In this part you define the parameters for setting of the K2 IS and individual users.
Picture: Open Module Menu of Administrator - Parameters
Client parameters
Before you start work in K2 IS, you have to define Client Parameters in the module of Administrator. These parameters serve for the definition of the name, description and other important data of the client that you are going to work with.
1st - General
Picture: Client parameters form - 1st page
VAT payer:
- On - the flag determines that you are a VAT payer. Influences creating a new Suppl./Cust. card - there will be flags VAT on for sale and purchase on the card. Subsequently, the purchase and sale documents with the VAT flag turned on accordingly.
- Off - do not check it if you are not a VAT payer. VAT flags will be off when a new Suppl./Cust. card is created.
Coverage independence on information stock:
- On - the items of documents without data about the warehouse (orders, reserving cards) are displayed for all warehouses.
- Off - items of documents without any data about warehouse (orders, reservation lists) will not be loaded. They can be loaded for specific warehouses by activating the Load items with not specified planned warehouse to Reserved and Ordered. More on the 1st page of Warehouses.
Coverage - loads stock evidence for the plan type:
- On - if there is a plan type in coverage, then the records about available and min./max. state are loaded except the requirements with this plan type.
- Off - if there is a plan type in coverage, then just the requirements with this plan type are loaded. Records with the information about available and set min./max. are not displayed.
WF products in reg. point:
- On - K2 documents (particular invoices in, bank statements...) can be connected with created processes in the company by means of Workflow module. Registered points are added to those types of K2 documents (Invoices in, Bank statements) in the Workflow products book. If you work with the K2 documents that are added to processes, registered points entered in particular type in the Workfow products book are processed.
- Off - Registered points entered in Workflow products book are not processed.
Stock price with incidental costs:
- On - stock price is the sum of net stock price ('S' field) and Incidental costs.
- Off - stock price is the net stock price without any incidental expenses.
Enter numbers of Suppl./Cust.:
- On - it is possible to enter the customer number manually when entering a new Suppl./Cust.
- Off - after entering a new Suppl./Cust., the customer number is added automatically by the programme.
Insert Article's numbers:
- On - when setting of a new article card is possible to set a new number of article manually.
- Off - after inserting a new article card and saving the form, the article number is added automatically by a programme.
Uniform bank connection for invoices out:
- On - in sales documents the bank connection is added from a customer who is set in own company.
- Off - bank connection from the customer card is copied into sales documents.
Batch prices acc. to article categories:
- On - the price split is displayed according to items of costing model on the 3rd page in the Batch book.
- Off - 3rd page of Batch book is empty.
Customer / Articles records:
- On - all turnovers of articles or customers (connection between the articles record and customers record) will be recorded on the appropriate pages of the cards.
- Off - no articles or customers turnovers will be registered on particular pages.
Create item of payment calendar:
- On - the item of payment calendar is created automatically upon a new invoice setting.
- Off - an item of payment calendar is not created when entering a new invoice.
Automatic actualization of payment calendar:
- On - the related item of payment calendar will be automatically updated upon saving a new payment or changing payment document, banker's order and bank statement or invoice.
- Off - the related item of payment calendar will not be automatically updated upon saving a new payment or changing payment document, banker's order and bank statement or invoice.
Shift expected date of payment upon actualization:
- On - if it is checked, the next payment date will be automatically updated upon actualization of payment calendar item (see the chapter Finance - Payment calendar - description of fields on the 1st page).
- Off - the next payment date will not be automatically updated.
Allow original payroll module:
- On - the user will be allowed access to the original payroll module (old wages) and Personnel data in this client.
- Off - the user access into the original payroll module (old wages) and to Personnel data in this client is forbidden.
Use classical code list to choose a cost centre:
- On - the classical code list is displayed when choosing a cost centre in change mode.
- Off - the combo box is displayed when choosing a cost centre in change mode.
Do not control superior documents in job cards:
- On - does not check whether the link between inferior and superior documents has been broken.
- Off - controls if the link between inferior (job card) and superior documents (job card or sales order) has not been broken. Connection means deleting of items from superior document. In this case the program announces errors and awaits the correction. You can correct it by deleting the link to superior document or by adding the deleted item into superior document.
Do not control the settings of stock evidence in articles:
- On - it is possible to change options of a stock evidence monitoring even though there is a record in the stock evidence (an article is Available or In receipt) for an article. Attention: this change leads to data inconsistency of stock evidence!
- Off - if the article has the record in stock records (availability, income) then it is not possible to make changes in monitoring options in stock records.
Use date prices on-line:
- On - the date prices are automatically used in on-line mode.
- Off - the current prices are used.
Add change mode, new and confirmation into changes as well:
- On - when changing a record, creating a new one or record confirmating a record, this action will be added into the Changes book.
- Off - when changing the record, creating a new record or when confirming the record, this action is recorded into the book Changes.
Not sorted price groups:
- On - basic price will be inserted automatically when no price defined for his/her group has been found in the customer prices for the customer concerned.
- Off - if the price set for the group of the given customer is not found, then the price group with the lowest number will be found and the price set in this group will be added.
Capacity plan in shifts
- On - the resource requirements in the capacity plan are for resources that have time periods assigned in the calendar the shifts from the Shifts code list, split up to these shifts. Job queue resource requirements are split by date and time range of calendar capacity.
- Off - work queue of resource is not divided into work shifts, just in days.
Count internal transfer note into Assigned
- On - the access to either internal transfer notes (transfer notes within one stock) or interim storage transfer notes is the same. I.e.: they block the articles (the quantity from item with "v" flag is counted into "Assigned"), the item is presented by two lines (release/income) in Coverage in a standard way.
- Off - internal transfer notes do not block an article. Closer description of internal transfer note is in the Logistics / Warehouse / Transfer notes / Internal transfer notes - specificationschapter.
- Client currency.
VAT legislation 2019
- New method of calculation from - date (Acc. trans. date) from which the VAT calculation from above and rounding of cash payment according to legislation valid from 1. 4. 2019.
