Attribute Set bulk action that can be run on unconfirmed contracts. After the action is started, a set of attributes and attributes specified on the Contract Type will be added to the contracts. Attribute values can then be added to contracts using the Change Attributes bulk action.

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Bank Statement Items - Bulk Name Change

Added Bulk Name Change which is run in bank statement change above marked bank statement items (asterisk). It is possible to enter your own name or select from the list of Bank document cards. If the name on the item is empty and the user wants to keep the values on the item, then the values from the card will be transferred in the same way as when changing manually. It also matters if the bank receipt card to which we want to change the name of the item in bulk has the Do not copy name check box. If the Do not copy name check box is set on the bank documents tab and a name is entered on the bank statement item, the name will not be overwritten, but the other fields entered on the selected bank documents tab will change.

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Canceled the checkbox "SD taxpayer change in the month of removal" on the vehicle card

The checkbox "Change of SD taxpayer in the month of removal" on the vehicle card has been removed. The field canceled the tax liability for road tax in the month of withdrawal, after the amendment of the Road Tax Act it is no longer applicable.

According to the Explanatory Report on Section 2, Paragraph 4 of the Road Tax Act, in cases where there is a change in the person of the operator (or other taxpayer) during the course of a calendar month, the taxable vehicle in which such a change has occurred will now be subject to tax with both operators (or other taxpayers).

On lower versions, the field will not be checked for these reasons.

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Property tax – EPO document and adjustments in the parameters for return

Based on the information from the tax portal about the introduction of a new EPO document for submitting a tax return for real estate tax (the DNEDP4 document also remains valid), K2 has prepared an adjustment for loading the .xml file in the form of DNEDP5.

In connection with the different structure of DNEDP5 compared to the original EPO document DNEDP4, the following modifications were also made in K2:

- "Historical" items entered after running the script "Property tax - parameters" (Delivery address, Bank account, Second bank account) have been removed.

- On the Property tab, Property Tax, Lands tab, the field "Determined price (for type C and D)" has been added - for the possibility of indicating the price determined according to the applicable price regulations for land types C and D. This means that if it is indicated in EPO form price found, there is no need to fill in the land price per 1 m2 (line 211); the value of the price determined in CZK is entered on row 212 and this value will not be recalculated in the EPO form.

The modifications made are available from K2 gaia.09.120535, K2 ori.05.120535 and K2 iris. 01.120535.

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Change in coefficients for property tax

Due to adjustments to the coefficients and new codes for [b]immovable property tax[/b], we made adjustments in K2 related to loading via web services.

Newly, the local coefficients are determined with an accuracy of one decimal place. The local coefficient can be determined for a list of parcels or for the entire cadastral territory. The calculations now use the new EPO code.

The fixes are deployed from K2 gaia.09.121004, K2 ori.05.121004 and K2 iris.01.121004.

Modification packages are available in partial updates (Admin - System - Partial Update K2). They can be applied from versions [url=]with this new feature[/url].

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Inventory card report in new asset - added Overview of asset price increases and changes

"Overview of asset price increases and changes" was added to the Inventory card (AssetInventoryCard.AM) report in the new asset. This section of the report displays confirmed asset movements with Technical Valuation, Price Change, Price Breakdown and Partial Discard with information on the date of movement, type of movement, amount and description of the movement.

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Account assignment of accounting documents report - new parameter for displaying the inventory number of asset

A new InventoryNumber parameter has been added to the Account assignment of accounting documents (UCT_PRKD.AM) report. When you run the report above Asset Movements with this parameter, the asset inventory number will be displayed instead of the asset number.

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Do not report insufficient entitlement to regular leave

A new wage constant [b]MSG_LEAVECLA[/b] has been created - [i][b]Do not report insufficient ordinary leave entitlement[/b][/i].

The wage constant has also been added as a checkmark to the user wage constants per form in the [i]Reporting[/i] section.

During the check calculation, the holiday entitlement is recalculated - the entitlement is checked from the beginning of the year (or the beginning of the relationship) to the current month, i.e. the entitlement to the date = until the end of the current month. Therefore, the taking of leave is checked against the actually incurred claim. If this entitlement is lower than the leave taken, then a warning about this situation is displayed in the error log.

With this check mark (wage constant) it is possible to suppress the report.

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Management of scheduled tasks - bulk disable/enable tasks, quick start and delete active task

3 new functions have been added to [i]Scheduled Task Manager[/i]:

1. Marked tasks can be disabled in bulk with [b]Ctrl+Shift+D[/b] keys or enabled with [b]Ctrl+Shift+E[/b] keys.

2. Added the option to delete the selected non-running scheduled task directly from the [i]Enabled tab [/i]using the keyboard shortcut[b] Ctrl+Shift+Del[/b]. This is a quick delete and does not require the task to be disabled.

3. Added [b]"Run"[/b] button to the window with the list of scheduled tasks to quickly start the task. The task starts immediately, regardless of the settings.

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News K2 gaia.09

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Universal Forms

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F9 display of scripts and reports at the level of all custom companies

If [i]Service mode[/i] is enabled in universal forms in [i]F9 (Scripts and reports)[/i], then scripts and reports listed at the level of all custom companies are displayed. This also applies to Filters administration, Charts and Tables.

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New bulk change - Add attachements

New bulk actions "[b]Add Attachments[/b]" and "[b]Import and Add Attachments[/b]" can be run on data modules to which documents can be assigned. Actions can be run on marked records or on records in a container.

The [b]"Add Attachments"[/b] action opens the [i]Documents[/i] code list. One or more documents can be inserted at the same time (marking and pressing the Enter key). The selected documents are attached to the Attachments tab.

The action [b]"Import and add attachments"[/b] will display the selection of the type of documents, after selecting the type, a file selection window will appear where you can select 1 or more files. After confirming the selection, these files are imported into DM documents and at the same time they are attached to the Attachments tab.

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Logobox - web service for downloading company logos

Logobox is a web service that allows you to download the Logo of a specific company according to its ID number (similar functionality to ARES, Creditcheck, etc.). The service can be started on the Partner tab in the preview. After starting the function, the logo will be uploaded to K2.

In connection with the Logobox service, a new field has been added to the partner book, which displays the Logo of the given company. A scheduled task was also created that will automatically upload these logos for newly created companies.

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Books Sales items and Purchase items (rights handeling)

To access the Sales Items book, you need to have at least one of the user rights to view any of the sales documents. That is, contracts, orders received, reservation sheet, release notes, delivery note issued or invoices issued. Analogously, this also applies to the entry in the Purchase items book. there you need to have at least one viewing right for document order issued, delivery confirmation, receipt note or invoice received.

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Handling of requirements - Create POs - Remove items after ordering

We have added new option to function Handling of requirements - Create purchase orders: Remove items after ordering.

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Handling of requirements - the Clear for all button

There is new button in the Handling of requirements functions, in ribbon in the Processing of items section: Clear for all. This command clears the "Selected for processing / ordering" status of all items.

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Pairing of card payments using cash receipts with HB script - bank statement

In the Configuration of bulk payments in the HB script - bank statement (HB_Statement.pas), the Cash receipt field option has been added, which will allow partial payments sent by an external file to be paired with cash receipts. The methodology is the same as when pairing payments using internal documents.

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New Cash register report (InventoryToDate.AM)

A new Cash register report (InventoryToDate.AM) was created, which is run above the Open item to date book. The report displays an overview of unpaid invoices issued, received, other liabilities and other receivables, and undrawn advances received and issued to a given customer on a given date. The report is designed as a letter, just like the Open item report – cash register (OUL_Survey.AM). The new cash register report (inventoryToDate.AM) prints the data displayed in the Open item book to date. Implicitly, the report prints separately Cash register of receivables and Cash register of liabilities separately. If the SurveyTogether parameter is set to Yes, it will print the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Cahs register together.

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Changes in road tax

Act No. 142/2022 Coll., which among other things amended Act No. 16/1993 Coll., on road tax, introduced changes in vehicle taxation. This law takes effect from 1 July 2022, while according to the transitional provisions it applies for the entire tax period 2022, i.e. it has retroactive effect from 1 January 2022. More information on the website of the Financial Administration.

In connection with the announced changes in road tax, the following adjustments were made in the K2 system:

The form Road tax return – calculation and export (VOZ_RTD.PAS) and Road tax parameters (VOZ_RTDP.PAS) are reworked into blue forms.

New road tax rates can be imported into K2 via the Import Road Tax Code script (VOZ_RoadTaxRates.PAS).

In the Vehicle book, new records have been added to the Body type index. For the purposes of road tax, it is necessary to select from the list: BA - truck, BB - box car, BC - semi-trailer tractor, BD - road tractor, O - trailer.

In order to create a road tax declaration, the following must be filled in on the vehicle card: Body type, Load capacity (Weight), Vehicle type, Number of axles and Road tax.

The road tax return - calculation and export script (VOZ_RTD.PAS) will calculate the road tax for individual vehicles for the whole year. When a commitment is issued, the amount for the entire year is entered in the items for individual vehicles.

The Road Tax Records book and the List of Business Trips by Private Vehicles report have been abolished, as it is no longer necessary to register passenger cars for road tax purposes.

A more detailed procedure can be found in the appendix.

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Parameters for further user sorting have been added to the Asset statement and Asset statement-Basic reports

Parameters have been added to the Asset Statement (AssetStatement.AM) and Asset Statement – basic (BasicAssetStatement.AM) reports:

- GroupBy2 – 2nd grouping

- GroupByAccount2 – Account for 2nd grouping

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Adding a Description to function the Change Asset Codes

We have added a Description to the input form of the Change Codes function. The entered description is saved in Asset Code Changes.

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Probable average earnings

On the [i]Before Calculation[/i] page of the [i]Wage Data[/i] book, a [b]Probable Average Earnings[/b] checkbox has been added to the form. The check mark is informative and cannot be changed. If checked, it means that the average for wage compensation was calculated as a probable average.

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Web and e-shop

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General settings of web, e-shop - option Clear URL with immersion

A new [b]Clear URL with immersion[/b] option has been added to [b]General e-shop settings[/b], [i]URL settings[/i] tab.

When this option is checked, the website will display the clean URL with the structure (immersion) preserved.

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Field Translation function (Ctrl+F11) can be started from the ribbon

The function [b] Field translations [/b] (Ctrl+F11) can now be started directly from the ribbon (Home tab). The function is available in the ribbon only in modules that support field translations.

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Recalculation of article for the e-shop - control within the company and legislation

The Recalculation of article for e-shop function only recalculates records for article that are assigned to the company of the given e-shop.

The functionality has been expanded to include checking legislation, i.e. if article are assigned to a different legislation than the legislation of the e-shop company, then these article will not be charged for the given e-shop.

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Script - Example for confirming / undo the confirming a warehouse document

We have created a script Example - Undo the confirmation/Confirmation of a stock document (Example_ConfirmUndoConfirmStockDocument.pas), which shows how to correctly write script code for undo the confirmation and confirmation of a stock document with regard to archiving the date of the original confirmation and inserting it into the document during reconfirmation.

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User roles - Add, remove and delete rights in bulk

New bulk actions [b]Add Rights[/b], [b]Remove Rights[/b] and [b]Delete Rights[/b] have been added in the book[i]User Roles[/i]:

[i]Add rights[/i] - allows one or more rights to be assigned (marked with an asterisk) to selected user roles. These rights will have a green icon in the definition of the selected roles.

[i]Remove rights[/i] - allows one or more rights to be disabled (marked with an asterisk) by the selected user role. These rights will have a red icon in the definition of the selected roles.

[i]Delete rights[/i] - allows you to delete one or more rights (by marking them with an asterisk) for selected marked user roles. These rights will be deleted from the definition of the selected roles.

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Web K2

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Web K2 - option to send a notification via the right mouse button

In web K2, you can [i]Send a notification[/i] via the right mouse button.

A form will open in which we select a contact person and fill in the text of the message for the recipient. This message will appear on devices that are set to receive notifications.

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News K2 gaia.08

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Clients's parameters - new parameter to replace partner and delivery addressee in offers

A parameter to replace the partner and the delivery addressee was added to the client's parameters.

If another Partner is entered as the head office on the selected Partner's card and at the same time Head Office as the delivery address is checked in the Other addresses button, it will be added to the Offers header as the main Partner and the originally selected Partner will be added to the delivery address.

