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Expert mode

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Expert mode K2

New functions, data modules are continuously implemented in IS K2 and existing functionalities are also modified. All these modifications extend or change the behavior of the IS K2 application. Changes must first be tested, documented, and then published in  subsequent releases. Major changes are published until major annual versions.

For some modifications, it is often desirable to test them earlier on current versions not only of developers and testers, but also of customers who have purchased the IS K2 system. This allows customers to comment on other edits without having to reinstall to a newer version with the release. Thanks to this mode, modifications can be tested before the versions with the given modification are officially released.

Modifications introduced in this way must be available only for a special parameter setting the IS K2 run. They must not make irreversible changes and must go off at any time.

Edits are not guaranteed to be available in higher versions. With this system, we can find out that the functionality is unsatisfactory or unnecessary and can be completely canceled.

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Definition of possible types of adjustments

New functionalities can be, for example, new data modules, new functions, or a change in the behavior of existing functions.

For all modifications, it must not change the data, database structures or the K2 file system in any way. Therefore, modifications can be turned on and off again at any time without  inconsistencies, data corruption, files, database structures, etc.

As an example of the modification, we can mention the change in  the behavior of the quick filter functionality in the universal K2 forms. That is, how the filter is activated and deactivated.

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Turn on the new function

Any function that is loaded into expert mode must be available only if it is explicitly enabled using the k2.ini configuration file. The parameter that turns it on must always be in the form "LABS_" + English name that describes the functionality. The value is "1"  if it is enough to activate the function - "LABS_XYZ = 1". For example, if a function has multiple modes, settings, etc., it is possible to use a parameter to determine its behavior. For example "LABS_XYZ = 1,2,3", etc.

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Expiration of the new function

Features included in expert mode are implemented only in versions prior to the version in which the functionality will be officially released. This automatically ensures that neither the parameter nor its logic appears in higher versions.

K2 atmitec, s. r. o. does not guarantee the full functionality of the modifications available in   the expert mode. It guarantees that  there will be no irreversible changes that would lead to  some parts of IS K2 ceasing to function after deactivation of the parameter. The data will not be stored in non-compliant structures or in any way will not enter an inconsistent state.