2 - Shop
Picture: Client parameters form - 2nd page
Auto linkage Partner -> Customer:
- On - a new Suppl./Cust. card is automatically created to a newly created Partner card. There is set a link between them.
- Off - a new Suppl./Cust. card is not automatically created to a newly created Partner card.
If this parameter is on, it is necessary to set a client bank as well. You can do it on the 1st page in Client parameters in the Bank field. Bank account is the compulsory field in a customer card and the system adds the value entered in this parameter automatically.
Access right to an entry of activity acc. to partner
- On - if the user does not have the permission to a record of the particular partner, then the user can not see any activities of that partner.
- Off - the user see the activities even though he/she does not have the access right to an entry of the partner.
Calendar of days off and public holidays:
- The settings of days off and public holidays reflects into the calendar component on the 7th pages in the Marketing modules.
Set activities from email:
- The button to display the form for the setting of the Activity from email function. You can set types of activities for incoming and outgoing messages here.
Android parameters:
- Parameters used for K2 Android client. It is possible to connect the contacts of mobile accessory with the electronic IS K2 addresses.
ARES parameters:
- The button to display the form for setting the information download from ARES database. The user can enter whether he/she wants to download excepts for the Name and company address also tax identification or other information from business register.
- The button for selection an organizational structure that will be connected with the Workflow module.
Check more receipts per batch:
- On - when confirming a stock document, it is checked whether multiple receipts of one batch would not occur (i.e. if there was no another income for the batch in the past). If this situation happens, the income is not possible, the document cannot be confirmed. The control is just in case that type of stock price "By batches" is set on accounting stock. The control does not run in case that one batch is on several items of the same document (e.g. batch income of receipt card on several locations). The control does not run in transfer notes in terms of one warehouse and in transfer notes among warehouses that belong to one accounting stock as well.
- Off - the program does not check multiply incomes per one batch.
Derive due date from accounting trans. date:
For sale
- On - on the Invoices out a due date is derived by Acc. trans. date field.
- Off - on the Invoices out a due date is derived by Date of issue.
For purchase
- On - on the Invoices In a due date is derived by Acc. trans. Date field.
- Off - on the Invoices In a due date is derived by Date of issue.
Invoice exchange rate acc. to ac. trans. date:
- On - an exchange rate by acc. trans. date is inserted. If you change acc. trans. date in invoices or advances, following question will appear: "Do you want to change rate by acc. trans. date?" If yes, the rate will be inserted by the new acc. trans. date.
- Off - an exchange rate by invoice issue date is inserted. If you change issue date in invoices or advances, following question will appear ""Do you want to change rate by issue date?" If so, new exchange rate by new date of issue will be inserted.
Allow multidocuments - a document with more superordinate documents:
- On - it is possible to add more superior documents (sales orders or purchase orders) to one inferior purchase or sale document. Another possibilities are:
- Allow to add superior document from other book - a superior document from the other book can be added to one inferior sale or purchase document.
- Allow to add superior doc with different suppl./cust. - it is possible to add superior document to different suppl./cust. to one inferior document of sale or purchase. Attention: Creating multi-documents across multiple customers never occurs when creating new documents in the Purchase items and Sale items book.
- Off - it is not possible to add superior documents to one inferior sales or purchase document.
Check Invoice date and the date of release note confirmation upon invoice confirmation:
- On - during the confirmation of an invoice out, a check is made to see if Acc. trans. date is in the same period as Confirmation date of a release note (the release note with the latest confirmation date is controlled if there are more release notes to an invoice). Error reports will be displayed and the invoice will not be confirmed if it does not belong to this period.
- Off - the control does not take place.
Interchange customer and delivery addressee in sale
- On - if a different Customer is entered as a Parent co. on the card of the selected customer and at the same time the Parent co. is checked as a delivery address in the Another addresses button, then it is inserted into the header of the Sales order as the main Customer and the originally selected Customer is added to the delivery address. The same behaviour applies to free documents in Sale. Note: However, if you change a customer on an inferior invoice (or other inferior sales document), then a customer is not interchanged for a Parent co.
- Off - in the sale module, the selected customer will be added as a main customer in the header of a sales order and no interchange will be done.
Copy data from the original customer
- On - in the sale, the data will be loaded into the document from the Customer originally entered in the Customer field.
- Off - in the sale, data will be loaded into a document from a Customer entered into the Customer field by an interchange, i.e. according to a customer entered in Partner co. field.
Note: This parameter is related to the parameter Interchange customer and delivery addressee in sale. If the parameter is off, then Copy data from the original customer will be inactive.
Delete batch and SN when removing item from RL:
- On - a batch and a serial number will be removed from an item when splitting a release or receipt item.
- Off - a batch and a serial number will maintain on an item when splitting a release or receipt item.
Bank account for invoices in is not required:
- On - an invoice in can be saved even without entering a bank account. If the invoice is paid in cash, then it is advantageous to check this flag and not to fill the bank account at all.
- Off - an invoice in cannot be saved without entering a bank account. Bank account for invoices in is required.
Update VAT rate acc. to article card:
- On - when changing Delivery date (in sales order, order confirm., delivery list, delivery confirmation), Required (in purchase order), Date of acc. trans. (in Invoices Out and In) and when creating an Invoice from a Sales orders/Purchase orders, the control if a VAT rate valid by date is entered in items will be done. If no, the question, if you want to change VAT rate on items by the article card, will appear.
- Off - topicality of VAT rate is not checked,
Allow to apply advances from the same book only
- On - only an advance created in the same book as the invoice can be deducted from the invoice
- Off - the advances that are created in a different book than the invoice are also offered on the 2nd page of an invoice upon a deduction.
VAT rate for deduction of no tax advance
If the VAT field is checked in the already paid invoice, but the invoice is not switched to tax document, then the advance will be deducted with tax rate entered in the field VAT rate for deduction of no tax advance, when you deduct this advance on the invoice.