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Right to Change the bank account, bank code and IBAN on the purchase documents

Right to Change bank account, bank code and IBAN on purchase documents (invoice in, advance in, other liability) was added. Right is listed in Purchase and Sale / General / Change Bank Account on Purchase documents.

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Sale of article at the store (work with advances)

If the New advance function (button) is used in retail sale, then contract will be created for this advance after payment. When subsequently drawing advance (Advance function), the user has the choice whether, in addition to the option to enter advance RN , he/she wants to choose from paid, undeduct advance for the contract (button Deduct advance to advance) or to display a list of all undeduct, paid advances (Deduct advance button to the customer).

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Rounding in Payment method

A new Maximum always round up field has been added to the Payment method code list. If a field is entered, the amount with an absolute value smaller than that entered directly in that field will be rounded up.

Example: If we want to round up an invoice issued for an amount of 0.1 or 0.2

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OLAP - The Stock card cube - Limit for loading detailed data

In OLAP, in the Stock card cube, there is new parameter Limit for loading detailed data. The parameter expects a date (the first date of month), from which the turnovers are loaded from documents. Turnovers from previous periods are loaded from the turnover database.

Note: If the parameter is activated, then values in measures showing quantity and prices on documents (turnovers) do not content data, which were created before the entered date. Stock levels are always correct.

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Work in progress for sales order item

There is new function that can be run for sales order items - Work in progress. This function displayes tree of job cards related to the sales order item and overview of fullfilment of production. The left panel show tree of job cards. The column % complete is value from job card heading indicating ratio between the actual and planned production quantity. The value is sum from all operations. The column Finished production (%) indicates ratio between the actual and planned production quantity from last operation (final product is made) and is related to the sales order item concerned only. On the right side there are tables of operation overview and superior documents.

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Import Exchange Rate - Monthly exchange rate

A new script, Import CNB Exchange Rate - Basic Currency - Monthly (ExchangeListImportMonthlyCZ.pas), was created, which, when included as a planned task, sets in K2 the exchange rate valid on the last working day of the month with the date of the following 1st month.

To use the script, it is necessary to have the Calendar of days off and holidays set in the client parameters on the Business tab.

Edit 23.5.2022 - The script was transferred to the version K2 gaia.07.115091.

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Configuration of bulk payments in the HB function - bank statement

Configuration of bulk payments in the HB function - bank statement

New fields have been added to the bulk payment configuration in the HB function - bank statement  (HB_Statement.pas):

• Amount paid column - payment amount (paid amount is usually reduced by a fee).

• Required amount column - gross amount for which the document is issued. If this value is filled, it is then set to the list item.

• Currency column (optional) - to enter the currency in which the amounts are listed in the file.

• Search columns in the header - if checked, it will search for the column name in the 1st row of the CSV file (if data row 2 or more is entered), and transfer it to the column number. (Example: K2 thought the CSV had a header, but it was just an address that had nothing to do with the rest of the CSV. Then when setting the value of the sequence number of the column in the bulk payment configuration, there could be a match with the description number (4.p.) , and so a different column than the one specified was used.)

• Description of the fee

• Charging a fee.

Also, the split payment button has been modified. If the Split with Fee button is used to split the payments, the item type will get "I" as the issue and the description and account from the bulk payment configuration.

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Setting reliability of VAT payer

A field for entering the directory with the error message was added to the VAT payer reliability settings, where the log with the error message is stored. If the field is not filled in, the log is saved in the user directory.

In addition, a notification has been added to "Bank order confirmation, where there are payments to unverified or unregistered accounts in the VAT payer register", which will be ran after query is confirmed when confirming bank order.

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Credit notes – parameter for the current record

The CurrentRecord parameter was added to the Credit notes (FA_DOB.pas) function for processing the current record. By default, the parameter is set to No. If the parameter is set to the value Yes, the Credit notes function will be started above the current document even from the list of documents tab.

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Matching bulk payments from GoPay and GlobalPayments

The option to import bulk payments in xml formats from GoPay and GlobalPayments has been added to the HB-bank statement function (HB_Statement.pas).

The settings are made in the bulk payment configuration in the field [i] File type [/ i], where "XML" is filled in. Then another field [i] xml file type [/ i] will be available, where it is possible to select GoPay or GlobalPayments.

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Payment order in foreign currency

We made it possible to enter an additional currency for the expense item in the bank order. If the currency is filled in, the amount will be recalculated into the currency of the order. It will be possible to send, for example, € 100 from a CZK account or $ 100 from a euro account.

At the same time, the HB function - bank order (HB_Order.pas) for sending a bank order by homebanking was modified. If an additional currency is entered on the expense item and sets the payment in the currency of the paid document (parameter PaymentType = 0), the amount and currency of the expense item in the additional currency will be sent.

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Bank Order Report - Parameter for displaying Iban and Swift for bank order items

The ShowSwiftAndIBANInItem parameter has been added to the Bank Order report (BPR_DOK02.AM) to display Iban and Swift on bank order items.

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Management reports

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OLAP - Change of parameter the EA Lines statement change

We renamed the parameter "EA Lines statement change" to "EA lines – Desig. + paragraph + text". When the parameter is enabled, the line designation, paragraph and text are displayed in the General Ledger in the Economic Analysis Line.

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Economic analyzes - new ActualMulticompanyBook parameter

For printing economic analyzes from the tree menu, we have added a new parameter ActualMulticompanyBook - Set the Books parameter according to the accounting book from the current multicompany administration from the Post to book field.

If the parameter is set to Yes and in the Multicompany Management on the Billing tab, Post to the book is specified, the reports will display the data in the statements according to the current multicompany.

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Parameter for choosing the path to the underlying image in the Balance Sheet

The PathToBackgroundPicture parameter has been added to the Balance script (UCT_EA_Balance.PAS) - a directory for background images and templates.

If a directory path is specified with this parameter, the underlying images will be loaded from that directory. When exporting the report to Excel, the Excel file from this directory is also taken over.

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New report Statement of assets - basic

The Basic Asset Statement - basic report (BasicAssetStatement.AM) has been added to the new Asset, which displays the Entry Price, Current Price, Depreciation, Depreciation for the period, Depreciation for the last month and Balance.

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Entry into employment report - parameters settings

In the case of reports on termination of employment within the script [i] Report of entry into employment [/ i] (MZD_ONZ.PAS), [i] Reasons for termination [/ i] of employment are added to the section [i] Unemployment benefits [/ i] relationship. The reasons for terminating the employment relationship are calculated automatically according to the value on the payroll.

If the list of [i] Reasons for Termination [/ i] is extended by the user, then these reasons were not automatically loaded until the end of employment.

For this purpose, we have created a new script [i] [b] Report of entry into employment - setting parameters [/ b] [/ i] (MZD_ONZP.PAS). Here it is possible to assign a reason for termination from the CSSA code list to each reason for termination from K2, or a reason for not providing data. If the codebook [i] Reasons for termination [/ i] is not extended by the user, no settings are required.

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Overview of health insurance payments - export

Parameter [b] XML2StructCodes [/ b] - HI codes for export of the CIHI XML format was added to the report [i] Overview of health insurance payments [/ i] (MZD_PVZP.AM). Therefore, the parameter is set to 205 by default.

Therefore, a new export file is created implicitly in the * .XML format for the CIHI insurance company. This file can be opened in Adobe Acrobat. When opened in Adobe Acrobat, the PPZ_2011_v30_CPZP_web.pdf fileable file opens from the SupportFiles \ Lang5 location and the data is loaded into it.

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Bills of exchange - new parameter

The parameter [b] WithRealCalRecords [/ b] - including fact calendar records - has been added to the report [b] [i] Bills of Exchange [/ i] [/ b] (MZD_DOCH.AM). Set to NO by default.

When this parameter is set to YES, the setting of the [i] WithWageComp [/ i] parameter is overridden. When this new parameter is set to YES, the data are taken from the [i] Schedule [/ i] of the payroll document from the [i] Actual - working time records [/ i] tab. E.g. the holiday will not be in the report over days when the shift is not defined.

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Web and e-shop

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Limit for cash payments in e-shop

In the definition of payments for e-shop, if the function immediate payment is turned on, fact is included, that if the customer makes a purchase for more than CZK 270,000, he/she will not be offered the option to use this payment in the e-shop. We recommend using it in the case of cash payments, because according to the law on the limitation of cash payments, customers shopping above this limit should use cashless payment.

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Parameter for export to Excel

A new ADDHEADERTOEXCELEXPORT parameter has been added, which enables or disables the export of the table header with column names to Excel. The parameter is set by default to the value 1. If the value of the parameter is equal to 0, the header of the table with column names is not printed.

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Transfer of fragment modifications

Form modifications can now be moved between individual storage levels in the matrix. It is thus possible to create a modification, for example, for a specific user and, after testing, move it to a higher level, for example, for a group of users or the entire installation.

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Display of local installation update

When updating the local installation, the installation progress indicator appears again and is displayed throughout the installation. To see this information, you must update the Update Service (..\SupportFiles\LocalInstall\Packages\UpdateService).

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Web K2

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GPS location

We added new options to the script for determining the location of a mobile device using a GPS signal. For these purposes, 3 functions are published for the script. These are GPSStart, GPSRead and GPSStop.

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News K2 gaia.07

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My Office

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Check in Notification settings

A new condition cannot be saved when editing a notification if a contact person is listed in the list of recipients who does not have the right to view the corresponding data module. If the right to the corresponding data module is removed from the user only after the creation of the given condition, this information will be listed in the Checks log in the Notification settings.

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Supplier price lists - copying items

There is new function in the book of Supplier price lists: Copy items from other price list. The function runs for the current price list, in the Browse mode, and transfers items from other price list into the current one. Price lists of the same supplier are offered for selection by default.

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Preseting of the Reservation and Release flags on job card items

When inserting a new item into job card (classic forms: the Insert key in empty table; universal forms: the Insert key always), the "r" and "l" flags are set according to preset in the Article category.

On the planning job cards it is not possible to set the Release flag.

Note: Until now the "r" and "l" flags were set only when the items are generated from manufacturing routing (creation of job card and selecting a routing, via the Copy routing function, creation of job card using Dispatcher).

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Manufacturing routings - Copy routing variant - changes

There are new adjustments in the Copy routing variant function in the module of Manufacturing routings:

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Canceling of job card schedule - SQL query

Bulk action Cancel scheduling in the module of Job cards and its shortcut Cancel scheduling of job cards were rewritten to SQL query.

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Coverage status on items

We have enhanced the indication of coverage states on document items. Coverage states on job card operations, on document headings and in the CoverageItem database table did not change (they are still three: covered, partly covered, not covered).

Overview of coverage states on items:

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Cash discount - filling rates to cash discount documents

In the Apply cash discount function (Finance / Discount / Discount application), the exchange rate of the invoices in the currency is inserted in the documents according to the settings in the internal documents book. If the invoice exchange rate is set on the internal documents book, the exchange rate is inserted into the revalued documents after the invoice is revalued (Rate 2). If the exchange rate is set according to the exchange rate list, the current exchange rate on the day of issuing the discount document is inserted into the discount document.

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Days of delay to date in the book Open item to date

The DelayDaysToDate field has been added to the Open item to date field, which shows the number of days past due to the set date.

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Function to Rest payments of invoices in the document currency paid

A new function Rest payments of invoices in the document currency paid has been created. The function is intended for the payment of invoices that are paid in a foreign currency (eg EUR, PLN a) and are outstanding or overpaid in the currency of the company itself. The function is located above the invoices issued and received in the universal forms in the ribbon in the Payments tab and also in the Bulk Actions tab. After starting the function, the form for entering the book of internal documents to which the payment will be made will be displayed. You must enter a book of internal documents that has the Exchange rate documents check box, as this is an exchange rate difference. You can also enter the date on which the internal document will be created in the function form. After the form is approved, an internal document will be created. If the function will be run from bulk actions, the documents must be marked with an asterisk. One internal document will be created, in which the payment items of individual invoices will be in the items.

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Functions for automatic document pairing in the HB script - bank statement (HB_Statement.pas)

In the HB function - bank statement (HB_Statement.pas) it is possible to set the AutoLoadDocuments parameter, which will automatically search for a document for a bank statement item according to the reference number (if only one appears among the documents). The order of searching in documents is as follows:

invoices out,

invoices in,

advances in,

advances out,

other receivables,

other liabilities.

