Job cards Operation book
The book represents an item view of the job cards operations. The book displays job cards operations according to the user-defined selection. Status of the table "book" is not supported.
The default columns also include the following indications for operations:
- Operation coverage: "BFCovered" column
- Operation coverage by stock: "BFCoveredS" column
- The readiness of the operation to start its production: "BFReady" column. The column informs users, whether it is possible to start a production of an operation with regard to the completion of the previous operation. The evaluation is executed on the basis of a Percentage of complete value. Possible statuses:
- previous operation is completed to 100 %, or it is the first operation in order;
- previous operation was started, but it is not completed to 100 %;
- previous operation has not started yet.
Note: At operations, which consume a semi-finished product produced by the own job card, only the previous operation from the own job card of a product, not also the last operation from the job card of a semi-finished product, is evaluated as a previous operation.
Picture: The Job cards Operations book
There are three tabs in the book:
1 - Basic data
Here you can find basic data about the appropriate operation.
2 - Items
It contains three tables: table of resources, table of planning the resource and table of items (articles).
3 - Previous operation
It displays a previous operation. The information given above in the note also applies here.