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Book Contents

Book Index

Service contract

Process No.: SVC004

Iden. Report no.: SSVC001

File: SE_ServiceContract.AM

Report's description: Service contract

Address in the tree: [Complaints/Service] [Service contract] [Documents printing - lists]

Reports parameters:

CzechLayout - No

Yes - the customer address is printed on the right side (intended for sending documents by mail in abroad, where the window for the envelope is on the left side); No - the customer address is on the left side.

ExistAddress - No

No - the supplier address is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is not displayed.

ExistICOandDIC - No

No - the ID and TaxID is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is not displayed.

ExistOR - Yes

No - information about the Business Register is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is no displayed.

ExistTelFax - No

No - the telephone and fax is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is not displayed.

ExportAddNoteAfterExport - No

Yes - it adds a note about export to a document.

K2Info - Yes

Yes - displays informative text about the document issued by the K2 system.

LeftShift - 5

By how many mm the edge of the report is shifted to the left (used for setting up printing on the printer).

LogoPictureFooter - Footer.wmf

Name of a file for a logo of footer.

LogoPictureHeader - Header.wmf

Name of a file for a logo of heading.

ShowArticleAbbr - No

Yes - Abbr1 will be displayed instead of name.

ShortVersion - No

Yes - a shortened version of the report. It displays a simple-line item, it does not display the recapitulation of total amount and weight and number of items.

ShowBarCode - No

Yes - bar code is displayed.

ShowContacts - KU

Abbreviation of the supplement from the Client Parameters. It displays the next contact data according to its own setting.

ShowLogoFooter - Yes

Yes - it displays the logo of footer.

ShowLogoHeader - Yes

Yes - it displays the logo of heading.

ShowNumberOfCustomer - Yes

Yes - it displays an abbreviation of a customer at a customer address. No - only the Customer: text is displayed without stating an abbreviation.

ShowSender - No

No - the address of a sender is not displayed in the window for envelope; Yes - the address is displayed.

ShowStateOfOrigin - No

Yes - a code of tariff and a country of origin are displayed for the items. If it is filled on a batch, the information from the batch are displayed; otherwise the data from the Article card are displayed.

Title -

The entered value of the parameter is displayed as a title of the report. If the parameter is empty, an origin name of the document is printed (e.g. Invoice).


Picture: New Service sales order

Book Contents

Book Index

Undo the confirmation of service orders

Process No.: SVC004

Iden. Report no.: SSVC002

File: SE_ServiceContractList.AM

Report's description: Undo the confirmation of service contract

Address in the tree: [Complaints/Service] [Service contract] [Documents printing - lists]

Reports parameters:

DisableItemFilter - Yes

Turn off displaying filter on items.


Picture: List of service contract report

Book Contents

Book Index

Service sheets

Process No.: SVC005

Iden. Report no.: SSVC003

File: SE_ServiceNote.AM

Report's description: Service sheets

Address in the tree: [Complaints/Service] [Service contract] [Documents printing - lists]

Reports parameters:

CzechLayout - No

Yes - the customer address is printed on the right side (intended for sending documents by mail in abroad, where the window for the envelope is onthe left side); No - the customer address is on the left side. the left side); No - the customer address is on the left side.

ExistAddress - No

No - the supplier address is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is not displayed.

ExistICOandDIC - No

No - the ID and TaxID is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is not displayed.

ExistOR - Yes

No - information about the Business Register is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is no displayed.

ExistTelFax - No

No - the telephone and fax is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is not displayed.

ExportAddNoteAfterExport - No

Yes - it adds a note about export to a document.

LeftShift - 5

By how many mm the edge of the report is shifted to the left (used for setting up printing on the printer).

LogoPictureFooter - Footer.wmf

Name of a file for a logo of footer.

LogoPictureHeader - Header.wmf

Name of a file for a logo of heading.

ShowArticleAbbr - No

Yes - Abbr1 will be displayed instead of name.

ShortVersion - No

Yes - a shortened version of the report. It displays a simple-line item, it does not display the recapitulation of total amount and weight and number of items.

ShowBarCode - No

Yes - bar code is displayed.

ShowContacts - KU

Abbreviation of the supplement from the Client Parameters. It displays the next contact data according to its own setting.