The automatic document pairing function is set in the HB_Statement.pas script with the AutoPairDocuments parameter. This activates the automatic pairing of documents according to the reference number and the breakdown of items, and the item is processed in the same way as with the Divide button. If the parameter is set, the script also sets the AutoLoadDocuments parameter internally.

When searching for documents, the RefNoPattern parameter can be used, which can be used to set a pattern for searching for a reference number from the source file. This is mainly the ISO20022 format (xml) in which, for foreign statements, the reference numbers are part of the item description ("Ref No. 100001,100002,100003", "Invoices 220056, 220088, 220156, 226581").

The function automatically matches documents even over the saved statement.

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Asset Conversion Extension - Conversion of code changes (4th page) after the conversion date

We've added a new Code Change Conversion (Page 4) option after the conversion date to the Asset Conversion form.

If checked, code changes after the conversion date will be transferred to the new asset when the existing conversion is complete.

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Asset Conversion Extension - Added a new Keep Internal Asset Card Numbers option

The Keep internal asset card numbers option has been added to the Asset Conversion form.

If the option is checked, the internal card number from the old property is converted to New Asset.

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Minimum / guaranteed wage check

Minimum / guaranteed wage check has been adjusted. For the check, it was necessary to have the calendar filled in working and set hours. The calendar from the HRWEEK payroll component is now automatically taken for the purpose of this check for the hourly form of the wage or remuneration, if the specified time is not filled in for the relationship.

The use will be mainly where it is not necessary to fill in the calendar under certain conditions (eg in the case of an agreement on the performance of work).

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Confirmation from the employer of the other taxpayer

The reports [i] Confirmation for claiming a tax benefit [/ i] (PDP_ChildOrderConfirm.AM) and [i] Confirmation of the employer of the other taxpayer [/ i] (MZD_CHILDCONF.AM) have been modified.

If the reports are printed for an employee who has no children entered on the personnel card, then the sentence will be printed on the confirmation: [i]The employee does not claim a tax benefit on any of his or her children.[/i]

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Payroll components - form modification

On the payroll components forms, a date picker was added to the [i] From [/ i] and [i] To [/ i] fields.

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Contextual line actions

Actions can now also be set for table lines. Using this function, it is possible to set the entire collection of actions, which will then form the context menu of the table. In this way, it is possible to create a completely different context menu, which will always be displayed by right-clicking on a table row. This context menu then replaces the standard generated menu.

The function is available for the Grid and Tree view components.

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Table settings in fragments

The grid table (grid) and its complete settings can also be defined in the form designer. This function allows you to set the layout and appearance of the table, conditional formatting, sorting, or even column formatting.

The advantage of such a setting is the ability to create a table from scratch with all the options for formatting and saving this configuration to a specific fragment.

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License usage monitoring

The new number of registered users is written directly to the login record, so it is not necessary to calculate the logged-in users by counting the records in the EventLog table (Changes).

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Web K2

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Notification display in web K2

For the web K2, the function of display notifications has been implemented, when to display the panel, which can be found in the IS K2 in the right column, it is possible to switch to the list of notifications according to the device used. Ie. for mobile devices, it uses the button that is located at the top next to the login icon. For desktop devices, there is a button in the right panel as in IS K2.

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News K2 gaia.06

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My Office

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Procedures - node copy

The Node Copy action has been added to the procedure editor. This action creates a copy of the selected step in the editor, ie. copies the properties of the step and its settings. The copy of the step has a newly generated shortcut. The newly created step is displayed in the editor.

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Stock recalculation updates the TimeStamp field on items

When the Stock recalculation function changes values on items of purchase / sales documents, then the item time stamp value is also updated.

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Check modulo 11 when entering a bank account on documents

For invoices, advances, other payables and other receivables, a check was added when entering a bank account to see if the account number complies with the modulo 11 check. Therefore, if the Modulo 11 check box is set on a specific Bank in the bank code list, a modulo 11 check is performed at the given bank when entering the bank account on the document.

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BS - bank statement - parameter for loading only unmatched items

A new LoadUnmatchedItemsOnly parameter has been added to the HB-Bank Statement (HB_Statement.pas) function. This parameter ensures that only unpaired bank statement items (type N) are loaded in the Bank statement item matching form

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New field Accounting document on Posting tab

On the Posting tab, the Accounting Document field has been added. This field indicates the number of the accounting document and it is possible to call up the Accounting Journal by pressing the F12 key.

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Script extension Link a document item to an asset card

You can also use the Link Document Item to Asset Card (LinkDocumentItemToAsset.PAS) script to add an other receivable or payable item to the asset card.

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Taxable income confirmation - new parameter

The PrintZeroValues (print zero receipt as well) parameter was added to the reports Taxable income confirmation (MZD_PRIJ.AM) and Taxable income confirmation K2 (MZD_PRIJ2.AM) . The parameter defaults to NO - report behavior as before. When the parameter is set to YES, the report is also printed for employees with zero income.

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Prolonged leave - adjustments

A new wage component LEAVEEXTTRNO has been created - not to transfer prolonged leave.

The component has a default value of NO. If extended leave is registered separately from regular leave, then when the wage component is set to YES in the January calculation, the balance of extended leave from the previous year will not be transferred and last year's extended leave will therefore be reset at the beginning of the year.

The wage component will be part of the import of wage legislation 2022.

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Earning record - employer's payments

For the reports Earning record (MZD_LIST.AM) and Earning record (portrait) (MZD_LISTV.AM) a section has been added to the section Overview of paid wages Employer's payments, which shows the employer's payments to social, health and statutory insurance.

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Annex to the Execution Order, Resolution - new parameter

The parameter AddresseeFromDescription - the addressee from the collision description was added to the report Annex to the Execution Order, Resolution (MZD_PrilEx.AM). The parameter is set to NO by default, ie the same behavior as before. The Executor's Office is loaded from the Recipient field on the deduction.

When the parameter is set to YES, the executor's office is loaded into the report from the Description field on the collision.

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Taxpayer 's declaration - adjustments

The Taxpayer Declaration report (PERS_TaxpayerStatement.AM) has been modified. In addition to the people who support children together are now counted outside the relationship Husband/wife also relationships Partner and Spouse

At the same time, on the basis of the check box Employed in the same organization, also reads also its taxpayer on the item of the family member.

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Overlap of income and excluded time

The [i] [b] Overlap of Income and Excluded Time [/ b] [/ i] check box has been added to the [i] Calculated Data [/ i] tab.

The check box is checked if the period in the month is excluded for the whole month and at the same time some income is settled. In this case, excluded pension insurance periods are not taken into account. So this information is now available on the form.

At the same time, the reports [i] Payroll [/ i] (MZD_LIST.AM), [i] Payroll - portrait [/i](MZD_LISTV.AM) and [i] Payroll [/ i] (MZD_LIST02) were modified. AM) in the section [i] Records of sickness insurance benefits [/ i], where in such a case these uncounted excluded periods are shown in brackets.

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Leave reports - new parameter

The parameter [b] SuppressAmounts [/ b] - [i] was added to the reports [i] Leave - monthly drawdown [/ i] (MZD_DOVOL.AM) and [i] Leave - drawdown status [/i](MZD_DOV1.AM) suppress amounts [/ i]. The parameter is set to NO by default, if it is set to YES, then asterisks are printed on reports instead of amounts.

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Bills of exchange - adjustments

The parameter ShowSignature - show signature was added to the report Bill of Exchange (MZD_DOCH.AM). The parameter is set to NO by default. When set to Yes, an employee signature line appears with the text: Scheduled on. The parameter can be used if the ByMonth parameter is also set to NO.

At the same time, the behavior of the report was modified in case of its running over the book Payroll data or Working relationships and when setting the parameter PlanCal - read data from the plan to the value Yes . In this case, the shifts are now read from the calendars that are assigned for the printed periods, ie the calendar changes saved under the alarm clock (field history) in the field Working hours in the book Working relationships.

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Calculated data - leave

Leave data has been added to the book [i] Payroll data [/ i] on the tab [i] Calculated data [/ i].

The following check boxes have been added to the section [i] Hour calculated for leave entitlement [/ i]:

- [i] [b] The condition [hours] of counting hours [/ b] [/ i] is met, which provides information on whether partially counted replacement times can be counted.

- [i] [b] Maximum [hours] of credit exceeded [/ b] [/ i] informs you that the maximum limit for crediting partially credited replacement periods has been exceeded on the employment relationship.

In the section [i] Leave etc. [/ i] the data [i] Entitlement to [/ i] has been added, which shows the actual entitlement to leave from the beginning of the year to the current payroll period.

At the same time, the [i] Calculated [/ i] button has been added to this section, under which the Leave data for the current year are. These are data from the beginning of the year to the current period. It indicates whether the conditions for entitlement to the current leave of the current year have been met, as well as the hours calculated for calculating the actual entitlement to leave.

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Assigning in wage calculation

The field [i] [b] Assigning in the wage calculation [/ b] [/ i] was added to the employment relationship on the tab [i] Basic data [/ i] (universal forms).

The field is zero for existing employment relationships and its value does not need to be changed or addeed. The field allows you to set the period from which the payroll document will be created in the book [i] Wage data [/ i], ie from when this employment relationship will enter into the calculation. By default, when entering an employment relationship, a payroll document is created for the period in which the date of the employment relationship falls, or for the current payroll processing period, if the employment relationship is in the past. By filling in the field, it is possible to influence this behavior and create payroll documents from another period.

This functionality is used only when establishing working relationships in K2 with the date of origin in the past, when these relationships are included in the calculation in K2 only during their duration. Thus, for example, taking over employees, including their contracts from another employer.

If this is not a specific situation, then the field is not filled in and is left at zero.

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Web and e-shop

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Advance RN for pairing payment gateway transactions

If the e-shop is configured so that advances to the contract are automatically created when paying by card, it is possible to use the "Use advances RN as payment designation" option in the e-shop settings to ensure that the generated advances RN are sent to the payment gateway and overwritten. to the OnlinePaymentId field on the internal document with which the advance is paid. During the subsequent import of a bulk payment, it is then possible to use pairing to internal documents using the OnlinePaymentId field and thus ensure the interconnection of individual transactions with the initial order from the e-shop.

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New parameter K2.ini

A new parameter ParamAddHeaderToCSVExport has been added. When this parameter equals 1, the header is added with name columns in exported CSV.

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News K2 gaia.05

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Basic Function

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Working with comments in bulk

There is the support to work with comments in bulk in the universal forms. Available are two functions: Add comment and Remove comment. Work with comments is supported also for confirmed documents.

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Basic Code Lists and Supporting Modules K2

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New parametric columns for el. addresses and batch parameters

There is new parametric field "EAddressPARAMCalc" in the modules of Suppliers/Customers, Contact persons, Partners and Branches, that allows to display the requested electronic address in the table.

There is new parametric field "BatchValuePARAMCalc" in the module of Batches, that allows to display the value of requested batch parameter.

Parametric fields are available in the universal forms only.

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Settings for downloading messages from data boxes

Settings for downloading messages from data boxes have been moved from Communication - Data box - ISDS parameters to the settings on the Letter post book.

Until now, this setting was on client and therefore common for all letter post books and therefore for all data boxes. It is now possible to make this setting separately for each letter book.

Initializing the version moves the default setting in the ISDS Parameters to all letter post books, where it is then possible to adjust this setting as required.

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EKOKOM - Book Split of packaging into items

In version K2 gaia.05, the table Split of packaging into items was added to the EKOKOM module. This table shows the packaging items of each item from which EKOKOM is calculated for a given period. Newly created reports and scripts are then run above this table, which can be the basis for control or audit control. The data in this table can be filtered in the standard way. If the table is to be filled, it is necessary to check the box Record partial values for S/P items when calculating EKOKOM.

The Export Data to Excel script (EKOKOM_exportExcel.PAS) was created, which is run from the calculated book Split of packaging into items and which exports grouped packaging items for article cards, units of measure and other similar packaging characteristics to Excel, including unit and total weight for packaging items.

The EKOKOM - Sales report (EKOKOM_Sale.AM) then displays an overview of article sold for individual customers. A similar report EKOKOM_Purchase.AM is then specified for article that are reported on the purchase side. Both reports are also run from the Split of packaging into items.