VAT rate for deduction of no tax advance
If already paid invoice has the VAT field checked, but is not switched to tax document, then the advance will be subtracted with tax type entered in Tax type for deduction of no tax advance, when you deduct this advance.
Check duplicity of names for "batch parameters"
- On - the system does not able to create article parameters with the active option Value is defined in batch or in requested parameters with duplicity name
- Off- a duplicity of parameter names with the option Value is defined in batch or in requested parameters is not checked
Border crossing date acc. to date of execution
If the parameter is checked, then the date of execution will be added to Border crossing date field in invoice. If not checked, then the date of invoice issue will be added.
Display format of Suppl./Cust.:
Here you can fill the format, where you want to have the data about Suppl./Cust. E.g. abbreviation, the name of firm, the code of state, country etc. These information will be on the 1st page of purchase and sale documents in a field Supplier, or Customer.
Display format of address:
Here you can fill the format in which you want to display the items of single-line address.
Report settings
By the Report settings button you can display a form to define single or multiply lines addresses in reports.
Picture: The form to define Single and Multi-line display of address
3 - Evaluation
Picture: Client parameters form - 3rd page
The user can define naming of particular dimension that will be displayed in OLAP ("BI" page for Oracle user).
4 - Other
Picture: Client parameters form - 4th page
Run registered scripts only:
- On - it enables to run scripts and reports with a valid certificate.
- Off - it runs any scripts and reports which must not contain an invalid certificate.
Note: The program checks certificates, so the scripts have to contain valid certificates or without certificate.
Run database scripts only:
- On - it enables to run scripts and reports that are saved in the database only.
- Off - the scripts and reports from the database and also from the file system are run.
Client's registered scripts - the book Administration of client's registered scripts, which contains registered scripts in registered points, runs by means of pressing this button. A new script can be inserted by means of Ins key. It is possible to choose scripts just saved in database.
Picture: Administration of client's registered scripts book
Columns Description:
Enabled |
Registered script will run. |
Distributed |
Checked scripts are preset. |
If you want to print information from the report of business register in the footer of issued documents (e.g. Invoices out, Purchase orders, Delivery notes, RFQs etc.), you have to define the 'OR' supplement on the 1 st page of the Client parameters. You can open the Language supplements book by means of Supplement button. There you can insert by Ins key a supplement with 'OR' abbr. and write there all necessary information from the report of business register. The program will insert all those information into print reports automatically.
Attention: Once you have set the print of the supplement of 'OR' type, this information will still be printed on the documents (this operation can no longer be cancelled).
Note: Just in case you have the right for these operations, you can insert a new supplement into Language supplements book and edit it.
The first tab Options contains a field to enter Api Key. It is necessary to generate this key within the Google Account and it serves to correctly display a position on Google Maps in universal forms.
Picture: The form for setting the Api Key
Operations on big tables
The form for the definition of operations on big tables is displayed by means of the Options button.
Picture: The form for the definition of operations on big tables
Sorting out of Filter state |
You can define in this field if it is possible to sort the records by pressing mouse button in column heading in the Book mode. |
User selections |
In this field you can define if it is possible to create new selection definitions. |
Grouping in data grid |
In this field you can define if it is possible to group records in the table. |
Lookup using Ctrl+Space |
It enables to display filters that are predefined under any menu tables by pressing the Ctrl+table space keys. |
Working Folder |
In this field you can define if the work folder will be displayed (Filter: Work folder mode). |
Searching by means of Alt+F7 |
In this field you can define if the searching is Enabled, Forbidden or According to user right. |
You can choose from these three possibilities:
- Enabled (always),
- Forbidden (always, (except the users with service right)),
- According to user right .
Attention: Restrictions of operations on big tables do not apply to the user with the service right.
You can display the list of all registered data modules by means of Modules button.
Picture: The form called Set data module parameters
By means of Big tables you can open the form for record count that determinates "big tables". The standard is that the big table is defined over 10000 records included. According to entered number all the data modules that meet this limit will be checked automatically.
You can also define data module as a big table separately:
- You can enter the form by means of left mouse button double click and check the field Big table.
- If you cancel the ticking, no big table operations will be done for that data module.
Terminate K2 due to inactivity
Picture: Terminate K2 due to inactivity form
User inactivity time |
In this field you can define after how many minutes of user inactivity will K2 be terminated. |
Always force the termination |
If this field is checked, the K2 will be terminated even in the case that the user is in Change mode. |
Ignored users folder
You can define the list of users, who the automatic termination does not concern them, on Ignored users folder.
Picture: Terminate K2 due to inactivity - Ignored users tab
The Extensions button is available just for users with the right Service actions. The Extensions function is mainly for IS K2 administrators for an import and files installation extensions into all clients at the same time.
Picture: The list of extensions - the All tab
Extension.xml with the set extension is loaded up by the Add/Update button. All added extensions are displayed in All folder. After you open the record by an icon you can install/uninstall, turn on/off the loaded extensions.
The extension distinguishes tree states:
Available: the extension files are available on the disk, but no tables have been created
Turn off: the validity was verified (conflicts of numbers and classes). The tables have been created, but the registration into an internal Dictionary has not been activated
Active: the extension is working in full
Picture: The open extension record "Readers" - Available state
Lets install the extension file by the Install button, that extension is deleted from Available folder/state and the is transferred into Inactive folder/state.
Picture: The open extension record "Readers" - Inactive state
If the extension file is installed (Inactive state), the On button will be active and registration into the internal Dictionary will be done. The extension file in Active state will appear in all the existing clients.
Picture: The open extension record "Readers" - Active state
User parameters
The parameters setting is saved in the MEMPAR table to the data directory of every client.
Note: The list of all selected options (checked fields) of every user is displayed on the 7th page of Users card.
General (Page 1)
Picture: Client parameters form - General
Close menu:
- On - the background with K2 desktop will be closed automatically if you run the module.
- Off - the K2 desktop remains open.
Double click to start function:
- On - the double click of the mouse button is necessary for entry into the module from the desktop. If you check this field, you are able to move the button on the desktop by left mouse button.
