K2 IS settings
- Create a customer card in the Suppl./Cust. code list (it will be enough to fill obligatory fields). For this customer service documents (service sales orders, invoices and issues) will be issued, if other customer is not selected. If such anonymous customer already exists in the code list, it is not necessary to set up a new one.
- Substitute article card - we sat up an article card for arrivals of foreign articles into the service. Foreign articles are articles that we do not have in records. The card will have Do not display article name choice checked.
- Initial card for service - we set up an article card for sorting variants of technological progress of article repair. We use this in cases, when article of the serviced product will not have an “S” defined by its own service card.
- Initial sorting for service - in service presets we set initial sorting for service that fastens definition of most commonly set parameters in service tab in case, the card will not have defined grouping for service on the “S” card.
- If separate books are needed for documents, that in regards to module Complaints / Service will be created, then we must define books of purchase, sales and storage, in which these documents should be created.
- Created books will be then added to code of Complaints / Service module.
- For correct functioning of guides while repairing, it is necessary to have set the Do not check superior documents in guides tab on 2nd page of Customers parameters.