If EKOKOM is reported on the sales side, then the auditors may be required to output the suppliers of article that are reported in EKOKOM. For these cases, the EKOKOM_Suppliers.AM (EKOKOM - Article Suppliers) report has been added, which runs in the Container state on the Article book. The procedure for creating a container of article from the table Split of packages into items is described in the manual for version K2 gaia.05 in a new chapter.

The last set is the set EKOKOM - Overview of packaging for article (EKOKOM.AM). The report for each item entering EKOKOM displays grouped packaging items with packaging characteristics. This report is also run from the book Split of Packaging into Items.

The original EKOKOM_Purch.AM report (which was run from the Purchase Items book) has been deleted and moved to the archive and will no longer be supported.

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Inverse BOM - key shortcut and display options

The Inverse BOM function, that is located in universal forms in the book of Articles, can be run using the key shortcut Shift+F6. In addition there are new options how the article cards will be represented: Abbreviation 1, Name, or both together can be displayed.

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Attaching job cards to production order in bulk

There are new possibilities how to attach job cards to production orders in bulk in the universal forms.

From the Job cards module, it is possible to add marked job cards to selected production order using the Attach to PO function. (In the same way, it is possible to detach job cards from production order - using the Detach from PO function.)

In the Production orders, for the current record, there is the Attach marked job cards function available.

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Invoice offset and Corrective Tax Documents when creating Corrective Tax Documents

New functionality has been added to the function for creating Corrective Tax Documents (FA_DOB.pas). If a Corrective Tax Document for an unpaid invoice is to be created, it is now possible to create a straight internal document that will set off the invoice and the CTD.

In this context, new parameters have been added to the function that need to be set:

• InternalDocBook - Abbreviation of the internal documents books for offset (empty by default)

• CreateOffset - Create invoice offset and CTD internal document (default No)

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Homebanking - new options when exporting a bank order

The option to export several marked bank orders at once has been added to the HB - Bank order function (HB_Order.pas). The OneFile parameter sets whether only one export file should be created or a separate export file for each selected command.

It is now also possible to insert an export file as an attachment to a bank order. It is set by the ArchiveDocFile parameter and the document type for the connection must be specified, which must exist in K2).

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HB - Grouping of bank order items

We have added the option to group only marked bank order items to the function for Grouping bank order items (HB_GroupOrder.pas).

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OSS - Creation of an Internal Document for a domestic VAT return

We have created a new script Creating an Internal Document for the domestic VAT return (OSS_CreateInternalDocument.PAS).

The net document amounts from all OSS (One Stop Shop) regimes in the currency of the company's own company, which have Invoice Date in the period for which it is obliged to pay domestic VAT, are loaded into the internal document. The amount of these amounts is reported on line No. 26 of the domestic VAT return.

To create an Internal Document, you must first set the OSS Parameters:

- Basic settings - Sales books

- Types of taxes for individual regimes

- Creation of an internal document for a domestic VAT return - Book of internal documents (internal document will not be charged), Tax rate "N", tax type "VS" (for a Czech VAT return).

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Posting keys – new parameter DISCOUNT for Amount

We have added the parameter "DISCOUNT" for the Amount to the Posting keys for posting invoices - a discount from the net price from invoice items is posted.

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Correction of penny balances of matching symbols

We have modified the script Correction of penny balances of matching symbols (MatchSymb_BalanceCorrection.PAS) - the correction will be performed only for matching symbols that do not have movement after the date of correction (Accounting transaction date from the input form).

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Balance sheet checks

We've added the following checks to the Balance Sheet (UCT_EA_Balance.PAS) and Shortened Balance Sheet (UCT_EA_BalanceS.PAS) scripts:

- If the total assets and liabilities do not match, the message "Total assets and liabilities in the current period are not the same" or "Total assets and liabilities in the previous period are not the same" is displayed.

- If the Economic result of the current period in liabilities does not match the Economic result of the profit and loss, the message "Economic result of the current period in liabilities does not match the result in the analysis of the income statement." If the SetPastPeriod parameter is set to "No" in the Balance sheet script (i. e. the current and previous period are entered in the input form), the economic result is also checked for the previous period.

In connection with the control of the economic result, we added parameters to the scripts:

- ProfitLossStatement - abbreviation of the analysis, in which it is checked whether the economic result is identical with the economic result in liabilities. The income statement line specified in the ProfitLossStatementProfitLossRow parameter is compared with the line in liabilities specified in the LiabilitiesProfitLossRow parameter.

- ProfitLossStatementProfitLossRow - designation of the line Econimit result in the Profit and Loss Statement.

- LiabilitiesProfitLossRow - Designation of the line Economic result in Liabilities.

Default parameter values in the Balance Sheet script:

- ProfitLossStatement = Výsledovka,

- ProfitLossStatementProfitLossRow = 55,

- LiabilitiesProfitLossRow = 98.

Default values of parameters in the Balance Sheet script in an abbreviated range:

- ProfitLossStatement = Výsledovka Z,

- ProfitLossStatementProfitLossRow = 25,

- LiabilitiesProfitLossRow = 21.

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Self-assessment of VAT according to the company's own document

The internal VAT self-assessment document is now created according to the parameters of the self-assessment documents, which are set for the document's own company. (So far, the document was created according to the settings of the current own company).

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One Stop Shop - VAT Return

The following scripts are prepared for creating a VAT return in the One Stop Shop mode:

- OSS VAT return - EU scheme (OSS_VatReturn_EUScheme.PAS),

- OSS VAT return - Import scheme (OSS_VatReturn_ImportScheme.PAS),

- OSS VAT return - Non-EU scheme (OSS_VatReturn_NonEUScheme.PAS).

The scripts can be run from the tree menu: Accounting - VAT - One Stop Shop.

A more detailed description, including the procedure, is available in attachment.

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New report Asset history statement

We have created a new Asset History statement (AssetHistoryStatement.AM) report that displays data based on depreciation history. The report is used if the cards have been converted from Old Assets in the Assets module and a statement of assets as of the date of conversion or an earlier date must be displayed.

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Family member - age

The calculated field Age has been added to the items Family members on the personal card.

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Taxpayer Statement - new parameter

A new parameter DuplexPrint - double-sided printing, set to YES by default, has been added to the Taxpayer Statement report (PERS_TaxpayerStatement.AM).

If an employee is printed on an odd number of pages (with more children, an attachment is printed), then a blank page is inserted to ensure proper duplex printing when printing a report over multiple employees.

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Electronic submissions - certificate validity

In the books for Electronic Submissions, a button has been added to the certificates to display the validity of the certificate.

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Injury book - adjustments

In the Injury Book, the links to employees and their relationships were modified to Simplified personnel data and Simplified employment relationships. So far, there have been links to the books Personnel Data and Employments.

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New contract rights

We have added new rights in the Code lists module:


We have added new rights in the Purchase module:

Contracts - purchase:

Contracts - other:

We have added new rights in the Sales module:

Contracts - sale:

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News K2 gaia.04

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Basic Function

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Parametric field for the last comment on document

There is a new parametric field in the headings of all documents, that displays the last comment of selected type. If no type of comment is specified, text of the generally last comment is displayed. The type of comment is to be entered in the Column properties, in the Type of comment field. (Note: parametric fields are supported only in the universal forms).

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My Office

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New products types

New product types have been added to the workflow:

- SMNA - Purchase contracts

- SMPR - Sales Contracts

- SMOS - Other contracts

- SO - Service operation

- SD - Serviced equipment

- SR - Service requirements

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Bulk change over Partners and Contact Persons - Change of items

In the universal forms, the change of items bulk action was added to the book of Partners and Contact persons. For marked records or records from the container, this bulk change can be used to set Marketing classification records and, in the case of Partners, also to set Branches.

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Settings for downloading messages from data boxes

Settings for downloading messages from data boxes have been moved from Communication - Data box - ISDS parameters to the settings on the Letter post book.

Until now, this setting was on client and therefore common for all letter post books and therefore for all data boxes. It is now possible to make this setting separately for each letter book.

Initializing the version moves the default setting in the ISDS Parameters to all letter post books, where it is then possible to adjust this setting as required.

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Allocation of incidental costs - article breakdown items

Document items of the "Article breakdown" type are considered as stock items for the Allocate incidental costs function.

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Not displaying batches from other own companies in documents

When displaying batches or stock wizard from document items, only batches from current own company (according to context of document) and batches without company are displayed. So there is no chance, that a user selects a batch from other own company (e.g. in the case of return of goods). (Note: own company is not assigned to a batch in the standard of K2, it is the support for custom solutions).

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Edit VAT field in Other receivables

Edit VAT check box has been added to the Items in Other Receivables form. After checking this box, you can edit the Net and VAT amounts. Gross is calculated as their sum.

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Sales Books - New Fields for One Stop Shop

We've added new fields to Sales Books in connection with the One Stop Shop mode:

- Shop state - to be filled in if articles are delivered from another EU Member State.

- Shop tin - identification of shop in another EU member state, if it does not have a foreign VAT Reg. No.

- IN of the intermediary - for OSS - import regime - IN identifier for entities registered for the import regime in the role of the Intermediary.

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Price lists - new Catalog field

Use catalog price lists field has been added to the price list settings. If it is checked, then it is possible to check the Catalog field on the Basic data tab in the price lists. If it is checked, then within the determination of the catalog price (i. e. the Catalog field in the Prices section on the document item) it first tries to find a valid price list for the article with the Catalog flag. If it is not found, then the price is searched according to the original logic. The price list with the Catalog flag is not taken into account when searching for the selling price.

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EKOKOM - log display

If, during the processing of EKO-KOM, articles are found for which there is a defined packaging, but due to failure to meet the conditions for the set packaging restrictions (e.g. setting the packaging only for a specific supplier / customer or address key), these articles will not be included in the calculation, then at the end of the calculation, a newly displayed log with a list of such articles cards.

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New QR code parameter in reports

The QRCode parameter has been added to the invoice out (VF_DOK01.AM) report, proforma invoice in (OBP_DOK02.AM) and advance received (ADVPRO_DOC01.AM), which can take values from 0 to 3.

0 - does not display the QR code.

1 - displays the Slovak QR code, if the country is from the billing address Slovakia, otherwise displays the QR Invoice.

2 - always displays QR Invoice.

3 - always displays the Slovak QR code.

The new parameter allows greater variability of user settings for printing qr code in reports.

The parameter thus replaces the default QRBankOrder parameter, which either displayed or did not display the QR code. It was not possible to force the user to specify which QR code to print.

Because for technical reasons it is not possible to change the parameter type or delete a parameter in released versions, the QRBankOrder parameter will be canceled from version 2022.

If the original QRBankOrder parameter in the Luna or Gaia version is set to No by the user (e. g. in report classification in F9), then the QR code will not be displayed, even if the new parameter is set to 1. The reason for such a measure is that the No value of the default QRBankOrder parameter is not implicit, so a setting to No is intentionally assumed and an effort is made to ensure the continuity of this user setting.

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Acceptance code in ORDRSP message (EDI)

We have added a new DefaultMessageFunction parameter to the EDI.pas script (EDI sales), which can be used to set the default value to be filled by the Message_function (Acceptance code) element in the ORDRSP message.

At the same time, we added a column to the bottom table in the Order Confirmation tab, where you can change the line editing / set the acceptance code for individual exported orders.

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Parameter Do not check stock records settings on article card replaced by new user right

Clients parameter Do not check stock records settings on article card was replaced by new user right - Change stock records settings without checking the stock level.

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Script Create consignments - processing the current document

We have changed the behaviour of the Create consignments script regarding the processed primary documents. Up to now it was necessary also in the table state of "book" to mark the document (sales order) with asterisk. Now, the new behaviour is, that in the state of "book" the document under cursor is processed. If there are marked documents, then are processed the marked ones, and if the documents are in the "filter" or "container", then these selected are processed.

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Routings - Check for loops

There is a new function in the book of Manufacturing routings - Check for loops. This function checks for loops in the bill of materials in the production trees. The function can be run directly in the book of Manufacturing routings, or as the function from the main menu - Production / Manufacturing routings. More details can be found in the user manual.

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Costings - Update prices according to costings

There is a new bulk action in the module of Manufacturing costings - Update prices according to costings. The function enables to save the resulting unit price from the costings into the price of the routing variant or / and into the planned stock price on the article card.

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Recalculation of products - Do not insert price into the article card

There is a new option in the Recalculate products function - Do not insert price into the article card. If activated, the price of the default routing will not be saved into the article card.