- Off - if you want to enter the module from the desktop, you have to click by the mouse.
Confirm without a question:
- On - no query is set in the course of the documents confirmation. If there are conditions for refresh of date of confirmation, then the question for refreshing the original date of confirmation.
- Off - the standard verification query "Do you want to confirm the document?" will be asked upon a document confirmation.
Default values only for required fields:
- On - if some fields of the form are set as disabled (prevent access to the field), then the set default values are loaded just into these defined obligatory fields, it means required fields (see the 6th page of theUserscard).
- Off - if some fields of the form are set as disable, then the user has the default values set to all disabled fields (either required or blocked) upon record saving.
Repeat inserting of items:
- On - upon inserting a new item, it is possible to make your work faster. The form for inserting a new item will appear after you save the previous one. It is not necessary to press Ins key repeatedly.
- Off - it is always necessary to press Ins key when inserting a new item.
- It doe not refer to the purchase and sale documents. Those documents have the button on the 2nd page
Repeat inserting of items.
Confirm program exit:
- On - when the program is closed by standard way, the system asks if you really want to exit K2.
- Off - the program will be immediately closed (without any question) by pressing Ctrl+Alt+X keys or by pressing the cross in upper blue toolbar.
Default bus. year:
- It is necessary to enter the period (usually year), where new documents should be created.
- You can choose a language, in which e.g. IS K2 reporting will appear, from the selection menu into this field.
Display records of code lists without the right for browsing:
- On - even though you have not the right to browse that code list in the Users book, you will see all records in the code list.
- Off - if you do not have set the right for browsing the appropriate code list in Users book, then you will see empty records in the the code list.
Display even stripes with different colour:
- On - if you check this option, then the every even record will be displayed in colourful grey stripes in every table.
- Off - even records will not be highlighted in tables.
Display page O - Olap views:
- On - if this option is checked, the "O" page, which is used for views in OLAP, will be displayed in almost every book.
- Off - "O" page will not be displayed for the access of views in OLAP.
Supplements - create abbr. automatically:
- On - a supplement abbreviation in 'xxx-ddmmyy' format will be automatically created when creating a new supplement (Ins).
- Off - You need to add the abbr in a new supplement manually.
- Create abbreviation also in new one with copy (F6) - the abbreviation is automatically created in 'xxx-ddmmyy' format. By means of F6 key, it is for a variant of a new supplement as well.
Run call centre:
- This function is in development.
Show subview window
- It activates the possibility to show subview windows in the individual modules.
Enter manufacturing No.:
- On - there is an obligation to enter a Manufacturing No. in the Article card, where you enter an article with a serial number.
- Off - manuf. numbers are not entered in the Article card.
Change SN automatically without asking:
- On - if it is permit to create serial numbers in the article automatically (checking field in the Article card) and at the same time the serial number is not found or entered during the dispatch of this article, then the automatically created available serial number is filled in.
- Off - after asking, the same action as upon the On selection will be done.
Numpad minus writes into search field:
- On - minus key from numerical keyboard (grey minus) writes to the search field.
- Off - numpad minus in the the book or in browse mode changes into previous record.
Do not set current period:
- On - a period (in intervals selection Alt+F10), that has been entered during the last work, will maintain when you log on. This function is suitable for account clerks, who close selected periods and current states in current period are not so important. Otherwise it would be necessary to set the field Period To again and again.
- Off - Period To field will be set according to current date in entered interval upon logging to program automatically. This function is suitable mainly for those, who work with warehouses. It is required that e.g. on the 1st September the actual states are displayed, not the states from 31st August till the program changes the month in Period To manually.
Copy items:
- On - all item data, i.e. document items, payment conditions, notes etc. will be copied when copying documents.
- Off - no item data, i.e. document items, notes etc. will be copied when copying documents. The payment conditions will be loaded from the Suppl./Cust. card. But when copying an inferior linked document, the items from the superior document, to which the selected document is neither assigned nor forbidden, will be inserted to the document in this case too.
Copy notes:
- On - the notes from the 1st page of the original document will be copied when copying documents (by means of F6 key), (besides supplements DH and DF, behaviour of which is governed by the parameter Copy header and footer).
- Off - the notes from the 1st page of the original document will not be copied.
Copy item notes:
- On - the item notes will also be copied when copying documents.
- Off - the item notes will not be copied when copying documents.
- Note: If you copy items, item notes are not copied (regardless the parameter setting).
Copy attached documents:
- On - if this parameter is checked, the linked documents on the 9th page are copied when copying document F6.
- Off - the parameter is off by default and the linked documents on the 9th page are not copied when copying document F6.
Copy attached external documents:
- On - if you copy a document by F6 key, attached external documents on the 9th page are copied as well.
- Off - the parameter is off by default. If you copy a document by F6 key, the attached external documents on the 9th page are not copied.
Copy header, footer and item text:
- On - a copy of a header and footer is automatically created when copying a document.
- Off - neither a header nor footer and item text are copied when copying document.
Note: Copying of these supplements also depends on the fact if the parameters Copy notes and Copy item notes are checked or not. I.e. if the copying of item notes is forbidden, then Item text is not copied as well.
Copy comments
- On - a copy of comments is automatically created when copying a document.
- Off - comments are not copied when creating a copy of document.
Display inactive entries:
- On - inactive (invalid, blocked) records are displayed in the Book mode.
- Off - inactive (invalid) records are displayed just in Filter off state, just in case the form enables this state.
- Invalid records are displayed by grey colour.
Swap Insert and Shift+F6 keys:
- On - the functions of both keys are swapped. New record from specimen is created by Ins key and Shift+F6 creates a new doc.
- Off - Ins key creates a new record and Shift+F6key is used for entering a new document from specimen.
Display expected document numbers:
- On - an expected doc. number with the question mark will be displayed (xxx?). If you break doc numbering, the Error message is already displayed during doc creation not after its saving.
- Off - correct number of document will be entered automatically after you save it without previous displaying.
