The Articles folder covers the other sections that are related to the product portfolio and thus significantly simplifies work. The user has at their disposal the code list Articles, as well as books with Brands and Groups of articles. Part of the folder is also a code list with Alternative stock status texts or a function for Adding an image to the article (basic and other).
Book Articles
Here is the book Articles as it is in the basic code lists - a list of all products that your company has.
Coupon Discounts
Rights Settings
The following rights can be set for the Discount Coupons book:
- Browse discount coupons,
- Change discount coupon,
- Confirm discount coupon,
- Undo the confirmation of discount coupon,
- Change coupon actions
Rights are in the book Users - Rights Settings (5th page) - Code Lists/Discount Coupons.
For Product keys can be set following rights:
- Edit product keys
- Confirm (lock) product keys
- Undo the confirmation of (unlock of) product keys
Rights are in the book Users - Rights Settings (5th page) - Code Lists/Product Keys
For Customer Keys can be set following rights:
- Edit customer keys
- Confirm (lock) customer keys
- Undo the confirmation of (unlock of) customer keys
Rights are in the book Users - Rights Settings (5th page) - Code Lists/Customer Keys.
Sale and Customer Support
Orders from E-shop
After sending the order, an XML Order is automatically created in K2, independently of the creation of the Sales Order. If there is a failure in the creation of the Sales Order, the Order can be used to subsequently create the sales order without any failure noticed and solved by the customer.
You can view orders from the web/e-shop in K2 via the book Orders from E-shop (available in the tree menu - Sale and Customer Support node, or the number of function for the desktop button: 901).
Sales Orders from E-shop
The sales order is created immediately when sending the order in the book and with the data according to the web and e-shop settings. If it is an order for a company (i.e. the registered user has an assigned partner), a sales order for this company is created. Depending on the parameter Display selection of partner (company) of invoicing, the order is created for the basic partner › the customer of the given contact person or for that partner › the customer that the user currently has set (and their data are visible in the e-shop header next to the logged-in user). Delivery address and invoicing address (including Comp. Reg. No. and VAT Reg. No.) are set according to the order.
If it is a customer who does not have an assigned partner, then it is created as an anonymous customer. There always is a contact person connected to the sales order, who created the order. If it is an unregistered customer, K2 tries to find by e-mail, name and surname an already existing contact person without registration. If such a person is found, it shall be added to the sales order. Otherwise, a new contact person record is created.
Addresses are always stored as simple addresses, with exception of personal collection at the pick-up point - in this case, the address of the pick-up point is stored in the delivery address as a link to the Customer card of the selected pick-up point. Comp. Reg. No. and VAT Reg. No. are stored in the corresponding fields in the sales order. If the contact details (i.e. e-mail and telephone number) of the address are changed compared to the registration, these details are added directly to the address (tab Contact).
If possible in terms of stock, an unconfirmed Release Note is automatically created for the items. If it is not possible to create it, a Reserving Card is created. In case you do not want the release note or reserving card to be created, do not fill in the Warehouse in the Basic Data of the given web and e-shop. If the payment is successfully made through the payment gateway, the Invoice is automatically created to the sales order and Cash Voucher according to Web and E-shop Settings - Payment Gateways section, and these documents are matched (i.e. the invoice “is paid”).
Contact Persons
The Contact Persons book is also used in connection to the web/e-shop. Its is especially the area of records of users who have registered on the web/e-shop (login detail are recorded here) or have created an order on it (the person is then listed in the sales order).
If a new order is created by an unregistered user, the system searches for a contact person with the same name, surname and e-mail (without an assigned partner). If such exists in K2, it is connected to the newly created sales order. Otherwise, for the purpose of connecting a contact person to the sales order, it creates a new Contact Person record.
Administration and Settings
Web and E-shop - General Settings
Overview of tables, reports, scripts and other functions
Tables in K2
- ESBANNER - book Banners
- ESBASKET - shopping cart
- ESBASKETITEM - shopping cart items
- ESCALCSTATSGOODS - calculated statistics of goods. The table is calculated by recalculating statistics - option Recalculate goods statistics.
- ESCATEGORYALLGOODS - goods in a tree structure (including e-shop). The table is calculated by recalculating statistics - option Recalculation of article assigning into e-shop.
- ESCATEGORYGOODS - content of all categories (goods or group)
- ESCATEGORYINFO - book Categories
- ESDELIVERY - book Shipping for E-shop
- ESDELIVERYBRANCHES - branches to the shipping method
- ESDELIVERYPAYMENTS - a combination of payments and shipping methods for e-shops
- ESFAVORITE - book Favourites
- ESGOODS - view good for e-shops
- ESGOODSPRICE - price of goods. The table is calculated by recalculating statistics - option Update prices of goods.