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The Remaining time according to quantity for job cards deleted

The Remaining time according to quantity option, which affected calculation of remaining time in operations for scheduling after the operation is partly completed, was deleted. Now, the remaining time for scheduling and also value of the Percentage complete field, are always calculated according to quantity, that remains to produce.

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Financial Management - show documents without bank account

Show documents without bank account check box has been added to book Financial Management. If Displayed bank account is specified, it is also possible to display documents without the specified bank account with Show documents without bank account check box.

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Financial Management - display of income / expenses and initial balances of bank accounts and cash registers

New functions have been added to Financial Management book:

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Financial management - display in selected currency

In Currency field, user can select currency in which documents will be displayed. If document is not in the selected currency, the amount of document will be recalculated according to the exchange rates of own company to which the document belongs. The balances of BA and cash registers will also be recalculated into the selected currency.

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Bank accounts - Overdraft field

The Overdraft field has been added to bank accounts, where it is possible to enter overdraft amount in bank account currency.

The balance in book Financial Management and the balance in the function form for creating a bank order from the book Financial Management and Open item account are then increased by the amount of the Overdraft.

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Financial management - Change payment details bulk action

Change fields have been added to Change payment details bulk action above the Financial Management book:

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Financial Management - the Settled and Settled C fields have been added

The Settled and Settled C fields have been added to the Financial Management book. The fields show the value from the bank order that has not yet been paired with the bank statement. The fields can be selected in columns in the Financial Management book.

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Bank order from financial management book

When creating bank order in financial management book, it is possible to turn on a new option in form:

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Methodology for transferring a paid advance to another company

A methodology for Transfer of paid advance to another company was developed. The methodology will be available in documentation of the section Sales / Received advances / Methodologies for received advances from the new releases K2 luna.08 and K2 gaia.04.

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Display filter for unpaired bank statement items

A "display" filter has been added above the bank statement items, which will only display unpaired items after activation. When editing an item and changing the type to other than U (unpaired), the item disappears from the list of unpaired items.

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Change of period blocking settings for bank orders and reminders

There has been a change in the blocking of periods for bank orders and reminders. So far, confirmation date of the bank order and confirmation date of the reminder have been decisive.

As of version K2 gaia.04, the Due Date of a Bank Order is decisive for blocking periods for bank orders. If the due date of the bank order is in the blocked period, the document will not be saved. The Issue date is decisive for reminders. If Issue date of the reminder is in the blocked period, the document will not be saved.

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Bank order report (BPR_DOK02.AM) - parameters for displaying the company name

We have added new parameters for displaying the company name to the Bank order report (BPR_DOK02.AM):

ShowTradingPartnerName - No

Yes - displays instead of Company Abbreviation Company Name (truncated).

ShowTradingPartnerNameCanGrow - No

Yes - displays the full company name (even on multiple lines).

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Cash vouchers - adjustments to a document item

On the item of Receipt and release type of Cash vouchers:

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Management reports

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Dashboard export to PDF

Dashboards can now be exported to PDF format. We will export using the icon at the top of the dashboard and then via the Export to PDF option. Then a dialog box for saving the PDF file will appear.

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Automatic confirmation of internal documents

Automatically confirm check box has been added to the internal document books. If a new internal document is created in the internal document book with the Automatically confirm check box set, you are asked when saving the document: Do you want to confirm document? After its approval, the document will be confirmed immediately.

When paying invoices and advances automatically using the Shift + F3 function or during the bulk action Payment by internal document, the request to confirm the document is no longer displayed and the document is confirmed automatically.

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New function in Assets - Cancel code change

Above the asset card, we have created the Cancel code change function (Ctrl + Shift + F6), which can be used to delete asset movements with the type "Code change" (Cost center, Location, ...) from the selected date. If these asset movements are accounted, they are canceled.

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Duplicate personal number in Human Resources

Allow duplicate personal number in Human resources check box has been added to the Client Parameters - Other - Human resources and Wages button.

If the check box is checked, then it will be possible to create and also edit personal cards with the same personal number in the book Personal data. The check box will be implicitly checked after reinstallation to K2 GAIA.04, so the behavior will be the same as before.

When you uncheck the box, the program will monitor for duplicate personal numbers, i. e. it will not allow you to create such cards, even change existing cards with a duplicate personal number until the personal number is changed to a unique one.

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Payroll calendar - schedule display

The option to display shifts on the Schedule tab as a table has been added to the Payroll Calendar book in the new UI.

The option to switch views has been added to the ribbon:

- Schedule as a table

- Schedule as a calendar

In both views, you can work with individual shifts - i. e. insert new shifts, delete and edit existing shifts.

The same display toggle was also added to the Payroll book ribbon.

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Information card of employer - adjustment

Reports for employer information card have been modified:

- Employer information card - onset

- type of employment relationship is newly added

- it is newly added whether it is a job for the purpose of temporary assignment by a labor agency to perform work at user - according to check mark [i]Agency worker[/i] on page [i]Foreigner[/i] in [i]Personal data[/i]

- Employer information card - termination

- Employer information card - sending

- Employer information card - termination of sending

The section "Record of regional branch of CZ ED in" was added to all reports. In addition, the loading of travel document information into all reports has been modified. If the Passport Number is not filled in on the personnel card, then the data on identity card are newly reloaded.

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User setting of wage constants - Not assign

The part [b][i]Not assign[/i][/b] has been added to the function [i]User setting of wage constants [/i], in which all wage constants of type [i]General [/i] are displayed, whose value can also be changed from here.

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Attachement to benefit application - unpaid leave - new group of wage components

Modification has been made in the Attachement to benefit application script (MZD_NEM.PAS).

Wage components are newly loaded into part Other messages only on basis of inclusion in newly created group of wage components MZD_NEM - excluded days UN.

Adjustment was made in order to be able to influence the user which payroll components will be loaded into this section. Group of payroll components can be extended by the user with other payroll components.

By default, wage components are included in group:

- 5140 - Unpaid leave

- 5410 - Statutory unpaid leave

- 5143 - Unpaid leave org.

- 5142 - Unpaid leave for empl.

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Payroll sheet - new parameter

Into reports Payroll sheet (MZD_LIST.AM), Payroll sheet in height (MZD_LISTV.AM) and Payroll sheet (MZD_LIT02.AM) was added parameter WorkTypeFromOrgJob - type of work from the workplace.

If the parameter is set to YES, then the type of work on the payroll sheet is read from the workplace. By default, the parameter is set to NO.

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Payroll data - calculation options

In the book Payroll data in universal forms, individual calculation actions have been added to the ribbon under Bulk action s, which automatically always run over all records:

- Choice of calculation

- Pre-calculation

- Calculation

- Closing of the period

- Unlock period

At the same time, it is possible to close the period on the employee with the keyboard shortcut Alt + F2 and unblock the closed period on the employee with the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F2.

These two keyboard shortcuts also work in grey forms.

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Modification of wage components code list

Check boxes have been added towage components code list for Calculations of hours achieved for calculation of leave entitlement:

- Hours worked for holiday entitlement

- Fully calculated replacement times

- Partially calculated replacement times

Until now, the wage components were included in the program and this classification could not be influenced by user. Wage components are included in the individual groups by initializing the version. This classification can be influenced by user and the calculation of the wage component for leave entitlement can therefore be adjusted.

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Occupied worker - Cost center

When entering an occupied employee into Organizational Unit, after selecting the contact person, the cost center filled in at this selected contact person will be newly filled in Cost Center field.

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Web and e-shop

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K2 e-shop has the ability to generate sitemap files by running the script Eshop_ExportSitemap.pas when, depending on the parameter settings it either generates one sitemap.xml file, which contains both products and categories or according to the set parameter generates products and categories into separate XML files and one roofing sitemap index. In this mode, it also monitors a maximum limit of 50,000 URLs in one file. If it exceeds, then it creates another XML file, etc. In the case of CreateSitemapIndex = true, the CreateImageSiteMap parameter can also be set. In this case, an extra file with links to product images will be generated.

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Import to DMS

Transfer of the document to DMS has been replaced by a two-phase file import, where the first phase contains a separate import of files and the second phase consists in their deletion. An important feature of a new import is that it retains the existing document type.

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K2 Partial Updates

K2 Partial Updates module has been redesigned. The main change is the administration in the Installed updates module, where the complete history is saved even after the K2 program is reinstalled.

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Web K2

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Device connector

Device connector is a service for the possibility of communication between the web K2 and the PC local resources on which the web K2 is used. The installation option is similar to the Windows service on the local PC used. It supports easy extensibility with the help of plugins written in .NET. It is therefore possible to write your own plugin that will perform any operation on the local PC and call this operation from the web K2.

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News K2 gaia.03

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Basic Function

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Filtering in the view application

The option to select a "main" filter is added to the view definition that will run when the view is applied - even in the case of a memorized view when leaving the form and restarting it.

The filter is selected by a command in the input, (three dots), or by entering a valid name or Guide.

If the filter is also set in Shortcut, it will run two in a row. It need to be choose whether I will have the filter in the view or in the shortcut.

The memorized view (ApplyAttributes) is applied only during the first implementation.

If the view is entered into the form from the outside (from the shortcut), it is not remembered in the attributes. Instead, the form tries to keep the view last selected and remembered by the user.

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Basic Code Lists and Supporting Modules K2

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Analytical axes - extension of evaluation by asset movements

In the code lists of analytical axes (Cost Center, Contract code, Article code, Code 1 - 6, Officer, Device), we have added Movements of assets - depreciation to Items and Evaluation.

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Possibility to set internet calendars

The K2 calendar can be linked to Internet calendars, where using the URL path defined from K2, it will indicate the possibility of configuration with other calendars, specifically with iOS, Android and Exchange. Calendar users now have the ability to have an overview of calendar or client data on their mobile devices.

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Advances provided - added option to change external number

Above confirmed advance provided, which is not in the status of a tax document, an option to change External number was added to the function Ctrl + F6 to Change account. trans. and tax point date.

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Books of Sales - Added Bank Account field

The Bank Account field has been added to the Books of sales.

If a Bank Account is defined in the book of sales, the Bank Account from the book will be added to the sales order, free invoice and advance (in this case it will not be taken over from the customer). On invoices and advances for the sales order, the Bank Account will be taken over from sales order as before.

If the bank account field in the book is empty, the existing functionality remains.

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Price lists - news

Price lists include following changes from versions K2 luna.07 and K2 gaia.03:

1) In the Price list settings, the Prices by date of the contract issue was canceled and at the same time this field was replaced by a new Prices by data field, which takes values:

- Today - prices are set according to the current day.

- Date of issue of the contract - the prices are added according to the date of issue of the contract, if it is contract or a subordinate document, or the date of issue from a free document.

- Delivery date on the contract - prices are added according to the required date on the contract.

2) If the Other price list option is selected in the price list definition in the Original price source section, then the field Take over all quantity prices will be made newly available. If it is checked and different prices for different quantities are defined for the same article in the default price list, then all records according to the default price list are taken over in the new price list and the Quantity and Unit fields in the Quantity dependency section are disabled. If it is not checked, then only one record with the lowest price will be created in the new price list in the definition items.

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New Dead stock module

We have created two new functions for detecting dead stock:

The functions are available in the book of Articles, in universal forms, on the ribbon on the Bulk actions tab, under the button Dead stock.

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Posting of a travel order - the Customer axis is not transmitted

When posting a travel order with a cash or internal document, the Customer added on the travel order shall not be added in the document.

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Creating consignments - Balíkobot - manipulation units

There is a new parameter "ShowFrmHandlingUnit" in the Create consignments (ParcelCreate.pas) script. It enables to define manipulation units a their quantities for each packet created - in case, you are numbering the consignments via the Balíkobot partner and you use a transport company or service which requires manipulation units (cargo and palett transport). For each packet there are later printed as much labels as the number of manipulation units is entered.

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Routings - copy items from other routings - new key shortcut

There is a new key shortcut in the manufacturing routings in the classic forms for the function of Copy items from other variant. Instead of F6 there is the Ctrl+F6 shortcut for this function. The function is not available when displaying the multi-level routing.

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Logical checks on the following of stages / activities

When entering follow-up, logical checks are now performed by the program, so it is not possible to enter follow-up Stages / planned activities as follows:

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Stages/activities - predecessors, successors

You can add calculated fields Predecessors and Successors to the columns on the Stages / activities tab, which show the connections of individual Stages / activities.