ShowLogoFooter - Yes

Yes - it displays the logo of footer.

ShowLogoHeader - Yes

Yes - it displays the logo of heading.

ShowNumberOfCustomer - Yes

Yes - it displays an abbreviation of a customer at a customer address. No - only the Customer: text is displayed without stating an abbreviation.

ShowSender - No

No - the address of a sender is not displayed in the window for envelope; Yes - the address is displayed.

ShowStateOfOrigin - No

Yes - a code of tariff and a country of origin are displayed for the items. If it is filled on a batch, the information from the batch are displayed; otherwise the data from the Article card are displayed.

Title -

The entered value of the parameter is displayed as a title of the report. If the parameter is empty, an origin name of the document is printed (e.g. Invoice).


Picture: New Service sheet

Book Contents

Book Index

Service Protocol

Process No.: SVC005

Iden. Report no.: SSVC004

File: SE_ServiceProtocol.AM

Report's description: Service Protocol

Address in the tree: [Complaints/Service] [Service contract] [Documents printing - lists]

Reports parameters:

CzechLayout - No

Yes - the customer address is printed on the right side (intended for sending documents by mail in abroad, where the window for the envelope is onthe left side); No - the customer address is on the left side. the left side); No - the customer address is on the left side.

ExistAddress - No

No - the supplier address is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is not displayed.

ExistICOandDIC - No

No - the ID and TaxID is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is not displayed.

ExistOR - Yes

No - information about the Business Register is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is no displayed.

ExistTelFax - No

No - the telephone and fax is not a part of the logo (letterhead paper), therefore it is displayed; Yes - it is not displayed.

ExportAddNoteAfterExport - No

Yes - it adds a note about export to a document.

LeftShift - 5

By how many mm the edge of the report is shifted to the left (used for setting up printing on the printer).

LogoPictureFooter - Footer.wmf

Name of a file for a logo of footer.

LogoPictureHeader - Header.wmf

Name of a file for a logo of heading.

ShortVersion - No

Yes - a shortened version of the report. It displays a simple-line item, it does not display the recapitulation of total amount and weight and number of items.

ShowBarCode - No

Yes - bar code is displayed.

ShowContacts - KU

Abbreviation of the supplement from the Client Parameters. It displays the next contact data according to its own setting.

ShowLogoFooter - Yes

Yes - it displays the logo of footer.

ShowLogoHeader - Yes

Yes - it displays the logo of heading.

ShowNumberOfCustomer - Yes

Yes - it displays an abbreviation of a customer at a customer address. No - only the Customer: text is displayed without stating an abbreviation.

ShowSender - No

No - the address of a sender is not displayed in the window for envelope; Yes - the address is displayed.

ShowStateOfOrigin - No

Yes - a code of tariff and a country of origin are displayed for the items. If it is filled on a batch, the information from the batch are displayed; otherwise the data from the Article card are displayed.

Title -

The entered value of the parameter is displayed as a title of the report. If the parameter is empty, an origin name of the document is printed (e.g. Invoice).


Picture: Service sheet report

Book Contents

Book Index

List of service sheets

Process No.: SVC005

Iden. Report no.: SSVC005

File: SE_ServiceNoteList.AM

Report's description: List of service sheets

Address in the tree: [Complaints/Service] [Service contract] [Documents printing - lists]

Reports parameters:

DisableItemFilter - Yes

Turn off displaying filter on items.


Picture: List of service sheets report

Book Contents

Book Index

Service evaluation

Process No.: SVC005

Iden. Report no.: SSVC006

File: SE_EvaluationServiceNote.AM

Report's description: Service evaluation. Report is ran over service sheets. Evaluation is displayed according to chosen sorting.

Address in the tree: [Complaints/Service][Service_evaluation]

Reports parameters:

AllowParametersSaving - Yes

Yes - Allows Parameter Savings.

DisableItemFilter - Yes

Turn off displaying filter on items.

The user can group and sort parameters in the report, or choose which ones he wants to process. By selecting the multichoice with an asterisk, we schoose which report we want to be grouped. We can mark two options and sort the processes according to two criteria. By moving the options with cursor we select, which group is superior to which.