Time of synchronization [s], Time for making users invalid [s], Time of testing actions on backgr. [s]:
In these three values the time is being checked constantly by default. The settings is recommended in those companies, which overcharge their servers.
- Time of synchronization [s] - if the time is up, it regularly checks, whether selected code lists have been actualised. If the value is lower than 10, the status of the kept code list is detected once in 86,4 s.
- Time for making users invalid [s] - checks, whether the particular user has being made inactive. If the value is lower than 10 or higher than 10000, then the required state of activity is controlled once per 60 s.
- Time of testing actions on backgr. [s] - checks, whether defined action runs and if so, then it runs on background. If the value is lower than 10 or higher than 10000, then the required state of activity is controlled once per 60 s.
All entered times are just indicative, as the program evaluates them in inactivity time. It does not deal with accurate timing.
Default group of rights to an entry:
- It is not necessary to fill in this field. In case that the value is added from the Group of rights table, then that value will be added to newly created records into 'GrRi' column. The user, who has not this group of rights added, could not see records with this group of rights.
- It is not necessary to fill in this field. In case that the value is added from the Officers table, then that value will be added to either new or copied free documents into Officer column. If this field is not filled, a default value or a value from copied document will be inserted into documents.
Default printer:
- The user can choose the printer, which will be default for printing documents from IS K2, from the list.
Default el. signature:
- The user can assign the signature (in the shape of particular string), which the ".pdf" exports will be signed with (if there is no different way in reports or by means of parameters). By pressing the button
the form Choose certificate, where the user choose the particular signature from, will be displayed.
Registered scripts for user:
- By pressing this button you can open the Administration of user registered scripts book, which contents scripts that are registered for a user (no for the whole client). It is possible to choose scripts, which are saved in database.
In the user parameters it is possible to set the language in which the user will see descriptions of all fields and column headings in the whole K2.
Note: The Czech installation of K2 has the language "implicit" identical to "Czech", Slovak installation K2 to "Slovak" etc.
Picture: User parameters - the General tab
If the user selects a different language in the Language field, then all field descriptions will be displayed in that selected language.
The user can ensure that the values of the fields entered by him are displayed in this different language after selecting that different language. He/she does this by entering these values in other languages (the user can localize his/her names and descriptions in the fields). To do this, use the Language Name or Language Description field in the certain books.
Example: Entering a language name for the article
The "English" language is set in User parameters. Now, a name in Czech language is saved in the Language name field.
After pressing the Language name (Lang. descr.) button and then the Insert key, it is possible to add language names for the different languages. So, in our case select "English" in the Language (Language) field and enter the translation of the name "Salve" in the Text field.
Picture: The form to enter language names
A language name for English language is displayed in the Language name field. In the same way, you can insert a language name for other languages.
Picture: The form to enter language names (localization of names for English and German language)
In addition to inserting, it is also possible to change and delete entries in the book of language descriptions.
Purchase and Sale (2nd Page)
Picture: Form User parameters- Purchase and Sale
Display catalogue (price list) price:
- On - the basic selling article prices will be displayed in Sales items.
- Off - a selling price of article will not be displayed in an item.
Keep article code in items:
- On - when inserting an item into a document, the preset article code from the previous item will be added into the Article code field
- Off - when inserting an item into a document, an article code from the Article card will be added.
Do not update currency and rate in invoices:
- On - when changing a header of superior document in the Purchase and Sale module, a Currency, an Exchange rate and a Tax type is maintained in inferior documents.
- Off – Currency, Exchange Rate and Type of Tax will be updated in the inferior documents upon editing of heading of a superior document in Purchase and Sale.
Give the last price in purchase:
- On - Last invoiced price from the Articles card will be added into the price for UM upon an item inserting into Purchase document. If you use supplier prices (parameter Do not use supplier prices is off), then the price from supplier price list has the priority over the last price.
- Off - a Purchase price from the Article card or the supplier price will be added into UM price upon inserting an item into a Purchase document.
Do not use supplier prices:
- On - even though a supplier will have preset a supplier price on the 4th page of an Article card, a Purchase price from the Article card (event. the last price) will be added into Purchase item.
- Off - if a supplier has the defined purchase price in supplier prices on the 4th page of an Article card and the currency of item of a supplier price list meets the currency of the supplier, then it will be automatically filled in in a Purchase item.
Do not use customer prices:
- On - even though a customer has the preset customer price defined on the 5th page of an Article card, the price group from an Article card, that corresponds to standard categorization into the price groups, will be added into a Sales item.
- Off - compilation of a selling price will follow the standard procedure.
Customer prices acc. to invoice address:
- On - making the selling price will not follow the main customer, provided that the price list for this main Suppl./Cust. is entered on the 5th page of the Article card.
- Off - the determination of the selling price will be governed by the main customer in the header of sales order.
With Ctrl+F9 check also the heading:
- On - if you start to run Fast filter, filters for either Suppl./Cust. or for particular sales order (orders) will start in Sales or Purchases documents. All documents, which are connected with chosen card of Suppl./Cust. and the Sales order (order) will be filtered.
Attention! - If the field is checked, this functionality does not work when you open the form for conditions of Fast filter (Alt+F9), but just during switching into Fast filter from Book mode with the using automatic setting for filter conditions.
- Off - if you activate the Fast Filter quickly, only the filter for the given Supplier/Customer will be activated in Sale or Purchase documents. All documents for particular customer (supplier) will be acquired.
Open book of articles when inserting an item:
- On - selection of articles is automatically offered when inserting Sales (Purchase) item.
- Off - it is necessary to select an article by means of F12 key when inserting a sales (purchase) item.
Display superior notes:
- On - if you work with e.g. Sales order in the Sale module and the customer has some notes on his/her card, then these notes are also displayed in the header of sales order. The same is also for Invoice out, where potential notes from header of Sales order are displayed.
- Off - just the notes, that are saved in own document, are displayed.
Do not change price when changing quantity and batch:
- On - it relates with the quantity prices and batches. If you change on of those criteria, the price will not change in this case.