The Predecessors field is newly editable and can be filled in directly in the column by line editing. If the user does not enter the type of connection after the stage / activity number for connection, FinishToStart is added by default.

After the number Stages / activities, the abbreviation of the connection type is displayed. The display of this abbreviation in the field can be suppressed by setting a new check box in the project book with the Hide abbreviation of the connection type.

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New right Finance/Financial management/Change of planned payments on the document in the blocked period

A new right Finance / Financial Management / Change of Planned Payments has been added to the document in the blocked period. The right allows the user to change the data on invoices, advances and other receivables and liabilities on the Payments tab using the Change of planned payments button also on documents that are in the blocked period.

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HB-bank statement - added parameter to check the External references field

The parameter ExternalReferenceCheck has been added to the function HB - bank statement (HB_Statement.pas) to check the field External references. The default value of the parameter is No.

The parameter allows to enable checking on the External reference field, which was added to K2 gaia.02 in connection with the banking API. The check was designed to prevent duplicate imports of bank statement items. However, some banks record the item number in the External References field instead of the unique item number, and then not all items in the statement would be loaded. For bank accounts that do not have the Banking API function activated, this check is unnecessary, so we added this parameter with a value of No.

We recommend that you turn this parameter on when importing bank accounts that are also imported via the Banking API.

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Icon indicating that all bank statement items are paired

On Bank statement on Basic data tab an new icon was added pic_1099i.png. The icon informs the user that all items in the bank statement are paired, i. e. the statement does not contain an item of type U (unpaired).

At the same time, a factory filter Unmatched Items was set above the bank statements, which can be used to filter bank statements that contain unpaired U-type items.

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Methodology for card payments made by internal documents

A methodology for card payments made by internal documents was developed. The methodology is included in the K2 manual under the Finance chapter Processing of invoice payments by payment cards.

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New parametrs of HB function - bank statement

There were modifications in the HB function - bank statement (HB_Statement.pas), to which new parameters were added:


Confirmation of saving the statement. Cancels the confirmation window before saving the statement. This window appears only in case of a statement number conflict.


Field K2, where the account balance will be filled. This is an Ex_pole of decimal type.


Parameter for entering the file type (passes the form for selecting whether to process a file or a document) Data source: 0 - file, 1 - document, 2 - selection of a file or document. Replaces SelectSource, which is still functional.

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Bulk payment configuration

In connection with the increase in bulk payments, new options have been added to the Configure bulk payments button, which is located in the Bank statement processing form HB_Bank statement. In particular, new options have been added when importing a bulk payment file:

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Management reports

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Dynamic filter options from elements

In the dynamic filter we can now display the names of the options from the elements of these options. This can be done by using the Take over option name with the resulting elements (dynamically) check box. If this box is checked, the name is generated from the option elements. In the case of an interval, the first and last element are displayed.

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Data source for a simple graph

For simple graphs, it is now possible to set the data source, including the filter within this data source. Above a specific data module, you can create and display a simple graph from a completely different data module with a different data source.

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PivotTable by table columns

We have added the option to create a PivotTable according to the table columns to the PivotTable above the IS K2 data. Using this function, a PivotTable will be created, where all fields that are also included as columns in the book will be automatically used in the evaluation. At the same time, the order of the columns is preserved.

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Export the PivotTable to the dashboard

We have newly included the option for export to the dashboard to the PivotTable. Using this function, it is possible to easily create a dashboard with the appropriate elements directly from the PivotTable. The function can also create a tile for this dashboard and include it in an existing dashboard.

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Update of other liability / receivable during repeated confirmation of the VAT document

When the VAT document is repeatedly confirmed, the existing other liability / receivable created for the VAT document is updated (so far, a new liability / receivable has always been created when the VAT document is confirmed).

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Posting keys – new parameter for Matching symbol on payment documents

Into Posting keys for biling bank statements, cash and internal documents we have added parameter "Year and month of the paid document" for Posting keys - to matching symbol will be saved year/month according to document Accounting transaction date which is on item of payment document in Paid document field.

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Asset Movements in Not posted book

Not posted asset movements are also now displayed in the Not posted book.

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Intrastat field outside the EU on the Customers/Suppliers tab

A new Intrastat outside the EU flag has been added to the Customers / Suppliers tab. If the Suppliers / Customers card has this flag checked, then the invoice out (in) document will be sent to Intrastat (if the other requirements of the document are met), even if the given country in the address will not have the Intrastat flag checked in the States code list. The field was added in connection with Brexit. The field therefore solves a new situation where trade with one country is reported and not reported to Intrastat at the same time.

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Extension of accounting depreciation of tangible assets after technical improvement

We have added the field Accounting depreciate after TI for (x) years to the input form of the Technical improvement function. In this field user can enter the number of years to be depreciated after the technical improvement, it only applies to percentage depreciation plans.

- If the number of years is entered, in addition to the movement with the type "Technical improvement", the movement with the type "Change of depreciation period" is added to the movements of assets - in the Amount field the number of years will appear for which they will be depreciated after technical improvement. Subsequent depreciation is calculated from the left value after technical improvement and is created for the specified number of years.

- If the number of years is not entered, depreciation is calculated (as before) as a percentage for the relevant year.

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New Asset Card Assignment function

We have created a new Asset Card Assignment function. Function can be run over the asset card, which is registered in the book with the option Record of acquired assets enabled (in this book the asset cards are registered before putting them into use).

After starting the function, select the asset book in which the new card is to be created.

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Open the assigned documents on the asset card

On the Assets tab, we have added the Assigned document action to the ribbon. After running the action (or pressing Ctrl + Enter), the document opens, which is displayed on the Assigned Documents tab.

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Creating an asset card from release card - adding a serial number

We have added the parameter SerialNumber - Serial number to the script Create asset card (CreateAsset.pas). If the parameter is set to "Yes", then when creating an asset card from release card, the serial number of item is added in the Registration number field on the asset card:

- if the CountByQuantity parameter is set to "No" at the same time, the first serial number from release card item is sdded into the asset card,

- If the CountByQuantity parameter is set to "Yes" at the same time, one serial number is added in each asset card.

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Inventory of assets on the mobile terminal

We have created a new Asset Inventory function on the mobile terminal, which is used to enter inventory levels into inventory sheets when performing an asset inventory.

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REEWI - update of unfinished

A Update unfinished Checkmark has been added to the record update form (CTRL + F6) in the Report of employer at the end of work incapacity (MZD_HZUPN) script.

This checkmark allows user to generate the item even in the month where the end date has not yet been filled. Information on the termination of work incapacity on the generated item - tab Additional data must then be filled in manually.

The checkmark can be used, for example, in a situation where the end of work incapacity is the beginning of the following month and the month in which the work incapacity does not end but continues until the following month is processed in Wage data. However, the date of termination of wokr incapacity is already known.

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Confirmation of employment - adjustments

The following adjustments were made to the report Confirmation of employment (MZD_SEZZ.AM) concerning wage deductions.

- in the column Type the new Type of receivable from the deduction is loading, if it is not filled in here, then it is load directly from the wage component

- column Balance was added

- Delivery date (date of delivery to the first payer) was added

- column Reference number was added

- an adjustment was made to loading of the data "In behalf of" - a new parameter PartnerName was added - "In behalf of" from Recipient, the parameter is set to NO by default (as before from field Name of the deduction), if set to YES, then it is loaded from the field Recipient on the deduction

- a new parameter Deduction was added - deductions can be loaded from the code list, which allows to load deductions from the wage deduction code list (the condition for the deduction to be loaded into the confirmation is filling in the field Receivable type on deduction). The parameter is set to NO by default. When the parameter is set to YES, deductions based on the execution of the decision are loaded from the code list and not from Wage data, i. e. they are loaded even without the performed control calculation and also those deductions for which it is not in Wage data added wage component are loaded.

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Organizational structure - a new parameter in reports

he parameter RecordNo - the order of the organizational unit to print the structure was added to the reports above Organizational structure.

In the parameter it is possible to enter a number from the field RecordNo on the organizational unit. This organizational unit and its subordinates are then printed in the report.

The adjustment applies to reports:

- Organizational structure (ORG_LIST01.AM)

- Organizational structure (ORG_LIST02.AM)

-Organizational structure - tree (ORG_LIST01X.AM)

-Organizational structure - tree (ORG_LIST02X.AM)

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Attachement to the application for the benefit - unpaid leave

The Attachement to the application for the benefit script (MZD_NEM.PAS) has been modified.

During the update, the data on when the unpaid leave was taken will be read in the attachment on the tab Additional data in the section Other messages. Only full withdrawal days are loaded, i. e. those that are loaded into excluded days.

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The process of calculating the presumed entitlement to leave - new report

A new report Calculation of the expected leave entitlement (MZD_PresumedLeaveCalc.AM) has been created.

The report displays data for the calculation of the expected leave entitlement, which takes place in K2 in the following situations:

- Pre-calculation at the beginning of the year or at the beginning of the employment relationship

- Recalculation of the leave entitlement when entering the date of termination of employment

- With the key When changing the calendar on page P in the Payroll book

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Check for the end of the probation period

The automatic check has been adjusted to the end date of probation period. The probation period is now shifted by working days. Thus, it is extended so that the employee works the same number of shifts that he/she missed. Defaultly, there was a shift of calendar days. Absence on public holidays is not taken into account.

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Confirmation of employment - a new parameter

The parameter WorkTypeFromOrgJob - type of work from the workplace - implicitly set to No. was added to the report Confirmation of employment (MZD_SEZZ.AM).

When set to YES, the Work Type report from the Workspace field is printed.

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Tax payer statement, Request for annual tax settlement - new parameter

To reports Tax payer statement (PERS_TaxpayerStatement.AM) and Request for annual tax settlement (PERS_TaxRequest.AM) was added parameter Sorting with default value JM (JM - sorting according to name, OS - according to personal number.

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Adjustment of Claim Calculation button behavior

The functionality of the Claim calculation button on page B (Before calculation) in the book Wages data has been modified.

The Leave claim calculation button is used to recalculate the leave claim if the check calculation reports a discrepancy between the entered and the calculated leave claim. Then, the Calculate Claim button sets the allowed value to the page before calculating.

The button Calculation of leave claim calculates the leave on the basis of the hours actually worked and the replacement periods (use primarily at the end of the year or in the month of termination).

If the button was used in the month when the control calculation was not performed, then the period up to and including the current period was not taken into account. The condition of functionality was therefore a control calculation.The functionality of the button has been modified for this situation:

Calculation of the leave claim using the button Claim calculation takes place up to the current period from the actually calculated values ??and the future period (and also the current period if the control calculation is not started) ). The button can now also be used in a situation where a control calculation has not yet been performed in the current period.

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Web and e-shop

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Alza dropshipment

Alza dropshipment is a form of business cooperation between the Alza online store and the K2 customer, where the K2 user is considered a provider of articles, i.e. user has a warehouse, and the Alza online store does not have a warehouse, but sells articles that are in the supplier's warehouse. If the K2 user wants to use Internet sales via Alza, it is necessary to have their own K2 API license, thanks to which they can also set up their own e-shop and have two options for Internet sales. Thanks to the K2 API and a direct connection to the Alza system, all sales processes are fully automated.

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File module extensions

The following fields have been added to the Extended Fields form in the File Module Extensions:

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Quick filter extension in scheduled tasks

In the configuration of scheduled tasks, the quick filter has been extended with the following display options:

The default filters Allowed and Disabled have been retained.

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Web K2

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Established functions for Web K2

Web K2 has the option of switching between own companies, which are set in K2 IS in administration of own companies. You can switch between individual companies in the navigation panel, which offers the option of selecting own company or completely logging out.

In case of reinstallation or other requested shutdown of the K2 website, the administrator has the option to manually set the page that on website is maintenance in progress.

In the context menu there is an option to export to Excel.

Each displayed phone number has the function to make a call via the right button in the context menu.

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News K2 gaia.02

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Basic Code Lists and Supporting Modules K2

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ARES - adding of bank accounts

When importing bank accounts with the ARES function, the field of the bank account currency is not filled in, because Ares does not provide this information.

In this context, we have made a change in the bank accounts of the Supplier / Customer. The Bank Account Currency field is now an optional field.