Picture: Form Reports parameters - Service evaluation


Picture: Service evaluation report

Book Contents

Book Index

Complaint document

Process No.:


Report ID: SSVC007

File: Complaint.AM

Report's description: Complaint document. The report enables to save parameters into the "*.xml" file. The bulk export into the "*.pdf" file and sending by email are possible. Complaint document for customer displays under the separation line headings of the documents record from Service statement tab and Service recommendation. Information about articles is loaded from the heading of Service sheet. Complaint document for customer displays under the separation line headings of the documents record from Fault description tab. Information about the article is loaded from existing Supplier complaints with connected order out.

Address in the tree: [Complaints/Service] [Service contract] [Documents printing - lists]

Reports parameters:

ArticleMode - 1

0 - Name of the article will be displayed, 1 - Abbreviation 1, 2 - Abbreviation 2, 3 - Abbreviation 1 + Name of the article.

AuthorizedBy - Ne

Ano - a form will be displayed, that will allow the “Confirmed by” and “Function”. This will then be displayed in footing of printed document.

BarCode - No

Yes - bar code is displayed.

Batch - No

Yes - batches for an item are displayed.

BatchAttr - 0

0 - nothing is displayed; 1 - batch parameters are displayed; 2 - required batch parameters are displayed.

BusinessRegister - 1

Information about the Business register from the Administration of own companies is displayed.

0 – does not display information about the Business register, 1 – displays text about Business register of maximum two rows, 2 – displays text about Business register of maximum four rows.

CodeOfCurrency - No

Yes - a code of currency is displayed (e.g. USD). No - mark of currency is displayed (e.g. $).

CombineOrigItem - Yes

Yes - combines the items with the same "OrigItemF" (if it is not different in price and the other attributes).

ComplaintToSupplier - Yes

Yes - Complaint document to supplier.

Contacts - 1;Addr;TaxNum;Tel1;Fax1;Email1;WWW

The parameter has 10 places, only the first three are fixed:

 1. position: a user, whose contacts from the user´s card (telephone, mobile, fax, email) are printed. Options: 0 - no user contacts, 1 - the user who has issued the doc., 2 - the currently logged-in user who prints the documents.

 2. position: "Addr" - if entered, the company address will be displayed.

 3rd place: "TaxNum" - if entered, then ID - No. and VAT Reg.No. will be displayed.

 4. - 10. position: listed types of electronic addresses of the own company (ie. there may be up to 7 types).

Example: (Contacts - 1;Addr;;TEL1;FAX1;WWW1): The company address will be displayed. The contacts from the user card of the user who issued the document will be stated below (tax numbers are skipped by an empty string on the 3rd place), then there are electronic addresses with Tel1 type, Fax1, WWW1.

Note: If any data is suppressed, there is no free place remaining. Nevertheless, the default order in a report is always as follows: the address, tax numbers, user's contacts and entered electronic addresses of own company.

DefaultExport - No

It is described along with other export parameters in the Report parameters for bulk sending by email chapter.

Description - No

Yes - it displays information from the Description field from the 1st page of the document.

DescriptionFromItem - No

Yes - a supplement that is entered into the Description field on a document item is displayed.

Discount - Yes

Yes - a discount entered on item is displayed .

DraftLabel -Yes

Yes - a "DRAFT" is displayed at the background of the report if a document is not confirmed. No - a "DRAFT" is not displayed.

Export_... - various parameters

The report also includes export parameters described collectively for all documents in Report parameters for bulk sending by email chapter.

Interactive - No

No - an input form to enter parameter values is displayed.

KeepEnvelopeFormat - No

No - the empty place is hidden under the place for the envelope window. The saved place is multiplied if the "ShowBarCode" parameter is set on "No". This is useful when the user does not use the envelope window and does not want to fold the printed documents into  envelopes by the line on the document.

Yes - the place is not hidden - lines between items and the address part will be always in a one-third of a page.

LangAccordToParams - No

If the report is printed in the language that is set in the "Field language" and "Report language" parameters, then you have to set the value of the parameter to "Yes".

LeftEnvelopeWindow - No

Yes - the customer address is printed on the right side (intended for sending documents by mail in abroad, where the window for the envelope is on the left side); No - the customer address is on the left side.