- Off - it adjusts a price to changes in quantity and to changes of batches.
Do not change country of origin when changing the batch:
- On - if a country of origin other than specified in the Batch is entered in the Article card, it is entered in the document item that will have a given batch, the country of origin from the Article card.
- Off - a country of origin from the Article card will be entered into a document item by default if an item does not have the entered batch. In case, there is a batch, the country of origin will be entered from Batches.
Display profit and margin:
- On - the field with information about a planned and real profit and a margin counted from the document items will be displayed in the header on the 2nd page of Sale documents.
- Off - the fields displaying a profit, a margin and a stock price of items on the 2nd page of Sales documents are not displayed.
Enter additional bar code for new items:
- On - the cursor will be automatically set to the Bar code field when entering new data into the form Purchase item, Sale item or Transfer note item.
- Off - a cursor is automatically placed on the Article field when entering new data into the form Purchase item, Sales item or Transfer note item.
Lightening flash after maturity days:
- Number of days after due date, when the icon for the status of invoice "payment" should change (flash will appear). Concerning Invoice In, Invoice Out and Transfer notes.
With Ctrl+W open job cards in new window
- On - the Transfer notes book will be open in a separate window when using Ctrl+W keys from sales orders. To go back to sales order just close Transfer notes book by e.g.Esc key.
- Off - To switch folder tab to Transfer notes book, use Ctrl+W key from sales order. This behaviour is the same as switching among documents in modules Purchase and Sale. It is necessary to use Ctrl+Z key combination if you want to go back to sales order.
Copy reference number in sale:
- On - a Reference No. from an invoice, on that the light indicator is placed, is copied when creating a new free document by F6 key. If you copy the invoice, which attaches sales order, then variable symbol from sales order is copied.
- Off - when copying an Invoice Out, a reference no. is generated according to the preset definition from the book of sale or you can add it manually. It works in the same way in free document as well.
Suppress stock price in Reserving cards:
- On - there will be no sum of planned stock prices (net price, gross price, VAT) displayed in the heading of a reserving card. Further, the columns will display a selling price instead of a planned stock price on the 2nd and 4th page upon default display of columns.
- Off- the sum of planned stock prices will be displayed in the heading of reserving card. Columns will display sale price instead of planned stock price on the 2nd and 4th page upon default display of columns.
Insert items to sale order in bulk:
- On - the form for the bulk insertion of items (the same as it is commonly open on the 2nd page of Purchase and Sale documents by pressing Shift+F6 keys) will be displayed after pressing Ins key when inserting items on the 2nd page of Sales order. You can insert items into sales order faster.
- Off - a Sales item form, where you can insert the required articles, will be open after pressing Ins key on the 2nd page of the Sales order. The form for inserting items in bulk will be opened after pressing Shift+F6 key.
The change of articles on items without query as in newly inserted:
- On - upon opening the document item by Enter key in Change mode it is possible to select another articles by means of Ctrl+arrows keys. The system overwrites all data according to selected articles in the form.
- Off - upon opening a document item by means of Enter key in Change mode and after pressing Ctrl+arrows, the system will ask you: "Would you like to maintain current value of items?" In case of Yesanswer, the articles will be changed, but the values in items, which are depended on selected articles (prices, country of origin etc.), will not been changed. In case of No answer, all values depended on selected articles will be overwritten. By pressing Cancel button, you will return to the field to select articles, where the origin values have been returned back.
Price group on item from heading:
- On - upon inserting an item of article on the 2nd page of sale and purchase documents, the field Price group will be preset according to the same field from the 1st page of documents after pressing Inskey.
- Off - when inserting an item of articles on the 2nd page of sale and purchase documents, then after pressing Ins key the field Price group will be preset according to document item on which the cursor is currently placed.
Insert the resulting price group:
This parameter is possible to use just in case the parameter Price group on item from heading is on.
- On - a resulting price group will be displayed in the Price group field on a Purchase/sale item. It is used e.g. as a basic price during the calculation from the original price group. If the field is empty, it means that price is not counted from any price group.
- Off - in the field Price group, a source - original price group, according to which the price is determined, is always displayed.
Prefer sorting of inferior documents:
- On - items on inferior documents are numbered (and are ordered as well) independently on an item number in a superior document. Upon a new item inserting on the 2nd page of purchase and sale, this item will be inserted accor. to current cursor staying or at the end accor. to query and parameter New item in the middle without question.
- Off - a new item on an inferior document takes the number from superior document.
New item always at the end of the list
- On - the item is always inserted as the last one when entering a Purchase/Sale item.
- Off - the item is inserted on the place where the light indicator is currently placed when entering a Purchase/Sale item.
Always set % for automatic payment:
- On - "100 %" is always set in an input form upon automatic payment by cash register (Shift+F2) or by internal document (Shift+F3) on purchase and sales documents.
- Off - the setting of checkbox % is remembered for automatic payment.
Cash invoice parameter
- The button enables to set the configuration of cash invoice parameters running in K2 4Web.
Accounting (Page 3)
Picture: User parameters form - Accounting
The first two parameters relate to adding additional plans to the Asset card.
Additional plans - copy first two plans from settings:
- On - the first two plans from the setting of plan types will be copied into a new card.
- Off - the 3rd plan from settings of plans' types will be copied into a new card.
Additional plans - copy only one plan from settings:
(Combination with previous parameter)
- Parameter 1 on + Parameter 2 on: Just the first plan from the setting of plans types will be copied into a new Asset card.
- Parameter 1 On + Parameter 2 Off: The first two plans from the categories of plan types setting will be copied into a new card.
- Parameter 1 Off + Parameter 2 On: 3rd plan is copied into a new card.
- Parameter 1 off + Parameter 2 off: The 3rd plan will be copied into the 2nd plan into a new card.
Another two parameters influence adding items on the 2nd page of asset card.
Add item - change of the posting key in written off period
- On - enables to add the item into already written off period. Relates to e.g. cost centre, price increasing, contract codes etc.