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Synchronization of emails to activities in K2

Automatic download of emails to activities in K2 is a tool that is used to send the entire email to K2. Based on it, an activity with the content of the email will be created and the activity will be linked to contact persons or partners according to the sender or recipients of the email. The activity is created without user intervention based on the set scheduled task for Email Synchronization.

The tool can be used especially in customer support, where all communication with the customer is recorded or as support for salespeople and marketing, in monitoring and evaluating opportunities, etc.

This function is only available for use with the MS Exchange mail server.

The settings of the tool are described in the documentation under the module Marketing / Synchronization of emails to activities in K2.

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Contact center

The Contact Center module allows user to view information about an incoming call directly in K2. The basis for the functioning of the Contact Center is the connection of K2 with the telephone exchange. Thanks to this, K2 can display information to users about their calls. It is important that K2 identifies the person or customer based on the telephone number. Thanks to this, the K2 user is informed about the caller before he/she picks up the call.

This module can also automatically store all calls that take place via the exchange to K2. This makes it possible to get an overview of the calls of all user customers. Displays information about ongoing calls to users who are connected to the contact center through an open activity form. They can easily create an entry in the CRM directly from the ongoing call.

It is also used to evaluate received, missed and outgoing calls, which is made over the Call History book.

We can use it to call from K2, i. e. dial the contact person's number directly from the form in K2.

The contact center is intended for companies that have customer support and want to manage its quality.

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Change for EKOKOM

A new Change EKOKOM action has been added to the bulk actions in ribbon on the article card. For articles marked with an asterisk or for articles in a container, it enables the bulk insertion or removal of packaging for a selected group of articles. For a more detailed description, see the manual for versions K2 luna.06 and K2 gaia.02

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Pricelists - A new field Only for multiple of amount

A new field Only for multiple of quantity has been added in the definition and in the price list item. If it is checked and the field Quantity is entered, then the price defined here is applied only at the exact (integer) multiple of the entered quantity in the sales item.

The logic of determining the price does not change, i. e. all suitable prices for articles from the price list are sorted by priority and from the lowest and it is checked whether the price meets the conditions for quantity. Therefore, the new option does not automatically take precedence (that means, the price from another price list can be added, if it is lower).

This field is intended for cases where we allow the customer to give a lower price if he/she buys a quantity of articles that do not need to be unpacked in any way.

Example: Article has a quantity of 15 specified in the price list definition, the Only for a multiple of quantity field is checked. 10% discount from the price entered in the X1 price list.

If the user buys article in the quantity of 15 (and its multiples, e. g. 30, 45 ...), then the price with a 10% discount will be applied. For other quantities of purchased article (e. g. quantity 1 to 14, 16 to 29, 31 ...) the price from the price list X1 will be applied.

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Check box Create reminders

In the universal forms on invoices in, invoices out, advances provided and received, other receivables and other liabilities, the Create reminders check box has been added to the Payments tab.

The same check box has been added on the Suppl./Cust. card. to the Sales / Payment Terms and Purchase / Payment Terms tabs.

When creating documents, the check box will be set according to the Suppl./Cust. card.

When creating a new customer, the check box will be set according to the settings in the Administration of own companies on the Finance settings tab.

The check box is already set for existing documents and customers when the version is initialized.

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Article coverage data according to own companies

We made changes to display proper data in the Article coverage function according to own companies. Data from companies, which are not displayed, are not loaded into Coverage. There is also new field in the Coverage configuration form: List of own companies. It enables to define own companies for coverage. With such a setting can user browse just through data of his/her current own company, but in the coverage function there will be data loaded from companies defined.

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Inverse BOM

There is the new function of Inverse BOM available in the book of Articles. The inverse BOM displays list of manufacturing routing variants, which an article under the cursor enters in. It is also possible to display whole trees up to the final product. The function is available in the universal forms only.

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Production scheduling - adjustments

We made some adjustments to production scheduling in order to optimize scheduling of operations.

Card of operation: new option Input not required by set-up time

Input not required by set-up time

The option defines how to schedule operations that have the set-up time specified. The input here is meant to be the product finished in the preceding operation.

Not checked: The operation follows up the preceding operation with its set-up time. This means, the operation can start as soon as the preceding operation is finished.

Checked: The operation follows up the preceding operation with its production time. The set-up time part of the operation runs with the preceding operation at the same time.

Routing operation / Job card operation:

The Transfer quantity field is now a decimal number. There is also new option Transfer quantity by production lot.

Transfer quantity by production lot

If there is a need to specify the operation transfer quantity between the job card of subassembly and the job card of product, whereas the job cards producing subassembly are split according to production lots, and the transfer should be performed after the first lot is finished, then is easier to check this option instead of entering the number into the Transfer quantity field. The transfer quantity will be then calculated automatically in the job cards and will the equal to produced quantity (to production lot).

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Set - off (OffsetN.pas) - print language

We made an adjustment in the Set-off function (OffsetN.pas) so that the print respects the language set in the customer card.

In connection with this modification, the Language parameter was removed from the function, which was introduced by a new function from versions 140.07 and 2020.03. The parameter prevents printing of the set-off according to the language set on the customer.

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Creating reminders

The Create Reminders function has been modified with a new condition. Newly, only documents with the Create reminders check box will be reminded.

In this context, the Create reminders for purchase and sale documents check box has been added, which will be set on existing documents when the version is initialized.

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Financial management - displaying documents from the current date

A new option Show documents from next x days has been added to the Financial Management Configuration. If the field is set to e. g. -10, documents due 10 days before the current date will be displayed in Financial Management.

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Management reports

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Fiscal year

Using a contingency table, it is now possible to evaluate over a so-called fiscal year. For this reason, we have included two new parameters in OLAP.

The Fiscal Timeline parameter is used to enable a new fiscal timeline, which is available in the purchase and sale cubes as well as in the general ledger.

Using the parameter First month of the fiscal timeline, it is possible to select the number of the month when the fiscal year begins.

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Hours of absence on the first and last day

A check has been added to the payroll control calculation to enter hours in the Hours of absence fields on the first and last day for the payroll components that contain these fields.

The calculation will not be possible if the value entered here is longer than the length of the shift in the calendar for the relevant day.

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Logging K2 to a specific file size

A new parameter LogMaxFileSize was added to set maximum log file size. Integer value is expected.

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"Preventive restart" parameter for AS

A new parameter AS3TryToRestartAfter has been added, which sets the time in hours after which K2_AS will try a so-called "preventive" restart.

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Notifications - Bank Login (API)

A new Bank Login (API) action has been added to the notifications. The notification will run if the planned Import Bank Statements (API) task does not have valid login details (e. g. the user has not yet logged in to K2, or the token has expired, which can be set in the Erste developer portal for a maximum of 3 months). A special form with a button for going to the Internet banking login page will be displayed as a notification handler.

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AS memory limit parameter

A new LimitMemoryTo parameter has been added to set the maximum allocated amount of application memory. The size of the memory is given in MB.

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Deletion of the DEMO and INIT client

There is a new function in the client management to delete the client DEMO and INIT. It simply removes DEMO and INIT from the installed K2.

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Administration of own companies - Finance settings

A new Finance Settings tab has been added to the administration of own companies, which contains settings for the Suppl./Cust. card. In this tab it is possible to choose whether to the new Suppl./Cust. automatically set the check box

To maintain the current functionality, the check boxes will be set during version initialization. In the same way, when initializing the version, check boxes will be set on all purchase and sale documents and on all Suppl./Cust. tabs.

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News K2 gaia.01

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Basic Function

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Record comparator

In K2 program, we created a new general tool, the Record Comparator. The function allows user to select two or more records in any table and compare the values of the required record fields, including item modules. The basis is to create a definition for comparison.

An example of use can be:

A detailed description of the settings on the example of comparing production costings can be found in the version documentation.

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Basic Code Lists and Supporting Modules K2

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Articles - change of the Brand field (for eshop)

There have been changes related to the field [i] Brand [/ i] in [i] Articles [/ i]. The original text field [i] Vyr [/ i] has been renamed to [i] TradeMark_old [/ i]. The old field is no longer on the form and will be deleted in future versions. Instead, a new field [i] BrandRID [/ i] was created with a numeric link to the new code list [i] TD_WebBrand [/ i].

The original code list [i] TD_Producer [/ i] and the table [i] Producer [/ i] were kept for conversion and will be deleted in future versions.

A standard conversion script [i] ArticleBrandInit.PAS [/ i] has been created, which transfer from the original field to the new one. The script does not run automatically, but must be run manually. The script parameter sets whether only the marks from the original code list or all unique values of the original field [i] Mark [/ i] will be converted.

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Analytical axis configuration - option to set the default display

The option to select its default display (tree / table) has been added to each code list configuration.

When the user first opens the code list, the display according to this setting is used. However, the user still has the option to switch to the second view and this option will be remembered.

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Article - other fields divided into own companies

In the Gai version, other fields from the Article module were divided into own companies. The following fields are newly divided:

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New module for Service and Maintenance

The Maintenance modules: Serviced Equipment, Service Requirements and Scheduled Service Tasks have been created primarily for companies that need to efficiently and clearly manage service services even after the sale of their products. The goal was to create an environment in which you can easily and clearly register all your serviced equipment and then you can plan and manage service operations.

The module can also be used for maintenance of own machines, vehicles and asset. Individual serviced devices can be created directly from other modules: Article, Resources, Assets, Suppliers / Customers.

Serviced equipment includes sold articles for which it is necessary to register, control and plan service interventions. A specific service contract or activities related to the maintenance / service of the device can be assigned to the given device.

Thanks to the K2 web, it is very easy with this tool to find out the necessary information about the device even in the field, including the history of performed operations, changed parts or even a preview of specific contracts. Basically immediately, after the execution, or during the service action, your technician is able to record the service actions directly to your K2.

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List of non-deducted advances on the date (ADV_LIST02.AM) - new AllBook parameter for displaying documents from all books

A new AllBook parameter to the List of non-deducted advances on the date (ADV_LIST02.AM) was added. The parameter is set to "No" by default. If it sets to "YES", documents from all advances books will be displayed.

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Recalculation of prices

The Own Company field has been added to the Price List recalculation function for the task scheduler, which allows user to specify own company for which the recalculation is about to run. If not specified, the price lists of all own companies to which the user has rights and runs the Task Scheduler will be recalculated.

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Sales order - Confirmed for and Dispatch date

Following the already existing date fields Confirmed for and Dispatch in the items of sale, we have also added fields of the same name and meaning to the header of the sales order document. Fields are only available to users in universal forms.

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Displaying superior comments on purchase and sales documents

The name and function Show superior notes of user parameter have been modified. The new parameter name is Show superior Notes / Comments. At the same time, the functionality was expanded to include the display of superior comments. If the parameter is set, then comments from the customer / supplier will also be displayed in sales orders / orders. In addition comments from the customer / supplier, comments from the superior document ( sales order resp. order issued) are then displayed in the subordinate documents. Comments from the customer / supplier as well as comments from the superior document are displayed in separate tabs and only apply to universal forms.

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Purchase Order - Purchase Order date and 1st delivery confirmation

Newly added Order date to the Purchase order document header, the same field is available on purchase items. We have also added the 1st delivery confirmation date, which is available on the document item. Fields are only available to users in universal forms.

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Dispatcher and Scheduler settings

A separate function has been created for setting the Dispatcher and Scheduler module options. The function can be found in the tree menu in the Production / Production Control section and the form contains all settings, which can be individually changed in the Dispatcher Options and Scheduler Options. The advantage is that the procedure for creating production trees and scheduling can be set and changed without the user having to run the relevant modules first.

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New module of Production costings

New separate module of Costings has been created. The module allows user to create costings not only for products for which a manufacturing routing or job card already exists, but in general already at the level of a quotation or sales order for any future product or service. Each costing can be saved as a separate record and then compared with other variants of costings.

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Change of the field length - Routing variant abbreviation

It is now possible to enter an abbreviation of the routing variant up to 30 characters. So far it has been only 12 characters.

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Attachments to routing and job card operations

Files can be attached to the routing operations and job cards operations - i. e. as usual to the header records.

However, an attachment assigned to the routing operation is not transferred to the job card operation when the job card is created.

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Stages / activities - confirmation, undo the confirmation

On the Stages / activities tab of the Project, it is now possible to confirm / undo the confirm of the stages / activities using keyboard shortcuts.