- ESGOODSSHOPVALUE - flags of news, tips, etc. in individual on-line shops. The table is calculated by recalculating statistics - option Recalculation of article assigning into e-shop.
- ESGOODSTEXT - language texts for goods. The table is calculated by recalculating statistics - option Update language texts of articles.
- ESORDER - orders from on-line shop (contains xml orders)
- ESPAYMENT - book Payments for E-shop
- ESREGISTRATION - book Registration
- ESEARCHWORD - search words for goods
- ESSHOP - book On-line Shops
- ESSTATISTIC - calculated statistics of goods. Types 2000000343 (Item Detail), 2000000344 (Text Page), 2000000345 (Category), 2000000346 (Banner Loading) and 2000000348 (Click on Banner) with the ID of a specific element are used.
- ESSTOCKTEXT - book Alternative Texts of Stock Level
- ESSTOCKTEXTITEM - book items Alternative Texts of Stock Level
- ESTEXTPAGE - book Text Pages
- ESWATCHDOG - book Watchdog
- E-mail Message (EshopEmail.AM) - “preview” of the sales order in the form of Order.
- Export of XML feed for comparator (EshopXMLFeedExport.PAS) - allows to export prices of goods for, Heureka and Google Merchants. The result of the export is three XML files, each of them is created for concrete comparator. The script scans published articles on the e-shop, exports their price and classifies them into the same product category. It is also possible to export article parameter or article availability for both, the main warehouse and the branches warehouses to server.
- Old e-shop - Adding pictures to articles (Eshop_AddPicture.PAS) - allows to import pictures to specific articles, assign them to specified categories and set the required size. The images are uploaded to the location specified by the K2 function Configure picture link storage.
- New e-shop - Adding pictures to articles (NewEshop_AddPicture.PAS) - allows to import pictures to specific articles, assign them to specified categories and set the required size. The difference from the older version of the script is that the script does not cut images. Another difference is that the same image is not attached to each article separately, but one attached image is created, which is then attached to the other article. In folder K2 this picture is placed only once with the number of the first article.
- Import of web/e-shop categories (EshopCategoryImport.PAS) - to the selected web/e-shop allows import of categories from the specified tree stored in the general interface (used for example for FastCentrik).
- Export of text pages (K2ETextPageExp.PAS) - allows to export selected texts in selected languages (according to parameter) to a XML file, including their “order” in specific pages of Web and e-shop settings.
- Import of text pages (K2ETextPageImp.PAS) - allows to import an XML file with texts into the selected e-shop specified by the parameter. A link to the newly created pages can be inserted into the Settings of the given e-shop according to their “order” on the original web/e-shop.
- Update of web/e-shop cache (EshopCron.PAS) - allows to regenerate cache. It is used for the task scheduler, where its start is set with a 5 minutes interval. Cache validity is 4:30 minutes. Therefore, it does not make sense to run the script more often.
- Import categories (EshopHeurekaCatImport.PAS) - imports a list of Heureka categories from a file that the user downloads on the Heureka server. See script catalogue.
- Import categories (EshopZboziCatImport.pas) - the script allows to import into K2 the code list of categories provided by the server. Their use is similar if you want to use the services of this server. Then fill in the categories for the individual Article cards on the E-shop tab - Info for price search engines. See script catalogue.
- Import Google Merchant Center categories (EshopMerchantCenterCatImport.pas) - the script allows to import into K2 the code list of categories provided by the Google Merchant Center server. Their use is appropriate if you want to use the services of this server. See script catalogue.
- Contact person password reset (CPResetPassword.PAS) - generates a new password or the entire login data for the given contact person or marked records of contact persons. Can send an e-mail with the new information to these persons.
- Connect contact person to Customer (CPCusAttach.pas) - a script that runs over a contact person not connected to the partner, searches for addresses on a 3rd page and tries to find the customer in K2 according to the ID number specified there. If it does not exist, it uses ARES (Service for comp. reg. number) to pre-fill a new record in the Supplier/Customer book and offers it to the user to save it.
- Get a file link (LinkUrlPreview.pas) - script for previewing the entire URL of a link to a file from 9th page (tab Links). The script is assigned to the F9 or toolbar above each module where the function needs to be used and a single RootURL parameter, e.g. <e-shop address>/Pictures/, is set to specify the root URL address to the files storage. The script then displays previews of the entire URL address of the current record in the Links on 9th page.
- Delete unattached images and links (UnusedPictures.pas) - the script for deleting unattached images from links (Links) that remained as a file and vice versa invalid links from images.