- Off - a new item is able to add just to period, which has not been written off yet.
Do not remove flags of posting in written off period:
- On - if you change the posting key in written off period, then flags for posting will not be changed.
- Off - flags for posting will be changed if you change a posting key or make a change in documents.
Distribute depr. amount evenly to periods more times:
- On - the program distributes depr. amount evenly to periods.
- Off - the program does not allow you to distribute the year for a second time.
Enter inventory No. manually:
- On - inventory number has to be entered manually.
- Off - the inventory number will be created automatically.
Break up the set of assets without further plans:
- On - if assets has more plans on more cards, it is able to divide it according to number of items or according to price without creating other cards entered according to other written off plans.
- Off - if the assets have more plans on more cards, it is possible to divide them according to the number of items or according to the price but every new asset will consist of the same number of cards that the original asset had.
Do not notify empty accounts in assignment:
- On - if you do not have the accounts set for Dr and Cr, then upon posting and assignment the program does not pay attention. But it does not allow to save it.
- Off - if you do not have set the accounts for DR and CR in a posting key, the program will notify us and does not allow to save the document.
Rec. cards, rel. notes - add difference to the first item:
- On - the difference will be added to the first posted item when posting items of receipt cards or release notes. If the difference is higher than maximum of entered value, it is not added to the item and stays on the document quantified.
- Off - possible difference is not added to posted items and stays on document quantified.
Transfer notes - adds difference to first item:
- On - the difference will be added to the first posted item when posting items of a transfer note. If the difference is higher than maximum of entered value, it is not added to the item and stays on the document quantified.
- Off - possible difference is not added to posted items and stays on document quantified.
Job cards - calculate amount from items to be posted:
- On - the amount is calculated just from those items that are determined for posting.
- Off - the amount is calculated from all the items on a job card.
Transfer notes - add difference to the first item:
- On - the difference will be added to the first posted item when posting items of a Job card. If the difference is higher than maximum of entered value, it is not added to the item and stays on the document quantified.
- Off - a possible difference from all items of job cards is not added to posted items and is only quantified on the document.
Max. difference for a @BR_UCH parameter:
- On - the value of a posting key will be posted only up to the specified limit. If the parameter value is higher than a value of the specified limit, the amount parameter @BR_UCH will not be posted.
- Off - the value of this parameter will be posted without any limit.
Environment (5th Page)
Picture: Form User parameters - Environment
Mapping hot keys:
- The field contains the selection for language distribution for hot keys in K2 IS. All key abbreviations of selected language distribution will be displayed in a window after you select this field. This field is empty by default.
Display selected area only:
- After you select language abbreviations for better arrangement you can filter particular area (e.g. Purchase items).
- Filter of areas will be off by pressing this icon.
Display confirmation message before restoring unsaved entry (F3)
- If the field is checked, then after pressing F3 key the question for confirmation of this action will be displayed. The option is off by default.
Display confirmation message before copying current entry (F6)
- If the field is checked, then after pressing F6 key the question for confirmation of this action will be displayed. The option is off by default.
Another options:
- After pressing this button the from for another setting of user parameters will be displayed.
Setting in these Other options relates only to so called automatic forms. This term means the forms that are created automatically without activities of a programmer, it means a programmer "does not draw" them. The automatic form is e. g. the form for administration of selection (Administration of conditions) or this Other options form.
Data grid
Picture: Other options form - Data grid tab
Current record:
- The colour for marking of a current record (where the light indicator is positioned) is selected in this field.
Sorted column:
- Here the colour for marking the header of a column that was sorted will be selected.
Different row colours:
- On - if the field is checked, the odd and even rows will be displayed coloured according to the setting in the automatic forms.
- When checking of this option only the lines of columns will be displayed in the forms.
- When checking of this option only the horizontal lines of rows will be displayed in the forms.
Picture: Form for administration of columns according to the setting on the Data grid tab
Picture: Other options form - Components tab
Label position:
- In this field select the option on which position the label should be positioned (up, left, ...).
Label width:
- The maximal number of characters of a label is written to this field.
Highlight active components:
- If this field is checked, the background and the text in the automatic forms will be displayed according to the settings of these fields (see the Other options - Components picture).
Colour under mouse:
- If you set the mouse indicator on a button in the automatic form, the button will be pictured according to the defined colour.
Search Field
Picture: Other options form - Search field tab
- When searching of records the program will compare the string of characters according to the selected possibility from the menu of this field:
- From beginning - comparison will be executed from the first character.
- Substring - comparison will be executed in all length of the text.
Use wildcards:
- If this field is checked, you can use the wildcards when setting of a value of a filtering condition.
Search in:
- In this field you select in which column of a table will be searched (in a current column, in the sorted column or in all columns).
Hide automatically:
- If the field is checked, the text in the search field will be deleted after passing of a time that is set in the After field (the time is set in the milliseconds).
Picture: Other options form - Windows tab
Save auxiliary data
In this field you can determine where to save the auxiliary data, which is created upon the work with K2 - e.g. about window position, window status, window size.
- In the K2 user directory - data is saved directly in the K2 directory. The directory is called "U0001", "U0002", "U0003" etc., where the number meets the user number. This option is used in case, when the user is connecting to K2 from various computers.
- Local directory - data is saved into windows user directory.
Remember window state:
- If you check the field, the program will remember, whether the window is maximized or not (the origin size of window for "restoration").
Remember position:
- If the field is checked, the windows of code lists will be displayed on the same position on which it was closed at least.
Remember size:
- If this field is checked, the code lists will be displayed in the same size in which they were closed.
Open always maximized:
- When checking of this field all windows of code lists will be maximized after opening (otherwise the windows of code lists will be in the same size in which they were closed at least).
Centred on screen:
- When checking of this field all windows of code lists will be displayed in the middle of the screen (otherwise the windows of individual code lists will be located on the position on that they were closed at least).
Remember page:
- If this field is checked, the book will be displayed on the same page on which they were closed.