LeftShift - 5

By how many mm the edge of the report is shifted to the left (used for setting up printing on the printer).

LogoPictureFooter - 0

The parameter corrects the footer logo. If the parameter is empty, the footer logo is displayed according to the parameter settings Picture in Footer in the function Administrator - Administration of Own Companies. 0 - nothing is displayed, but there is a free place (for a header paper), 1 - neither picture nor free place. File name with png suffix - particular picture in Pictures directory of a particular company.

LogoPictureHeader -

The parameter corrects the header logo. If the parameter is empty, the header logo is displayed according to the parameter settings Picture in headerin the functionAdministrator - System - Administration of own companies. 0 - nothing is displayed, but there is a free place (for a header paper), 1 - neither picture nor free place. File name with png suffix - particular picture in Pictures directory of a particular company.

Notes -

Enter the comment type from the document header which is to be displayed in the report into the parameter. To display more comment types, it is necessary to separate the individual types by using the semicolon (e.g. MAIL;CMR). If more comments of the same type are found, all of them are displayed.

NumberOfItem - 0

0 - no number is displayed, 1 - number of a sales order item is displayed; 2 - order number is displayed. Always in the "#001" format.

OneLineItem - No

Yes - document item is always displayed in 1 line.

OnlyMinusQuantity - No

Yes - only items with negative value will be displayed.

Price - 0

0 - no prices for the items are displayed, 1 - the planned price is displayed, 2 - the invoiced price is displayed, 3 - the stock price is displayed.

SerialNumber - No

Yes - serial numbers for items are displayed.

Sign - @vyst;27;47;0;83

Parameter includes 5 positions:

 1. position determines a person whose signature should be displayed. It can be the picture named by the user's Logname, who has issued the doc (@Vyst) or who has printed it - or according to the current login (@akt) or particular Logname. The picture must always be in the Logname.png format and Be located in Pictures directory.

 2. position: picture height.

 3. position: distance from the left edge.

 4. position: distance of a picture from the upper edge of the given section.

5. position: picture width.

Example: (Sign - @vyst;27;47;0;83) prints the signature of the user who has issued the document, height is 27 points, left indentation of 47 points, by the upper corner. The picture is 83 points wide.

SortBy -

The field is filled with the value of the field from the sales items (e.g. C_Zbo;Zkr or CF_CeJePlM). Items on a document are sorted according to the parameter value. The parameter is empty by default.

If the value of this parameter is specified, then the items are not combined, even if the CombineOrigItem parameter is set to Yes.

StateOfOrigin - No

Yes - a code of tariff and a country of origin are displayed for the items. If it is filled on a batch, the information from the batch are displayed; otherwise the data from the Article card are displayed.

SupplayerCode - No

Yes - the supplayer code is displayed

SupplFromArticles -

0 - Nothing is displayed, Empty value - a Business Text from an Article card is displayed. If the parameter is filled in, and if there is an existing comment type on the Article card that is identical to the parameter value, the text of this comment is displayed. If the given comment type does not exist, the entered type of supplement from the notes on the Article card will be displayed (e.g. the DB type). If both comment and supplement type are identical, the comment has priority over the supplement.

SupplFromCustomer - DZ

0 - Nothing is displayed, Empty value - a Business Text from a Customer card is displayed. If the parameter is filled in, and if there is an existing comment type on the Customer card that is identical to the parameter value, the text of this comment is displayed. If the given comment type does not exist, the entered type of supplement from the notes on the Customer (e.g. the DZ type). If both comment and supplement type are identical, the comment has priority over the supplement.

SupplFromItem -

0 - Nothing is displayed, Empty value - displays the entered text from the Text tab from the document item. If the parameter is filled in, and if there is an existing comment type on the document item that is identical to the parameter value, the text of this comment is displayed. If the given comment type does not exist, the entered type of supplement from the notes on the document item will be displayed (e.g. the TX type). If both comment and supplement type are identical, the comment has priority over the supplement.

SupplFromMandant - TEXT

The TEXT value displays the information from the General information from own company field. Otherwise it displays the entered supplement type from the Client parameters.

Title -

The entered value of the parameter is displayed as a title of the report. If the parameter is empty, an original name of a document is printed (e.g. Invoice).