It is Possible to include general supplements (via the Notes tab) into document headers or individual document items; you may also insert Header Text and Footer Text. A supplement is a piece of text with arbitrary number of lines. Header and footer texts are automatically printed on the documents.
For further description of work with supplements, see chapter Basic Code Lists and Supporting K2 Modules – Notes.
Insert Supplement to Document Header
Insert a general supplement on the 1st page of the document on the Notes tab via the button , where you can select a Supplement type from the table Type of Notes. This supplement is linked up with the document header. You can also make use of the predefined supplements Header Text and Footer Text. On these tabs, we can see the contents of the supplements; to insert a new one or edit an existing one, use the icon
, which will open editor itself. Closer description is in the Supplements chapter.
Example: We insert the supplement "The contractor guarantees and bears the expenses on the transport up to 20 km" to a Sales Order or an Invoice Out. This supplement will be displayed on the 1st page in the lower part of the document. During the printing of a document, it will be printed at the end of the text under all the items.
Insert Supplement to Document Items
Not only the header, but also other individual items of Purchase and Sale documents may have its own supplement, which is related only to the selected item. On 2. Nd page of a Purchase and Sale document, open the Purchase/Sale Item form, which offers two options. We may insert a supplement into the Description field - this may later replace the Article name in the item during printing; it is referenced to the Supplement table.
Picture: The Supplements Code List
On 2. Nd page of the Purchase and Sale document, you may edit the displaying of article names. An Article Name is displayed from the Article card by default; however, if the option Do not Show Article Names is set on the Article card, the 1st row of a supplement name or the description from a batch will be displayed. The following table states an overview of the possible combinations.
Do not Show Article Names |
Pasted |
Display |
Deactivated |
Name |
The changes will not manifest themselves on the 2ndpage of the Purchase and Sale document; the name of the article will still be stated there. Upon printing, the original article name will be displayed and below will be printed the whole supplement name. |
Deactivated |
Batch code |
Changes will not appear on the 2ndpage of the Purchase and Sale document; the name of the article will still be stated there. |
Activated |
Name |
On 2. Nd page of the Purchase and Sale document, in the Name column, a line will Be filled from Table Languages supplements. Upon printing, the display of the original name will be overriden. |
Checked |
Batch code |
On 2. Nd page of the Purchase and Sale document, a batch description will be pasted into the Name column. If the batch code description has not been pasted, the original article name will remain in the document. |
Checked |
batch, name |
On 2. Nd page of the Purchase and Sale document, in the Name column, a line will Be filled from table Languages supplements from Name field. |
The other option of inserting a supplement into the document item is to use the Text tab, which inserts the TX supplement automatically. The work with this supplement is similar to work with E.g. Header Text or Business Text in documents and code lists. We can launch an editor via the button on the left side of the tab, in which we then select the supplement format and write in the desired text. The supplement created and saved this way will also display among other notes with the respective type.
The item supplement TX is also automatically being printed on the standard Purchase/Sale documents.
Should the item on a document happen to be allocated (due to the disposition, batches, etc.), and the TX supplement was on the item before its saving, this supplement will be duplicated for every item. Because of this, every newly created item has its own copy of the supplement and its changes will manifest only on this item; the other supplements will remain unchanged.
When pressing F6, a copy of all the supplements used in the Name of individual items is created
If the original item has a different name filled in (there is a value in the NAZ field), the item will have a different value in the NAZ field after pressing F6, which will refer to a new supplement with the same text.