Remember selections:
- When checking of this field the selection that was open when closing the book will be displayed after re-opening in the book.
Colour palette
Picture: Other options form - Colour palette tab
- It serves for setting of background colours and text e. g. in the book or in the tree menu. Here you can add a certain tone to the colours too (e. g. the Colour 16 item (light grey)).
(F5 key) - the form for change of colour of item of colour palette will be displayed after pressing.
(Delete key) - after pressing the item of colour palette will be deleted from the list.
(F3 key) - after pressing the data on the form will display.
(Ctrl+Home) - after pressing the light indicator will be positioned on the first record.
(Up-Arrow) - after pressing the light indicator will be positioned one record up.
(Down-Arrow) - after pressing the light indicator will be positioned one record down.
(Ctrl+End) - after pressing the light indicator will be positioned on the last record.
Picture: The form for colour setting
- Record type - the name of the opened item,
- Changed - the field will be automatically checked at the moment of the change of a record,
- Current colour - the current defined colour,
- Def. colour - default colour.
- If you want to change the colour in the item of palette, then in the Current colour field press the F12 key. The menu of predefined colours will be opened. It is possible to mix a custom colour in this form. Save the selected colour to the Custom colours by the Add to custom colours button and confirm the selection of colour for this item by pressing the OK button. The system automatically adds the code to this custom colour.
Picture: The form for colour selection
- The Changed field will be checked on the changed item.
Picture: Other options form - Colour palette tab - changed records
- Default - setting of colours will be stated to the default state and the Changed field will not be checked.
Picture: Other options form - Other tab
Multi-conditional searching on page 0 (Alt+F7):
- If you check this field when searching by the Alt+F7 key the form in that you can set more conditions will be displayed.
Columns settings depending on data module state:
- If you check this field, the program will remember setting of columns in the state of data module (Filter, Book, Selection,...).
Maximize books acc. to screen area:
- If you check this field and the screen area is maximized, then all books will be opened as maximized too.
Hide data grid tool bar:
- If you check this field, the data grid tool bar will be hidden.
Hide data grid status bar:
- If you check this field, the data grid status bar will be hidden.
Integrate new activated books into desktop
- If you check this field, the activated book will be opened in a new tab as a part of the desktop. If the field is not checked, the book will be activated as an individual window.
Close integrated books by Esc
- If you check this field, you can close an integrated book by the Esc key.
Personnel and wages data
Picture: The User parameters - Personnel and wages data form
- Details - this checking flag is necessary if you want to see more information. If you want to have 'Detailed information about procession' button displayed on the first page in Wage data or magnifiers in some fields, which you display details by means of, just press this checkbox. Standard item grids of calendar in Wage data on page C below calendar component will be displayed by checking as well.
- WC statement - if it is checked, then folders "Statement" on the 4th, 5th and 6th page of Wage data + H page will be displayed.
- Wage components for employee - if it is checked, then folders "Short statement - for an employee" on the 4th, 5th and 6th page of Wage data will be displayed. If the "Wage components" is checked at the same time, then the folders Statement - for an employee on the 4th, 5th, 6th and H page will be displayed.
- WC statement in valid period - if it is checked, then the folder "Period of validity" on the H page will be displayed (for "Statement", "Statement - for an employee - acc. to marks)
- Edit closed periods - the user can edit the closed periods after you check it. It is valid for a change of records in bulk as well. If you are in closed period in 'change mode', the text in upper part of the form will inform you.
- Edit output WC - if it is checked, the user can edit output WC on the 6th page of Wage data. If it is edited manually on the 6th page, the program will write down who and when the change has been done.
- Amount in currency on the form - if you check it, the field for wage managing in foreign currency will appear.
- Do not add the condition into filter to current book - if you make a filter in wage books, then either a condition to a current book is added into conditions. If you check it, the condition will not be added.
Default group
This function enables the user to assign a required group of rights for new records creation. Thus, every new record created by the user will include this record right (GrRi) by default. Thus, in a simple way, records that cannot be browsed or edited by the users without this GrRi will be created.
You can set the rights of groups for creation of new records by other users in the Default Group of Record Rights field on the „1-General“ folder tab in the User Parameters.
Delete Parameters for Client
If you activate this function, all the users’ settings will be deleted (MEMPAR table) for the given client.
Delete Parameters for Conf
All user setting will be deleted (setting of columns, colour, formats, filters, sorting,...) common for several clients. Thus, deletion of parameters for conf is not linked to the particular client. Before activating this function, the user is not allowed to enter any book, since setting of book parameters would be loaded and default setting would be not set after activating the function Delete Parameters for Conf.
ARES parameters
This function is used to download information from the ARES database.
Picture: Entering ARES parameters
Fields' Description:
Take away VAT reg. no from widespread register |
By checking this field, VAT reg. no will be filled as well. In case a company has it. Upon filling VAT field, the Purchase documents - VAT tax type will be checked as well automatically. |
Download data from Business register |
By checking this field, list from Business register will be downloaded on the 8th page of Partner into Comment field. |
Insert municipality into street just in case that the street is not there |
By checking this field, a part of municipality will be added into the street name, in the case that the street in the company address is not entered. If the part of municipality does not exist, a municipality will be inserted. |
Join municipality and part of municipality together |
By checking this field, value of Municipality field is added after dash into Place. E.g. "Libchavy - Horni Libchavy". |
Insert urban part instead of name of urban part |
By checking this field, value from <dtt:Nazev_mestske_casti> will be added into Place field in address. If this value in code list for Places does not exist, then it will be created. |
The Czech republic |
Obligatory field. The user selects the record, which represents the Czech republic. Note: It solves the situation, when some users have "CZ" and other "CZE" abbreviation of country. |
Web addresses |
Addresses, which are in SAD database and which are used for data downloading. |
Each user, who has the right for changing a partner, can set these parameters.
Upon a conversation with SAD server, for connection use the setting, which is able to define by means of Administrator / System/Set internet connection. It is possible to set connection through proxy server here.