- Bulk uploading pictures of articles to the 9th page (Eshop_ImportPictures.PAS) - the script tries to find a file with the corresponding name in the given directory (given by the parameter) according to the abbreviation or the name of the article (the same beginning of the file name is enough). Moves the attached files to the Attached subdirectory.
- Attach document to an article (Eshop_AddDocument.PAS) - the script is intended for attaching a documents to an article card. The document is attached to the Attachments page in the Links tab. It is necessary that the file is physically saved to the e-shop, so only links are copied to the article cards.
- Deleting articles parameter on the Article Parameters page (RemoveUnusedParameters.PAS) - the script is used to delete parameters out of the classification on the Article Parameters page.
- Import of categories (with the possibility of adding articles) from Excel - (ImportCategory.pas) - the script allows to import categories from Excel on the selected web/e-shop. Using the parameter, articles from Excel can be imported.
- Notification of unpaid advance (UnpaidAdvanceNotification.PAS) - the script filters all unpaid advances from the e-shop. If the Number of days delay is filled in, the e-mail is sent automatically via the task scheduler. In case the number of days is not filled in, the e-mail is sent only once and an activity is created. If the responsible person is filled in the parameters, they always receive an e-mail notifying them of the due date.
- Initialization of web modules (Eshop_InitWebModules.PAS) - the script is intended for a simple transition between an older and a new version of the e-shop. After launch, the data from the older responsive e-shop are converted to the new version of the template e-shop.
- Fill the name of e-shop (EshopFillEsName.PAS) - the script fill in the article name from the basic product data to the E-shop tab. The script can only be run over article container.
- Setting the flag New (Eshop_SetNews.PAS) - the script sets the New flag on the E-shop tab for newly added articles (in the parameters, it is possible to set for how long the articles are considered new).
- Export of web texts (Eshop_WebText_Export.PAS) - the script is intended only for the new (template) version of the e-shop. Allows to export web texts, including translations, to an XML file.
- Import of web texts (Eshop_WebText_Export.PAS) - the script is intended only for the new (template) version of the e-shop. Allows to import web texts, including translations, to an XML file.
- Answer to a query from the e-shop (ES_ReportFromEshop.PAS) - the script is intended for easy answer to queries that are received from the web/e-shop.
K2 Function
- E-shop - Recalculation of article statistics - allows to calculate auxiliary tables for e-shop. These are tables tat for practical (and performance) reasons are not connected to the e-shop directly, such as articles, prices, articles in categories, etc. This recalculation is usually run as a planned event (due to the large content of processed data). While the option Recalculate the assigning of articles to shop counts the tables EsCategoryAllGoods and EsGoodsShopValue, especially after changing the relevant data by a script, changing the Do not display flag in the Category or changing the Hide on e-shop flag, because e.g. manually entered category or changing other flags on the Articles tab is reflected in the tables immediately. The Recalculate Articles Statistics option counts the EsCalcStatsGoods table. The Update language texts of articles option counts the EsGoodsText table and the Update article prices option counts the EsGoodsPrice table. Other tables are updated immediately.
- Shift+F3 in the Articles book allow to recalculate a specific Articles tab or marked Articles record.
Note: For security reasons, it is not possible to run conversions simultaneously or together to the Shift+F3 function. This concurrence is controlled by K2. If a similar action is triggered by a special script, you must first verify that the action is possible - on the TD_Zbo, TD_esCategoryInfo and TD_esShop a function exists HoldShopRecalc(var AUser: String; ACheckOnly: Boolean = False): Boolean. It is also possible to disable the recalculation via a script through this function, after performing the action it is necessary to enable the recalculations again with the UnHoldShopRecalc function.
Note: The start of conversion is recorded by means of error logs of type 19.
- Configure picture link storage - sets the path for saving a link from the Attachments tab - Links tab and access to FTP storage.
- Orders from E-shop - displays a preview of the XML file created after sending the order.
- Export and import of primary e-shop data
- Shift + F5 in the book Webs and e-shops above the selected record (e-shop) allow to export a file with all the primary data of the given e-shop. I.e. Text Pages, Web Menu, Blogs, History, Timeline, Career, Job Offer, etc. (All code lists that are stored in the K2 tree in the Web and e-shop module -> Other Modules.)
- Shift + F6 in the book Webs and e-shops above the selected record (e-shop) allow to import the above exported data file into the current e-shop.
- Ctrl + F11 function, which makes it much easier to work with the interpretation of individual fields into foreign languages. After launching, a form is displayed to the user, in which all translated fields in the given book or code list are located. See Field Translations for more.