- Confirmation of Stage / activity ALT + F2 - confirmation will be performed including all assigned resources and including all subordinate stages / activities and their assigned resources

- Undo the confirmation of Stage / activity CTRL + F2 - undo the confirmation is performed for the given stage / activity and its main assigned source.

Confirmation and undo the confirmation of items is done according to the position of the locator in the items. Project confirmation / undo the confirmation remains on the same keyboard shortcuts. If all items are confirmed, the Alt + F2 keyboard shortcut confirms the project.

Confirmation / undo the confirmation of stages / activities is also possible using keyboard shortcuts in the item book Stages / planned activities.

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Projects - numbering of stages / activities

The Automatic numbering of stages / activities check box has been added to the Project Books settings. If checked, then when adding new stages / activities to the project, these stages / activities are automatically numbered. The number is saved in the Stage / activity code field.

At the same time, the Automatically number stages / activities function has been added to the Ribbon on the Functions tab, which will allow you to number stages / activities when changing a project.

The function can be run on all items or only on items marked with an asterisk. For example, if it is desirable to renumber only activities within one stage, because some activities have been deleted, then it is advisable to mark all activities included under this stage (so do not mark the stage) and start the function.

The function saves the assigned number in the Code field on the stage / activity.

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Projects - confirmation / undo the confirmation according to the continuing

A control has been added to confirm / undo the confirm of the stage / activity.

It is not possible to confirm the stage / activity of the project unless the previous stage / activity according to the continuing is confirmed.

It is not possible to undo the confirmation of the stage / activity of the project unless user undo the confirmation of the next stage / activity according to the continuing.

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Projects - reports - new parameter

The parameter ShowTimeSheets - show work reports has been added to the reports Project - Evaluation (PROJ_DOC02.AM) and Progress of project fulfillment (PROJ_DOC04.AM).

The parameter is set to NO by default. When set to YES, sources from work reports appear in reports.

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Division of code lists

In the administration of own companies it is now possible to set the division for these code lists:

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Change of source on the work report

When you change the source on the worksheet, the source unit on the worksheet also changes, if it is different from the original source.

If it is reported in the same type of unit (time, quantity, cost) as the plan (than the assigned resource = work queue), but therefore another resource is reported, then the reported number of units is counted only if the ratio between them is found (setting performed in Project Books - Unit Ratios).

If it is reported in a different type of unit than the plan, then the reported number of units is not counted, only costs and incomes are counted.

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The Banking API

The Banking API is used to automatically download movements on a bank account to K2 without the need for user intervention. The result is getting information about the received payment to the account faster, which will speed up the process of processing the customer's order. This is especially important when processing orders from the e-shop.

User is allowed to find out the current balance on his/her bank account without having to open internet banking.

Supported banks:

Including the Banking API to K2, the Banking API item has been added to the bank account books in the Default Settings, where it is necessary to set up a link to the bank's API. The settings are available only with the special right Bank accounts / Banking API configuration. The setup form differs depending on the selected bank. A detailed methodology for setting up the Banking API for Česká spořitelna is described in the Finance / Bank / Banking API documentation.

There are 2 functions in the Bank Statements book on the Functions tab:

Logic of creating statements - a bank statement is created (or found unconfirmed) for each day. The movements for the given day are completed in this statement. When the action is completed, the function for automatic pairing of items is started. If the function starts a change, it always finishes the items in the currently changed statement and leaves the statement unsaved.

Both functions are only available in the book status, provided that a link to the banking API is set for the current book. If not set, the functions will be hidden.

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Payment documents - switching the book to another own company while creating the document

A control element has been added to cash documents, bank orders, bank statements and internal documents while switching books using Alt + F10 in New mode. When switching, a message is displayed that the document belongs to another own company and the document cannot be saved in the selected book from another own company. After saving (F2), the document is saved in the original book.

The reason is to avoid unwanted inconsistencies in the data.

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New fields on Bank Statements, Bank Orders, Cash Documents, Internal Documents and Reminders

System fields CreatedOn and CreatedById have been added to Bank statement, Bank order, Cash document, Internal document and Reminder. Fields informing about the date and the user who created the document. The original DateOfIssue field has been renamed to IssueDate, IssuedBy to IssuedById.

At the same time, the fields BookOld and NumOld were removed from the headers and also items of Bank statements, Bank orders, Cash documents and internal documents. The fields are redundant and are no longer used.

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Financial management - calculation of the Due date for orders and sales orders

In the Financial Management book, a change was made to display the Due date for order and sales order items without an invoice. If there is a confirmed receipt note / release note, the due date will depend on the date of confirmation of the stock document.

The Due Date, under which the documents in the Financial Management book are sorted, is calculated for the Sales orders as follows:

For Orders issued, the Due Date is calculated as follows:

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Validation of the Abbreviation field in books with EET

To cash register books and internal documents with the EET allowed has been added a control for Book Abbreviation whether it does not contain unicode characters. This is a limitation of the communication protocol for EET (Data Item Encoding).

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Evaluation and Analysis Services

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Article axes and Customer without sort level

We have added a new parameter Article and Customer Dimensions without sorting level to OLAP. If the parameter is set to On, the grouping of articles and customers on these axes into groups is canceled according to the settings of the NumberConsentables and CountCustomer parameters.

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User name for the Code 1 and Code 2 axes

We have created new parameters Code1 user name and Code2 user name. Using these parameters, it is possible to define a user name for the Code 1 and Code 2 axes.

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New module Assets

In the K2 gaia version, a new Assets module was created.

Asset cards from the old module can be transferred using the Asset Conversion function.

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Changes of Books of Assets

Numbering of asset card without period - If it is on, asset cards are numbered regardless of the period. If it is off, asset cards are numbered within the set Period.

Record of acquisition asset - is switched on if the acquired property is registered in the book before it is put into use. If the option is disabled in the book, the property is recorded from inclusion in use until removal.

For plan types for which user posts depreciation, check the Post plan depreciation box. Furthermore, for plan types for which user posts other plan movements (e. g. sorting, technical evaluation, partial removal, ...), check the Post other plan movements box.

User switches on the Post change of analytical dimension field for analytical axes ( cost center, order code, ...), about which he/she posts in the assets.

We've added asset inventory settings to Books of Assets.

The Plan Type Selection function has been canceled. Types of plans are set in the Books of Assets.

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Changes of Depreciation Plans

Records in the code list are not confirmed, they can be invalidated.

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Changes of Depreciation presets

Depreciation presets are not marked as system. They are not automatically updated during reinstallation.

The year Accounting or Postponed Accounting, which was used for leasing plans, has been canceled and is replaced by the Calendar relative.

In the Depreciation interval field, the "Monthly" or "Annual" option is offered from the depreciation interval code list.

Records in the code list are not confirmed, they can be invalidated.

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Changes of SCP code list

The fields Depreciation group, Date of sorting, Note and abbreviation in English and German have been deleted.

User can edit the language abbreviation and name.

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New code list Asset location

We have created a new Asset Location code list, which replaces the existing code list.

User can create a tree structure of the code list (using the Superior field).

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Changes of Asset register

A history of changes has been added to the selected fields Initial price, Prefix 1, 2, Inventory number, Depreciation group, Field of asset and SCP. The form is displayed by right-clicking on a specific field and then via the Field History option.

New fields Quantity, Unit, Language Name, Producer and Articles have been added to the Basic Data tab.

The Depreciation History button has been added to the Items tab, which contains the history of all performed assets movements recorded in IS K2 in the original Assets module.

A new Partial Retire item type has been added to the Assigned Documents tab.

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Functions changes in Assets module

New funcions have been added above the asset card:

The Depreciation and Cancel Depreciation functions have been renamed to Depreciation Processing and Cancel Depreciation Processing.

The Price Increase function has been renamed the Technical Improvement function.

All functions can be started from the ribbon. Hotkeys for running most functions have changed.

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Changes to bulk actions on asset cards

Bulk actions on asset cards have been expanded by:

Some bulk actions have been renamed:

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New book Assets Location

We have created a new book Assets location, which records all depreciation and other asset transactions that have been created on asset cards. The book is intended for accounting for asset movements.

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New function Conversion of assets

In connection with the new Assets module, the Conversion of assets function was created. The function is intended for transferring data from the original Old Assets module to the Assets module.

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Renaming of the original Assets module

The existing "Assets" module has been renamed to "Old Assets".

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Web and e-shop

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Search (Elasticsearch)

In the K2 gaia version, we have improved the search support on our e-shop solution. Modern Elasticsearch technology enables efficient and accurate searches, including declension of words and sorting of results by relevance. It is now also possible to search in the titles and descriptions of categories, sold brands or blog articles.

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Virtual categories

Virtual categories allow you to dynamically categorize products based on defined parameter values while setting a special name, description, and URL address. It also serves as an indexable page for search without the need to maintain the sorting of products into another category. It also offers better orientation to e-shop users, because when selecting the appropriate combination of parameter values in the filter in the category, it will be automatically redirected to the virtual category and thus the display of its name and description.

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A new function has been created where you can create a Brands page on your e-shop with an overview of sold product brands. A formatted description can be added to each brand, incl. image and product listing of this brand across categories. The description and sorting of the brand can be defined differently for individual e-shops maintained in K2.

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Changes in the Payment Gateways section of the e-shop

Changes in the Payment Gateways section

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ComGate payment gateway integration

The ComGate payment gateway can now also be used in the K2 e-shop for online payments.

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Product ratings and questions

On the product detail page it is possible to display user ratings (reviews) and a section for questions. Questions and ratings using familiar asterisks and the addition of a verbal comment can be entered by e-shop users. Both are then managed in new modules in K2.

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Script EshopCron.PAS

A new AllEshop parameter has been added to the EshopCron.pas script. If enabled, it will create a cache of all valid e-shops immediately. We recommend using it after a bulk reinstallation of e-shops.

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New system of rights settings

In the User Roles book, user can create a rights group that will be used by multiple users. It is therefore not necessary to assign rights individually to a specific user. On the created role with rights for users, it is possible to see from which roles the right is taken over and which roles the given right is passed on. The role hierarchy is also displayed in the tree.

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New rights in the Assets module

We have created new rights for the created Assets module:

Depreciation plans of assets:

Depreciation presets:

Asset fields:

Asset cards:

Asset movements::

Asset inventory:

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Use new asset

We have added the Use new assets option to the Client Parameters. The field is set automatically when converting the existing Old Assets module to the new Assets module.

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Change the default value of the COMPANYCURRENCY parameter

The default value of the COMPANYCURRENCY parameter, which can be applied in K2.ini, has been changed. The parameter is important for the correct creation of documents in own companies in a currency other than the client's currency. As of version K2 gaia.01, the parameter is defaulty set to the value 1. The currency from the Client's parameters is then not taken as the currency of the own company, but from the settings of each own company.

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New module of Loyalty programe

The module allows you to define individual loyalty programs in the book Loyalty programs. The principle is to obtain points for individual sales cases (retail sales, but also sales via e-shop) for individual customers or in the case of e-shop for individual contact persons. After meeting the criteria, points are counted for the given contact person or customer, which can then be used up by the contact person or customer in the form of discount coupons. For a detailed description of the functionality, see the user manual.

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Web K2

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Column filter

We have added a lot of news to the K2 web that will allow users to work better with the K2 system via a web browser. We are even closer to our goal of fully replacing the web K2 with a desktop one. Users will certainly appreciate the new filtering options using a column filter.

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Line editing and coloring

For easier orientation in the data, we have added the option of coloring lines or cells of the table. And as in the full K2 client, they can use line editing to change data.

If you need to quickly calculate, for example, the sum of a specific column, just turn on this operation with one mouse click.

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Tree structure

Another component that makes it easier for users to work with data is the tree table, thanks to which we can view the data in the tree structure and also work with them, such as in the category tree.

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Connection recovery - mobile devices

We've heard the wishes of customers who use the K2 web out of the office on mobile devices, and we've added a connection recovery function. If the user loses his Internet connection while working, the system waits for the connection to be re-established and automatically displays the last screen in progress. The user will not lose any work.

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Two-factor verification

We have significantly strengthened the security of the K2 web with the so-called two-factor verification, which you know especially from banking applications. And we've also added support for direct printing from the K2 web to a bluetooth printer.

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Another significant innovation is the calendar component, which can be used to display any data from the system as calendar events.